Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1091 A Thousand Miles a Second

The house was packed up, and Fu Yu and the other three moved in that night.

There are two bedrooms in total, one for Fu Yu and one for his sisters.

It was too late, so I didn't bother to open the fire, so I just had dinner at the restaurant in front of the community.

Early the next morning, Fu Yu went to work in Fuchengchun on his own.

As soon as he changed his clothes and went to the kitchen, he was called by Li Dongxu to go to Panku with him.

"In the kitchen, there are four teams, each taking a weekly inventory. This makes it easier to count and organize. I am in charge this week."

Li Dongxu explained and took Fu Yu to familiarize himself with the layout of the warehouse and the placement of ingredients.

I have to say that the kitchen and warehouse are very neatly organized, with the vegetables arranged neatly and sorted in their own areas.

During the inventory process, Li Dongxu would also sort out the damaged vegetable leaves and straighten them up.

Fu Yu looked at Li Dongxu's operations and suddenly felt a sense of intimacy.

In fact, his first impression of Li Dongxu was very average.

In addition to the previous introductions by Liu Yongping and Xu Yuyang, they both said that Li Dongxu was a very stubborn person and was not easy to get along with.

Also because Fu Yu himself could clearly feel that Li Dongxu didn't like him very much.

Presumably, he was an airborne soldier and squeezed directly into the activity group arranged by others, disrupting the original arrangement.

No matter who this matter is, I guess they won’t feel too comfortable.

In particular, he has no idea about the cooking and work processes at Fuchengchun.

The event was about to start, leaving him little time to familiarize himself with the work.

Fu Yu followed Li Dongxu and watched him take stock of the ingredients, silently writing down all the steps.

When Li Dongxu finished checking one shelf and was about to move to the second shelf, Fu Yu quickly stepped forward and took the initiative to organize and arrange the items.

Fu Yu is used to doing inventory work at Qianlima, and he has his own experience and inventory skills.

In fact, in this aspect, Zhao Meng and Li Dongxu are somewhat similar in personality, and both have very strict work requirements.

When Fu Yu first arrived in Qianlima, Zhao Meng also waited for him to familiarize himself with the working process of the kitchen, and then personally took several of their new workers to the inventory.

At that time, some detailed work requirements were also clearly stated through Panku.

That scene completely overlapped with the current one.

It was obviously too high a standard and strict requirement for a newcomer, but in Fu Yu's eyes, it was inexplicably kind.

When Li Dongxu saw Fu Yu taking the initiative to take inventory and sort out the records, he was stunned for a moment, and then did not intervene anymore. He just followed him and silently watched Fu Yu work.

It is said that one's character and character can best be seen through work.

Li Dongxu has been a chef for so many years and has managed at least a dozen people under him.

There are all kinds of personalities. The more subtle things are done, the easier it is to figure out a person's character.

After get off work last night, Li Dongxu specifically called Yang Ming to carefully inquire about the assessment status of Ping Yu during the day.

Yang Ming told Fu Yu exactly what happened when he taught the workers how to fry.

Li Dongxu was stunned when he heard this.

Don't tell me, it's really a trick, and even he didn't pay attention to this detail.

After getting along with him for a day, Yang Ming really liked this chef who came to the store for further training.

He didn't realize it himself, but he said a lot of good things for Fu Yu in his words.

Li Dongxu just has a somewhat stubborn temper, which is mainly due to his attitude towards work.

The more you love the chef industry, the more you will cherish talents and appreciate people with good cooking skills, high standards and serious work attitude.

Yang Ming's words actually made Li Dongxu's impression of Du Yu much better.

Coupled with the fact that during the day, Xu Yuyang prepared to rob someone without respecting martial ethics, this made Li Dongxu look squarely at Fu Yu for the first time.

He has never been a prejudiced person, and he has never been biased.

Fu Yu always worked carefully and carefully. He took inventory of the entire warehouse from beginning to end and remembered the placement of all the ingredients before handing the record book back to Li Dongxu.

Having just finished the inventory work, Fu Yu relaxed completely and joked casually: "I've finished the inventory. I used to do this job. There is no problem in other aspects. The only problem is that my education level is low and my handwriting is a bit... Ugly.”

After finishing his words, Fu Yu looked up at Li Dongxu. Only then did he realize in hindsight, was his attitude a bit too casual?

After all, the two of them had just met and were not very familiar with each other.

He was used to being poor around Zhao Meng before, but now he couldn't control it for a while.

I thought that with such a serious character, Li Dongxu would not pay attention to him, or would just leave him here and cause an awkward situation.

As a result, Li Dongxu took the record book, took a look at it, and said, "There are a few highly educated people in the chef's profession. It's enough if they can write clearly. You're doing a good job in the inventory."

Fu Yu suddenly looked at Li Dongxu in surprise.

At this time, Li Dongxu had already turned around and walked out.

Fu Yu hurriedly followed.

After leaving the warehouse, the two of them walked side by side to the kitchen.

When he was about to enter, Li Dongxu suddenly said: "By the way, Fu Yu, I didn't have time to tell you last night. You are welcome to join my working group. Happy cooperation!"

Fu Yu was stunned, and just as he was about to speak, an electronic prompt suddenly sounded in his ears:

【Ding! NPC Fucheng Chun boss Liu Yongping’s mission: obtain Li Dongxu’s satisfaction, successfully join the activity group, the mission has been completed, and receive a reward: randomly obtain a personal skill of Li Dongxu]

Fu Yu suddenly became excited!

This reward comes just in time!

What he needs most now is to immediately adapt to the job of Fucheng Chun's chef. Being able to acquire Li Dongxu's personal skills is like directly getting the treasure map to clear the level.

After all, Li Dongxu is a big shot in the kitchen.

【Ding! Congratulations on obtaining NPC Chef Li Dongxu’s personal skill: Fish Sauce Making (Elementary)]

Making fish sauce?

Fu Yu glanced at the [! 】, select View.

[Fish sauce making: As a special cooking skill, it is extremely restrictive. For certain special seafood, this is one of Li Dongxu’s best cooking skills and is of great learning value! 】

After reading the skill tips, Fu Yu took a deep breath.

Is this a unique skill?

Unexpectedly, Li Dongxu, as the chef of the Jiangyu Banquet, can actually cook special dishes such as fish sauce. Moreover, this is his best cooking skill and has a very rare learning value.

Although it is only a basic skill, it has no impact on Fu Yu.

Because he has skill points!

Fu Yu unconsciously grinned and smiled with neat white teeth. When he came to his senses, he happened to meet Li Dongxu's eyes looking at him, so he quickly replied sincerely: "Thank you, Chef Li, I will definitely study hard and work hard." !”

Li Dongxu saw that Fu Yu was so excited because of his kind words, and he couldn't help but have a better impression of Fu Yu.

After all, he is still young and has no wealth.

Back in the kitchen, everyone else was busy preparing dishes.

Fu Yu followed Yang Ming, feeling a little idle for a while.

There is no need for him in the cutting and oiling work.

Yang Ming tidied the kitchen table himself.

When it comes to supervising the workers, he is not yet familiar with each person's personality, nor does he understand the specific requirements and standards for food preparation in the kitchen, so he can't speak at all.

Li Dongxu does everything himself such as checking out the pickled side dishes.

Probably seeing Fu Yu standing there doing nothing, Yang Ming called specifically and asked the front office to send him a copy of the store's ordering menu so that Fu Yu could get familiar with the dishes.

Fu Yu has the memory improvement blessing from the system reward. Now it is much easier to see and learn things.

He quickly flipped through the entire cookbook.

I found that there are quite a few dishes among them, and Chollima also has them. The difference from the menu is just a slight difference in the design and selection of the plating and side dishes.

As for other dishes he had never seen before, Fu Yu simply took photos of them all with his mobile phone.

When you have the opportunity, you can directly observe and learn from the cooking in the kitchen.

You can also take a look at the classic recipes.

Combining the two, he can also better understand and master the cooking methods and operations of dishes.

While there was still time, Fu Yu simply used skill points to upgrade his fish sauce making skills to a high level.

Skills have improved, but there has been no progress in practice.

Li Dongxu happened to come over to check on the food preparation situation, and asked him to go to the warehouse to get the food at the last minute.

Fu Yu quickly grabbed the job and took the key to the warehouse.

Peng Zebang was ready to go to work, but Fu Yu beat him to it. He was very touched.

I feel that Fu Yu is really arrogant. Even though he is so good at cooking, he doesn't pretend at all. He doesn't do any cheating when he is working. He is very down-to-earth.

Peng Zebang was young and careless, so he couldn't help but sigh with Yang Ming.

After Yang Ming heard this, he also felt that Fu Yu was indeed a good person, and his favorable impression increased.

Li Dongxu saw everything in his eyes and became more and more satisfied with Yu.

And he had no idea that his unintentional move had created a wave of favorable impressions in the kitchen.

Fu Yuletian took the key to the warehouse. When opening the door, he directly chose to use the key to the self-selected teaching practice class that he had obtained before.

In terms of course content, I directly chose fish sauce making.

This time, the cooking scene has indeed transformed into the appearance of Fucheng Chun's chef.

Fu Yu looked at the placement of the seasonings on the kitchen table that was exactly the same as Yang Ming's before, and couldn't help but read it in a funny way according to his own habits.

After all preparations were completed, Fu Yu directly entered the learning state.

The system is now undergoing training, and the black shadow no longer appears for demonstration operations.

Instead, he directly let the kitchen utensils perform in front of Fu Yu.

Ingredients are automatically cleaned and processed, and kitchen utensils move out of thin air without anyone operating them.

Watching it makes the impression even more profound.

Fried fish sauce is actually a very famous small fish sauce in the north.

The fresh river fish is cleaned, oiled and stewed with the northern specialty soybean paste.

It seems like a very simple cooking operation, but it is very difficult to make it delicious.

And because of the different types of river fish selected, the cooking methods are also different. There are different methods in the use of sauces, the preparation of heat, and even the selection of staple foods to go with it.

Fu Yu was able to obtain this skill, which was very unexpected for him.

Chollima didn't have this dish, and he had no experience with it.

Now I start to learn cooking operations, and slowly I find that the more I understand this skill, the more practical I will find it.

It can even be used as one of his original improved skills to update his own skill library!

Realizing this, Fu Yu's entire mental state was very focused during the systematic training.

He did not slack off at all and strictly required himself according to the system's standards.

Because, for him, this is no longer simply a teaching practice classroom experience.

This is a new skill direction in cooking.

The operations related to making fish sauce can be used as an auxiliary method for many dishes.

Because Fu Yu worked at Qianlima, he had some experience in cooking river fish, and later obtained the cooking skills and methods for the river fish feast by completing tasks.

Whether it is the selection of river fish, cooking methods, specific applications of side dishes, appropriate heat control, time management methods, etc., we have a very solid foundation.

Now that there is a very clear and precise training system, Fu Yu can improve his skills in this area at a speed of thousands of miles per second!

When he first arrived, Fu Yu directly acquired an advanced personal skill.

This made him feel ambitious, and he was gearing up to do something good in his career.

As a result, three days before starting the training, Fu Yu originally thought that he could help take orders and cook dishes. Even if he couldn't complete the cooking of the dishes independently, he could still do the greasing work and even help prepare the prepared dishes. It’s also good to be prepared.

Little did he know that he was following Yang Ming. In addition to reading the recipes, he was also assigned to familiarize himself with the process of taking orders and serving dishes. He was responsible for helping deliver the cooked dishes and becoming familiar with the waiters.

The next step is to understand the placement of various kitchen utensils, and the brands and characteristics of seasonings commonly used in the kitchen.

Anyway, there is no chance to use the palm spoon.

Depending on the situation, this state is expected to last for a few more days.

In fact, for normal processes, there is nothing wrong with this arrangement.

After all, you have just arrived in a new environment, especially a place like the kitchen. If you are not familiar with the environment and all the work processes, others will not be able to trust you and let you do whatever you want.

However, it is precisely because of this arrangement that Fu Yu has more free time to understand the food preparation processes and habits of the workers, and to observe the cooking operations and habits of Yang Ming and even several other chefs and chefs. .

The next two days also opened Fu Yu's eyes.

Because he found that the cooking methods and skills he had mastered began to have various limitations. At this time, Fu Yu also truly realized that the cooking industry has been continuously developing, and cooking operations and skills are also constantly evolving. improvements and developments!

Learning is an eternal theme.

A few days passed in a flash.

Fu Yu also gradually became familiar with the work process of Fucheng Chun's kitchen.

It was only then that Fu Yu realized the power of the kitchen working group he was a part of! (End of chapter)

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