Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1100 Hidden fish stew

Fu Yu knew that Liu Yongping and Li Dongxu were watching him make soup because they wanted to know how to cook the dace fish without using ginger to remove the fishy smell.

So when putting candied dates and tangerine peel, he simply recited this step.

He said it openly and without any personal secrets.

Liu Yongping was amazed when he heard this, but he never thought that tangerine peel could be added to the fish soup to remove the fishy smell.

Li Dongxu was stunned!

He never thought that Fu Yu could be so generous.

You must know that in the food circle, cooking is a skill and a craft. It is always the master who leads the apprentice, and it is often hidden when teaching.

The apprentice works with the master for several years, practicing cutting and cooking. In the end, even if he becomes an apprentice, it is always difficult to surpass the master in cooking.

But now Fu Yu directly told them the secret of making this soup in front of them.

When Li Dongxu looked at Fu Yu again, his eyes were a little different.

At this time, if Zhao Meng were present, he would definitely say: "Tsk! The brat is showing off again!"

While the soup pot was simmering, Fu Yu took advantage of this time to start cooking alternative dishes.

Fucheng Chun has a special dish: shredded fat head fish sticks.

According to the ancestral standards of Liu family cuisine, this dish is worthy of palace cuisine.

It had to be prepared long in advance, including air-drying and honey-pickling. The process was very complicated and took ten and a half days to complete.

Fortunately, this dish is very popular in Fuchengchun. The preparation work is done in advance. When it is actually cooked, just cut it into strips and hang it in paste.

The boy had just finished vomiting, so he drank some dace fish soup to soothe his spleen and stomach, and then ate some sweet fat-headed fish sticks to lift his mood.

I've worked up an appetite, so I just happened to eat the newly cooked braised flower loach with soy sauce. This dish is particularly good with rice.

In addition, Fu Yu also chose an alternative dish, fish stew.

This is also Fucheng Chun's signature dish, but it is an invisible dish ordered by regular customers.

Fish whites are easy to make, but the key is that the cooking method is complicated. Only chefs can do it in the kitchen. However, the time required to make this dish can be used to cook two or three other dishes. Moreover, the ingredients are simple and the price is not high. .

Usually it's the regular customers from my hometown who can order this dish without looking at the menu.

The store didn't deliberately take this dish off the shelves, it just placed it very far back in the queue.

Customers usually browse through the special signature dishes in the front and have almost ordered a table of noodles.

Hidden dishes like this in the store are unlikely to be discovered.

Liu Yongping's attention was previously focused on stewing dace fish soup, and he didn't realize there was anything special about stewed fish soup.

The main reason is that he has not done the job of cooking for many years.

In his current capacity, he mainly participates in various food-related promotional activities and represents his hometown.

At other times, I have to inspect each branch to evaluate the new people trained in the store's front office and back kitchen, and to understand the store's marketing situation.

The daily affairs are very busy, and I slowly started to let go of the cooking work in the kitchen.

As a result, what impressed him most about the special dishes in the store were the various dishes he cooked in the past.

The dish of stewed fish is a hidden dish in the flagship store in the capital, because cooking is troublesome and time-consuming, and the price is not high.

But back then, in my hometown, it was a special dish specially used to connect people and entertain distinguished guests.

At that time, Liu Yongping would often invite the other party to the store in order to gain connections, arrange a table in person, and show off his unique skills.

Although the materials and ingredients used for stewed fish are very simple, the cooking process of the entire dish can be called a palace dish.

He had cooked a lot before, but now he saw this dish on the menu and didn't take it seriously.

But now, after watching the dace fish soup being cooked smoothly and the tight string in his brain relaxing, he realized belatedly that the replacement dish Fu Yu was going to cook now turned out to be fish stew.

This is fish stew!

Even in their own store, only master chefs can cook the authentic taste.

Liu Yongping couldn't help but ask: "Xiao Fu, can you still cook this dish?"

Fu Yu was preparing to fry fish whites when he heard this and nodded: "Well, I saw Chef Li cook it once before. This dish is quite unique. I usually use fish whites to make medicinal meals, but I have never stewed them like this. "

Liu Yongping was stunned and looked at Fu Yu: "There are also fish dishes in the medicinal diet?"

Fu Yu nodded: "Yes, but they are all braised in braise or used as side dishes. I was quite surprised when I saw Chef Li using fish whites as the main ingredient before. After watching it at the time, this dish left a particularly deep impression on me. "

While chatting, Fu Yu's hands were not idle. After frying the fish whites, he ordered the cook Yang Zhichao to drain the oil. He took the oil-absorbing paper and wiped the floating fish whites one by one. Oil.

As soon as he sucked two pieces of fish white, Yang Zhichao took the initiative and took over the job.

The two of them didn't speak during the whole process, but they cooperated very well.

This made Fu Yu a little happy. What the chef in charge needed most was such a discerning assistant.

Save time, effort and worry.

While it was cooling down, Fu Yu took the braised loach out of the pot and plated it, and the waiter took it away.

After the fish whites are cooled, they need to be fried again in the pot, then rubbed with oil to cool, and then fried again three times to make the fish whites fluffy, crispy and tender, with a mellow taste and never greasy.

After frying for the second time, Fu Yu directly handed over the greasing job to Yang Zhichao, and started stewing the food himself.

The pot was bubbling, and some bamboo shoots and mushrooms were floating in the milky thick soup. It was almost cooked, and the fish whites that had been fried three times were added to the pot to reduce the juice.

When it was served to the table, the dish was served directly in the stew pot, leaving a little soup base. Just when the customer had finished their meal, the soup base was completely cleaned up.

The key to cooking is to control the proportion of ingredients and water so that the ingredients can absorb the flavor. When customers taste it, they will have a light and delicious taste at first, then the taste will gradually increase, and in the end it will become a stew!

Therefore, the cooking difficulty of the dish is much higher than it seems, and the most important thing is that the order rate of this dish is indeed not high in the store. It is conceivable that the opportunities to observe it are very few.

This will also make learning more difficult.

Liu Yongping watched Fu Yu quickly add the bamboo shoot slices and prepared mushrooms to the pot, add water and cook them.

Whether it was controlling the amount of water or the heat, Fu Yu was very skillful, and his posture and angle of operation were comparable to those of a skilled chef!

On the side, Yang Zhichao watched Fu Yu neatly perform the last pass of frying the oil. After the fish was re-fried in the oil pan, the color became golden and the whole thing became more fluffy. For some reason, he suddenly had an idea and thought of Fu Yu a while ago. Yu Zeng gave him tips on how to make deep-fried rice.

With this thought, when he watched Fu Yu doing frying, his focus changed from focusing on following instructions to multitasking. He was paying attention to Fu Yu's movements and was ready to step forward and take over the work of draining oil at any time. While observing all the details of Fu Yu's operations.

Don't tell me, let him see it!

Fu Yu has a habit when frying, which is worth learning.

After Yang Zhichao understood it, he suddenly felt that he had benefited a lot and became more active and serious in his work.

"Purge the oil pan, I'm going to fry the fat head fish sticks!"

At this moment, Fu Yu suddenly gave an instruction.

Yang Zhichao responded without thinking: "Okay, Fu Chu!"

This crisp execution made Liu Yongping nod and smile slightly.

The kitchen staff are well trained and work quickly.

With a word of approval in his heart, Liu Yongping couldn't help but look at Li Dongxu.

Li Dongxu had just finished cooking a dish and took a moment to come over to take a look at Fu Yu's situation. Before he could get closer, he saw Liu Yongping looking at him.

The two looked at each other.

Li Dongxu was stunned and hurriedly took a step forward: "What? How far has it been cooked?"

He thought there was a deviation on Fu Yu's part.

When I took a closer look, I was shocked: "You even cooked the fish stew?"

Fu Yu nodded and smiled slightly: "Yes!"

Li Dongxu took a closer look at the situation in the pot, and suddenly looked at Fu Yu in disbelief. This is a good job!

"Can you still cook this dish?"

Fu Yu smiled: "When I watched you cook before, I studied it carefully."

Li Dongxu was speechless!

"I think I've only cooked this dish once this month, right? You can master it just by watching it once?"

Fu Yu smiled modestly: "I just gave it a try. It should be fine now."

Li Dongxu looked at Fu Yu and said nothing, but sighed in his heart, he did it so authentically, is it okay?

He is quite good at this dish. Looking at the bamboo shoots and mushrooms rolling in the pot, as well as the two pieces of fish white floating on the soup surface, it seems that they have been carefully oiled after frying, otherwise The noodle soup will not look so clear.

When making this fish stew, frying is a very critical step.

It’s already very good to be able to do this now!

Even Liu Yongping looked at Fu Yu in disbelief. After just observing once, could he do it so skillfully and authentically?

Even though he had long known that Fu Yu's cooking skills were very good, Liu Yongping still couldn't believe it!

Stewed Fish White was their store's former signature dish, a homemade dish he learned from his master.

His master used pig skin back then, and the result was very similar to fish white.

Liu Yongping's hometown is next to the river. Compared with the cheap river fish, the price of pork is much higher.

In order to save costs, Liu Yongping's chef later thought about using fish whites instead of pig skins for cooking.

Unexpectedly, such an improvement would make the dishes taste more delicious and distinctive.

This dish is Fucheng Chun's private dish. Even in his hometown, only his family can make it.

Fu Yu actually only read it once and was able to cook it exactly as it was.

Liu Yongping looked at Fu Yu and was really shocked. This was the first time he had used it after observing it!

If this is the learning speed, how long will it take for him to learn all the dishes in the store?

Thinking of this, Liu Yongping couldn't help but swallow his saliva to calm down his inner emotions.

Li Dongxu naturally thought of everything Liu Yongping could think of.

No wonder the boss agreed to let this outsider come to his store for further study. Fu Yu was indeed not an easy person.

Since he has such a powerful understanding of cooking skills, he must have mastered a lot of cooking dishes.

Thinking of this, as a cooking geek, Li Dongxu's eyes lit up!

At this time, Yang Zhichao was still slowly digesting and absorbing the frying skills he had just learned by watching Fu Yu cook.

Yang Zhichao also understood at this moment that being able to help cook with Fu Yu might be a rare opportunity for him!

Thinking clearly in his mind, Yang Zhichao made up his mind to take advantage of Fu Yu's training in the store to help him cook, and then take the opportunity to learn some cooking skills.

Although he had never had much contact with Fu Yu before, he could tell from this short time of getting along that Fu Yu was a very generous person.

He is willing to teach his subordinates how to cook, and he is willing to share his cooking skills with others. He is very candid.

There was still a piece of shredded fat-headed fish stick left that was not cooked. After Fu Yu fried it, it was directly battered.

Slicing the marinated fathead fish into shreds tests the chef's knife skills, while drawing the fish into shreds requires the chef to control the heat and sugar boiling time very accurately.

The drawn silk should be light yellow and slightly bright in color, soft and tender in texture. When eaten, it will be dipped in water and drawn, and it will be sweet, delicious and delicious.

Li Dongxu originally planned to come over to see how Fu Yu was doing. Unexpectedly, he was first surprised by his amazing learning ability, and then watched a wonderful wire drawing cooking demonstration.

This syrup is boiled just right and the sugar threads are dense. How come you have mastered the thread-drawing skills so well?

Isn’t this too awesome?

After Liu Yongping watched the entire dish being cooked, he took a deep breath.

So stable!

This kind of cooking operation really made him feel a little emotional, Lian Po is so old!

Today's young people are really getting better and better.

When he watched Fu Yu's cooking operations before, he recognized Fu Yu's cooking skills very much. He was amazed that Fu Yu could have such high-level cooking skills at such a young age, which he found very rare.

How much time has passed? Fu Yu's progress in cooking has been rapid.

If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, it would be difficult for anyone to imagine that a young man in his early twenties could have such a high level of cooking.

There are many talented people in the food circle, but how many of them can actually grow up?

There are many outstanding talents participating in the National Chef Competition, and champions are born every year. How many of them can really gain a foothold in the circle and become famous?

Very few!

The further you go, the more limited the advantages brought by talent will be!

In Liu Yongping's view, the young man in front of him was already a genius in the growing stage, and was no longer just an outstanding talent with potential.

After the fish strips were served, Fu Yu directly poured the stewed fish into the stew pot, and the waiter brought it directly to the table.

This table of banquets is finally cooked.

Fu Yu was relieved and cooked several special dishes of Fucheng Chun one after another, and it was his first time to try them. This made him feel very fresh and accomplished.

Li Dongxu looked at Fu Yu and sighed.

He had only thought that this young man had good cooking skills and a decent personality.

After getting along and getting to know each other during this period of time, he found that Fu Yu should be a person who was very strict with himself. (End of chapter)

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