Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1101 The feeling of taking on a new apprentice

If we look at Li Dongxu's previous impression of Yu, it was that he was forced to accept a task forced by his boss's connections.

So now he is really optimistic about Fu Yu.

Fu Yu is only 24 years old this year. To be able to reach the current level of cooking at such a young age is because of the rigorous training he has gone through and the strict requirements he has placed on himself, to be able to hone such a tough skill with his talent!

Li Dongxu is a cooking fanatic. He is particularly obsessed with cooking research, and he also particularly appreciates people who are willing to study hard and work hard to improve their cooking skills.

Thinking of this, Li Dongxu looked at Fu Yu, feeling very satisfied at this moment!

Li Dongxu swept away his previous opposition, turned to look at the dining area outside the stall, and said, "I don't know how the customers are eating this time!"

Others hurriedly turned to look at the dining area. The distance was not very far, and the customers couldn't hear what they were saying through the glass windows, but it looked like they were having a normal meal.

Not long after, a waiter came over to hand over the order and reported: "The customer is very satisfied with the replacement dishes and has already started eating."

When everyone heard what the waiter said, they were relieved!

At this time, everyone knew that this table of noodles was successfully cooked.

Liu Yongping smiled and praised: "Xiao Fu, you handled this order very well, you deserve praise!"

Fu Yu smiled: "The main credit is due to Chef Zhao and Chef Yang. If it weren't for their good cooking skills, I would not be able to master the cooking methods of the dishes if I followed them to observe and learn."

Li Dongxu blushed and smiled slightly: "You are still outstanding, Chef Fu. I didn't know much about you before. When we cook again in the future, we must communicate more and learn from each other!"

Fu Yu said calmly: "Okay, we will definitely trouble Chef Li in the future!"

Li Dongxu now has a love for Yu's talents. Seeing this refreshing attitude, he couldn't help but smile and said: "No problem, if you need anything, just come to me. I will definitely help you if I can!"

After the matter was settled, everyone dispersed and continued cooking.

Liu Yongping had to go do some errands. Before leaving, Li Dongxu saw him out of the stall.

Li Dongxu sighed with emotion: "Fu Yu is really outstanding. After all, you have a unique vision and are very accurate in judging people."

Liu Yongping smiled and then said: "You know why I have to ask you to take care of Xiao Fu yourself this time, right? I am indeed very good at certain cooking skills, which can make up for your shortcomings.

I said I came here for further study, but it was actually a very good opportunity for communication and interaction. "

Li Dongxu became more and more convinced when he heard that Liu Yongping was so sure of Fu Yu's cooking skills.

Here, after Fu Yu finished cooking, he returned to the kitchen table and took over the dishes that Yang Ming assigned.

First, he arranged the cooking order of several dishes according to his own cooking habits, and then made a list and gave it to Yang Zhichao to prepare the dishes.

One of the ingredients is salmon. The back kitchen buys whole salmon and marinates it by itself, so when it is used, it is cooked whole and can be cut as needed.

Fu Yu held the knife and prepared to cut the fish.

Yang Zhichao finished instructing the workers on how to prepare the dishes. When he came back, he saw Fu Yu going to cut the fish. He quickly stepped forward and said, "Fu Chef, your job is to be the cook. I can do all the food preparation work!"

Fu Yu smiled: "Okay, thank you for your hard work!"

Yang Zhichao hurriedly smiled and shook his head: "It's not hard, Fu Chu. If you can give me some guidance when cooking, let me gain some experience and gain knowledge, I will be satisfied!"

After reading the details of your frying operations just now, I suddenly understood some cooking tips. It was really enlightening and a blessing to my soul.

When you gave me some advice a while ago, I thought I understood everything, but now it seems that I only scratched the surface.

On the contrary, it was the observation of the operation just now that made me fully understand what you meant!

Fu Chu, you are really awesome. Just give me some random advice and it will be enough for me to benefit from it. Now I feel like you are a hidden master."

Listening to Yang Zhichao's flattery, Fu Yu felt as if he had returned to Chollima's kitchen. At that time, he also lived in the rainbow fart of Sun Qingning and Zhang Jinyu every day, and lived so happily every day.

Yang Zhichao happily cut the salmon and brought it to the kitchen table, then hurriedly checked on the waiter's preparation.

Peng Zebang happened to be walking back with the prepared dishes, and the two of them bumped into each other.

Yang Zhichao said to Peng Zebang: "Last year was a good year for me. I was so unlucky, but this year is about to turn around!"

Peng Zebang was curious: "What do you mean?"

Yang Zhichao couldn't help but said: "This year, Chef Li originally planned to arrange for me to do the post of oiling, but Chef Fu suddenly came and mentioned me to the position of assistant cook.

Now that I can work with Chef Fu, it's a good thing that I can't ask for. I'm going to start to cheer up! "

Peng Zebang: "."

Just like how he looked at a young adult, he couldn't help but look at Peng Zebang with disgust.

At this time, Liu Li and her son were eating together in the dining area.

Liu Li kept picking up food for her son.

Although the commotion just now was a bit unpleasant, I have to admit that Fucheng Chun's dishes are indeed delicious.

Especially the braised flower loach with soy sauce, it is so delicious and the sauce is so fragrant. It is a little different from the ones in their hometown. It is also difficult to eat here in the capital. It is a very special sauce and delicious!

In addition to this, there is also the fish soup. I don’t know what kind of fish it is. It has no fishy smell at all and tastes a little sweet.

The boy had vomited violently just now and felt uncomfortable in his stomach. When he ate the loach, he thought the taste was a bit strong and he didn't want to eat it.

But after I drank a bowl of fish soup, I felt my appetite improved inexplicably. The uncomfortable feeling before disappeared, and when I looked at the dishes on the table, I was no longer so disgusted.

Liu Li watched her son eating with mixed emotions.

To be honest, she had never realized before that her son would become so sensitive due to lack of family company.

When eating, he is actually afraid that she will be unhappy, and even eats things he doesn't like.

This made Liu Li feel very distressed and guilty.

Originally, the couple wanted to make more money while their children were studying, under the care of schools and teachers.

In the future, my son will go to college and marry a wife, all of which will require money.

But now, they suddenly discovered that they had neglected their duty when their children needed companionship the most. They had failed to fulfill their responsibilities as parents and failed to accompany their children as they should.

Life is so difficult, it is difficult to advance or retreat.

Money can be earned at any time, and the most critical time for children to study is the next two years.

Maybe we should think of some compromise.

Her husband's salary is stable and he earns a lot, and he doesn't know how to cook, wash, or take care of the children, and he doesn't think too carefully.

She still has to find a way to adjust her working hours.

While he was thinking wildly, the boy filled a small bowl of stew and handed it to Liu Li: "Mom, try this dish. It's very delicious. It doesn't look like fish."

Liu Li came back to her senses, looked at the hot dishes in the bowl, and nodded: "Okay!"

She took a spoon and took a spoonful of vegetables. She took a closer look before putting it in her mouth. It seemed to be bamboo shoots and some mushrooms.

The aroma smells very rich, and the soup is milky white. It is served directly to the stew stove, and it bubbles when you eat it.

Quite a special dish.

The taste is also very delicious.

After finishing the first bite, take another spoonful. This time the spoonful should be the main course.

Use a spoon to scoop up something trembling and snow-white in color.

Liu Li was thinking about her work arrangements while eating. Resign?

No, the family still has rent and living expenses to bear.


Your children have to go to school during the day, and you all have to work the day shift?

Other colleagues have to be willing as well. It’s okay in summer, but who wants to spend the cold and cold nights in winter?

He absentmindedly ate the stew in the bowl, and before he even realized it, the tip of his nose started to sweat.

Liu Li chewed the food in her mouth, and suddenly realized that she didn't know what she was eating after eating for a long time.

The main ingredient in the stew tastes mellow, tender and crispy in the mouth, and not greasy at all.

It's obviously not meat, it's softer like sea cucumbers and fluffy like tendons.

It's delicious, fragrant but not greasy, but I can't taste the specific ingredients. It doesn't look like fish anyway.

A waiter happened to be passing by, and Liu Li couldn't help but stop him and asked, "What is this dish made of?"

The waiter took a look and introduced: "This is stewed fish white."

Liu Li was stunned: "Oh, Yubai!"

The waiter was busy with his work, made an introduction and left.

Liu Li was confused and whispered: "The fish white should be fish meat, right? It doesn't look like it when eaten!"

The young man also took a piece and tasted it carefully, then said: "The white fish may be the meat in the belly of the fish, the tenderest piece."

Liu Li nodded: "It's possible, but this stew is really delicious. Son, please eat more."

The mother and son ate almost all the dishes on the table.

After finishing the meal, Liu Li specially called the waiter and said: "The kitchen is too busy, so I won't cause trouble. Please help me tell the chef in charge thank him. The substitute dishes are delicious." , next time we have a chance, we will go to Fuchengchun to dine."

The waiter agreed with a smile and watched them leave.

After everyone left, he took the opportunity of passing the dishes and relayed the customer's words to Fu Yu.

After hearing this, Fu Yu smiled and said, "As long as the customer is satisfied."

Fu Yu was really happy to hear that mother and son had finished the entire table of dishes.

This experience gave him a special sense of accomplishment.

Events at the Convention Center are held from 9am to 8pm every day.

In this way, the time they finish their get off work here is actually two hours earlier than when they work in the store.

After get off work, everyone else went home, and Li Dongxu drove back to the store with two workers who lived in the dormitories provided by the store.

For the convenience of work, Li Dongxu rented a house near the hotel. He happened to be going home and took two small jobs with him.

When he arrived at the back door of the hotel, Li Dongxu simply got out of the car and went to the back kitchen to take a look.

Although his personality is a bit irritable and upright, everyone in the kitchen knows what kind of person he is after getting along with him for a long time, so they usually respect him and get along fairly well with him.

I attended the event exhibition today, and the organizer gave some souvenirs to those who participated in the event.

The items are not expensive, but the style is very special and worth collecting.

Li Dongxu carried his share to the kitchen and divided it among everyone.

The others collected their things and were so happy that they couldn't help but curiously asked about today's activities.

Li Dongxu said it 1510 times.

When it came to the matter of the mother and son, it was even more detailed.

This time, everyone became more interested and wanted to know how to deal with it in the end.

Li Dongxu didn't mean to show off, and told the matter exactly as it was.

After only one observation experience, you started cooking directly and completed the store's signature specialties?

Xu Yuyang was extremely surprised and confirmed with Li Dongxu again and again: "You are making fish stew?"

Li Dongxu nodded: "Yes, and it was done very authentically. All the details of the operation were taken care of, and there were no mistakes at all."

That’s too strong!

Several chefs couldn't help but sigh, no wonder they were invited by the boss to come to the store for further training.

If it were in the past, everyone would not say anything, but they knew in their hearts that Fu Yu was determined to have a relationship with the boss.

After all, how could he, a foreign colleague, successfully enter the kitchen to further his studies?

The door is very serious!

But after the amazing learning talent shown at the event today, everyone suddenly changed their minds.

It’s really hard to say who took the initiative in this training!

Xu Yuyang saw Li Dongxu praising Fu Yu's cooking skills with excitement, and couldn't help but said sourly: "Cook Li, didn't you think that Fu Yu was a foreign monk who didn't know how to chant sutras before? Why don't you send him back to the store? It works fine.

It's just the first day here, and something has happened. It's obvious that I don't get along with you! "

When Li Dongxu heard this, he hurriedly said: "Nonsense! It's nothing! How could I dislike Fu Yu? I don't blame him for today's incident at all. Besides, if he hadn't been there, it might not have happened at that time. What kind of thing?

It’s not that he is incompatible with me, on the contrary, we are so compatible! "

Someone cheered and said, "The boss is a bit too biased. As soon as the chef got a talent, he just gave it to Chef Li, without giving us any chance to compete!"

Others lamented: "I didn't pay attention to it before. Fu Yu is quite powerful. This time Chef Li is even more powerful. The people in your group are already quite strong, but they have to step it up a notch this time!"

Li Dongxu felt so happy when he heard the people's compliments that were either bitter or envious!

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a blessing in disguise.

I originally thought I was being stuffed with a burden, but I didn't expect that I had a good partner with whom I could exchange cooking skills.

Thinking of this, Li Dongxu felt happy in his heart.

All joking aside, Xu Yuyang and Li Dongxu have the closest relationship in the kitchen.

After everyone else dispersed, Xu Yuyang asked: "Did you know the true face of Lushan this time?"

Li Dongxu sneered and said: "I know it! I will take care of him in the future!"

Xu Yuyang joked: "Tell me about your experience of taking on a new apprentice?"

Li Dongxu chuckled: "Emma, ​​it smells so good!"

Xu Yuyang: "." (End of chapter)

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