Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1102 It’s simply too hard for someone to do it

The working hours at the activity exhibition are fixed, and there are no morning and evening shifts. However, the team members led by Li Dongxu still arrived at their posts early and performed their duties.

Fu Yu also came very early. He had a habit of getting up early for many years. Anyway, he had nothing to do. After cleaning up, he rushed over.

I put on my work clothes and went to the kitchen to say hello to a few familiar people.

Those who have already arrived at their posts are already busy without any arrangements.

There is no way, the passenger flow here at the Convention and Exhibition Center is very large, and there are not many people coming here. Everyone is responsible for a certain workload, which must be completed within a limited time, and no one dares to delay.

As soon as Fu Yu started to tidy up his kitchen table, Li Dongxu came over and greeted with a smile: "Xiao Fu, you're here so early!"

Fu Yu nodded quickly: "Chef Li, good morning!"

Li Dongxu was in a good mood today. He went back to the store last night and listened to the praises of several chefs. He was very happy.

Those old guys usually had their eyes set on others, but now they were all envious of him for grabbing Fu Yu's talents.

However, I was envious, and I went out of my way to say hello to Li Dongxu. After the event, I must have a good exchange of cooking skills with Fu Yu. It is best to find another opportunity to observe the details of the operation with my own eyes.

Li Dongxu was so elated by the compliments that he didn't know why he accepted them all.

After seeing Fu Yu, Li Dongxu smiled cordially: "Xiao Fu, I have something to discuss with you!"

When Fu Yu heard this, he hurriedly said: "Chef Li, if you need anything, just give me your instructions."

Li Dongxu smiled and said: "Oh, it's not a big deal, it's just that. A big leader will come to the activity center for a meal another day. When we have time, let's put together a plan to customize a table for him."

Fu Yu nodded: "Okay, Chef Li, I will follow your arrangement."

Li Dongxu patted Fu Yu's shoulder with satisfaction: "Okay, let's discuss it then!"

I was busy preparing dishes in the morning, but before everything was arranged, customers started to come to dine with meal tickets.

Li Dongxu, Yang Ming and others took turns taking orders.

Fu Yu still followed Yang Ming and cooperated with him.

He was said to be the one in charge, but because the number of orders he received was gradually increasing, when Yang Ming was too busy, he would also directly hand over some ordering orders for small banquets.

After all, these were dishes that he had never cooked before. Fu Yu was very careful when cooking them, fearing that any mistakes would affect the reputation of the store.

Fortunately, Yang Ming took good care of him, and handed over the ordering orders, which were all dishes that Fu Yu had usually cooked, or that were not very difficult, and had been relatively popular in the kitchen.

If it weren't for this, Fu Yu would actually feel a little powerless.

At this time, Li Dongxu's style as the chief chef of the Fuchengchun flagship store was also fully reflected!

Although he is usually taciturn and his subordinates are extremely strict, he is not vague at all when it comes to work arrangements and handling emergencies.

What kind of customer suddenly asked for a change of dish after the dish was cooked, or forgot to make a note, causing the dish to taste wrong after being served, or even the leader of the competition party who wanted to order dishes to entertain guests despite not having enough meal tickets urgently asked for help. For all these things, Li Dongxu Respond appropriately and deal with it in an orderly manner.

After working under Li Dongxu for a period of time, Fu Yu finally understood why he could serve as the chief chef.

Because in the kitchen, as long as Li Dongxu is in charge of the overall situation, there is nothing to worry about. Just as if the sky is falling, Li Dongxu can easily hold it up.

Others just need to work with peace of mind and don't have to worry about anything.

This particularly reassuring feeling was something Fu Yu had only experienced with Yao Shi when he was working at Chollima.

At around one o'clock in the afternoon, the orders from the kitchen began to decrease. Li Dongxu took Yang Ming to communicate with the event organizer about the dinner dishes that had been ordered for the evening. Fu Yu and Wang Haiwei stayed at the stall and continued to finish the cooking at hand.

Fu Yu still had three ordering orders in his hand, and Yang Ming left him with up to three dishes for each order, all of which were popular dishes with no difficulty.

Fu Yu had cooked before and was pretty good at handling a spoon.

A dish had just come out of the pot, and he was concentrating on putting it on the plate. A waiter hurriedly came to the back kitchen to deliver the order. A table of customers who had just arrived ordered twenty portions of braised fish with soy sauce, and asked for five more barrels from the store. Special soy sauce fried rice.

Fu Yu was stunned, how could he identify the old man fish? One point was twenty portions.

Moreover, the specialty soy sauce fried rice here is packed in a bamboo tube, and one serving can hold three full bowls of rice. Under normal circumstances, customers can only order one serving per table, which is enough for the whole table. .

This is just five barrels. I’m afraid there will be a lot of people coming, right?

Fu Yu asked: "How many customers are here?"

The waiter said: "There are only two people in total. It looks like they are doing mukbang. When I came, they had already set up cameras and everything!"

It turns out that he is the anchor, so there is nothing strange about it. He is probably a big eater.

Anyway, as long as customers have meal tickets to order food, they can just receive them normally.

The dishes that Wang Haiwei was still waiting for were not finished cooking, so Fu Yu took the initiative and said, "Chef Wang, can I take this order?"

Wang Haiwei looked at the dishes on the ordering list and said in surprise: "Oh, why did you order 20 dishes of braised fish with soy sauce in one go?"

Fu Yu explained: "I heard that he is an anchor and the machines have been set up."

"No wonder." Wang Haiwei looked at Fu Yu and asked, "Can you make this dish?"

Fu Yu nodded: "Yes, I have done it several times."

Wang Haiwei said assuredly: "Okay, then you can take this order. I'm done here, so I can help."

This is 20 dishes of braised fish with soy sauce. Even if one pot can produce two servings, it will take ten pots of cooking.

If you don’t have two hours, you won’t be able to finish it.

After explaining, Wang Haiwei hurriedly asked the workers to cook the rice quickly. The customers directly ordered 5 barrels of soy sauce fried rice and served them rice. If there were more customers ordering food, there wouldn't be enough.

Fu Yu took the order and took the time to prepare the dishes. He immediately added seasonings and rearranged the cooking order of the remaining dishes on hand.

After taking the order, Yang Zhichao hurried over to inform the waiter Zhang Luo to prepare the dishes.

"Let's contact the purchase again. It's best if Old Man Fish can send some more, otherwise there won't be enough for tonight!"

Fu Yu quickly explained again.

Yang Zhichao agreed and went to the food preparation area.

After a while, Yang Zhichao came back and reported to Fu Yuhui: "The workers will process the ingredients immediately, and the purchasing department also called, but he said that he doesn't have time now, and the goods will be replenished after five o'clock in the evening at the earliest."

Fu Yu saw something wrong with Yang Zhichao's expression, but didn't say anything. As long as there were enough ingredients at the moment, cooking would not be delayed.

As for replenishment, Yang Ming or Li Dongxu can be contacted at that time.

Although Yang Zhichao was not in a good mood, he was not ambiguous at all in his work.

Quickly attack Fu Yu.

Braised old man fish with soy sauce is a specialty fish dish from my hometown, and it is also a hot-selling dish here at Fucheng Chun.

This kind of fish is made of garlic clove meat. The meat is delicious and delicate, and there are no small thorns. The best way to cook it is to braise it with sauce. It is delicious and goes well with rice. It is guaranteed to be unforgettable after eating it once.

Fu Yu has always had very high requirements for ingredients, so he carefully checked the handling of the old fish.

Especially the position of the fish head should be checked very carefully.

The main reason is that although the meat of the old man fish is fresh and tender, it prefers stagnant water to living water. It has a yellow film on the surface and anti-freeze protein substances on the surface of the body. Therefore, it is difficult for ice crystals to penetrate and freeze to death, and the intestines are relatively clean. However, this kind of fish often harbors bacteria. and parasites.

Bacteria and parasites are all concentrated in the fish head, so the chef will carefully remove the fish head during processing and only cook the clean fish body.

You must also be very careful when cleaning up.

This can also ensure the health and safety of customers when eating and avoid some hygienic eating problems.

After Fu Yu checked it and determined that there was no problem, he started cooking.

He stir-fries the sauce first, this step is very critical.

I use the soybean paste from my hometown.

Fuchengchun usually has a stable customer base and a large amount of food in the kitchen, so when it comes to purchasing goods, it is shipped directly from the manufacturer in its hometown.

Guaranteed to be genuine and fresh.

However, this kind of sauce that has just left the factory is generally dry. Fu Yu specially added a few tablespoons of water when frying, stirred it evenly and diluted it, so that the sauce would not be easily stuck in the pot when frying.

Fu Yu had a habit developed with Zhang Jinyu in the past. When cooking, when he thought of tips and operating techniques, he would give some special advice.

Now that he is replaced by Yang Zhichao, he sometimes can't change it, so he mentions it casually and teaches it to the other party.

Yang Zhichao deeply felt that he had benefited a lot.

In just two days, Duan Yu has grown more and more respectful, and he seems to regard him as his cooking master.

Fu Yu added oil to the pot and heated it, then added chopped green onion, minced ginger and chili pepper segments and sauteed until fragrant.

The customer ordered 20 dishes in one go. Although Fu Yu was not in a hurry, he still fried the ingredients for two dishes in one pot.

It is not difficult for him to produce two dishes from one pot.

Whether it’s the ingredients used or the ratio of seasonings, you can get it right at your fingertips.

This is also due to my previous job at Qianlima. There were often takeout orders and I had to make two dishes in one pot.

Over time, I have developed a superb skill in volume control.

Fu Yu sauteed hot oil for two dishes in the pot, then added soybean paste and stir-fried over low heat.

Stir-fry the soybean paste over low heat to bring out the aroma. When frying the soybean paste, stir-fry over low heat. Using high heat will easily burn the pot.

Add hot water, then add seafood soy sauce, sugar, cooking wine, and white pepper.

Add the old man fish, bring to a boil over high heat, cover the pot, turn to low heat and simmer.

Fu Yu took a look at the situation in the pot, then turned to tell Yang Zhichao: "You come and keep an eye on the pot, and call me in 6 minutes."

Yang Zhichao agreed. Seeing that Fu Yu didn't put the lid on the pot, he quickly reminded him: "Fu Chu, you forgot to put the lid on the pot!"

Fu Yu heard this and explained: "Oh, when making this stew, you need to bring the pot to a high fire, then change to a low fire and simmer slowly. Generally, you don't need to turn the pot, so you can't add a lid. If you stew too hard, the fish will not cook. It’s lumpy.”

This is the experience he summed up while cooking in Chollima, and now he imparts it to Yang Zhichao without reservation.

Yang Zhichao is particularly convinced by Du Yu now. He mainly works in the kitchen. It is difficult for anyone to be willing to teach others his experience and unique skills for free.

Unlike other industries, chefs are actually very self-interested.

The longer you work, the more you will understand how rare it is to be as generous as Fu Yu.

Yang Zhichao remembered Fu Yu's instructions very carefully and worked harder and harder.

Fu Yu simmered a pot of old fish, then quickly set up the pot and started cooking other dishes. While the ingredients were on the steamer, he stewed another pot of old fish.

Inside and outside, he spent the time cooking two dishes. At the same time, he set up a frying pan and cooked four portions of braised old man fish in sauce, plus one portion of the dishes he had previously accumulated.

Yang Zhichao was amazed by this way of utilizing time to the extreme.

They had just occupied all three stoves, and the waiter came over to send a message, saying that the customer who ordered the meal requested that the kitchen must serve all the dishes within an hour.

Because they had work in the afternoon and had to rush back to the event.

Wang Haiwei became anxious when he heard this: "How is that possible! Let alone one hour, it would be great if we can serve all the dishes in two hours!"

We are killing live fish and cooking them on site. Does he think it is a pre-made dish?

What do you think! "

The waiter was in a dilemma for a while. The customer had a request, but the chef refused to agree, so he had to find a way around it.

Yang Zhichao is also very worried. If a customer can make such a request, it means that he is not a person who considers others.

In addition, I heard that he is still an anchor. Such customers are really untouchable and cannot be messed with.

Especially since they are currently setting up a stall in the activity center to take orders, which represents Fuchengchun's face. It is not closed and only his family knows about it. There are also several well-known restaurants around.

Those are all competitors in the food circle!

The waiter looked at Fu Yu in embarrassment and asked, "Fu Chu, do we agree to this request?"

After saying that, he quickly explained: "I told the customer at that time that the kitchen did not just take his order, but there were other customers waiting for their meals. He said that there was a technology demonstration in the afternoon. For the live broadcast of the event, the seats have already been taken, so we are waiting to finish our meal and go there immediately.

I want us here to help hurry up, because they have been live broadcasting since they started eating, and now the whole process is displayed in front of fans.

He also said that there were more than 3,000 people watching in the live broadcast room at this time, and it was said that the number of people continued to increase.

This time they promoted it by eating our store’s signature dishes, braised fish with soy sauce and fried rice with soy sauce. The platform made it popular, and now it has attracted a lot of people to watch. "

He said so, so I could only agree to come over to the kitchen to help ask. "

This is threatening the chef with the live broadcast.

Although the customer's request is very unreasonable, there is a lot of hostility on the Internet nowadays, and there are all kinds of people.

The fans watching did not know the specific situation. If the anchor deliberately influenced the rhythm, it would definitely have an impact on the reputation of their store.

After the waiter finished speaking, Wang Haiwei was a little undecided for a while.

This matter is simply too difficult for someone to do! (End of chapter)

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