Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1103 Nothing to panic

"Fu Chu, do we agree to this request?" The waiter really had no choice.

The customer had been talking for a long time, just asking the kitchen to speed up the cooking.

It's said to be an hour, so if you delay a little longer, it shouldn't be a big deal. Anyway, these 20 plates of food and 5 buckets of rice will have to be eaten one bite at a time.

As long as it can be refilled as soon as the customer finishes eating, there shouldn't be a big problem.

Fu Yu thought so too, and he was confident in his cooking speed.

I am even eager to try the challenge of cooking three portions of braised fish with soy sauce in the same pot.

This can effectively increase the speed of serving food.

You can even take advantage of Yang Ming's absence to occupy the opponent's kitchen table and add two more stoves to fire at the same time.

Yang Zhichao also looked at Fu Yu, waiting for his answer.

Fu Yu took over this order, so he naturally made the decision.

Xu Yuyang was a little undecided for a moment and did not speak out rashly.

At this time, Fu Yu suddenly nodded: "Okay, you tell the customer, I will try my best to follow his request, speed up the serving, and try to complete the cooking of the dishes within an hour."

At this moment, another older waiter hurriedly ran in: "How can you agree?

Every time Chef Li encounters a problem, he makes a judgment based on the actual situation. Especially when encountering such a troublesome customer, he cannot agree to something that cannot be done, otherwise he will not be able to solve it later! "

Hearing this sentence, everyone was stunned for a moment, even Fu Yu looked up and glanced at the waiter. He was the senior waiter who came with the group to participate in the event and was responsible for the management of people in the dining area.

However, when Fu Yu saw what she said, he didn't refute, but nodded: "Thank you, Sister Sun, I understand."

Waiters are also divided into different statuses. The Sister Yang in front of me is already a management member of the wait staff. Although she has not been officially promoted, she has always been the first person in charge under the front office manager.

She is the confidant of the front office manager. When the manager is away, she will be responsible for all matters, big and small.

Seeing Fu Yu's good attitude, the other party nodded with satisfaction: "Don't be impulsive when dealing with this kind of matter!"

The young waiter glanced at Fu Yu hesitantly: "Chef Fu, do you still agree to the customer's request?"

Fu Yu smiled, seeing the young waiter's cowering look, he guessed that he was usually very strictly controlled by the old waiter.

"Just tell the customer that the kitchen will serve the food as quickly as possible. Anyway, he has to eat one dish after another. I will try to shorten the serving time. As long as it doesn't delay his live broadcast, he should be fine. "

Before the young waiter could respond, Sun Lihua suddenly said angrily: "How can you do things like this? What if the customer decides that he wants the kitchen to serve the food within an hour and you can't do it then? Really? If there is any dispute that affects the reputation of the store, who will be responsible!"

Fu Yu was speechless. This is the back kitchen. Everyone is busy cooking and cooking. What are you, a waiter in the front office, yelling about here?

What's more, you're not the front office manager, you're just a waiter with seniority, so you think you have everything right?

I'm the chef and you're just the waiter, okay?

There are often some waiters gesticulating at the chefs in the hotel, but Yao Shi is in charge of the Qianlima and Music Restaurants, and they manage this aspect very well.

Fu Yu has never experienced anything like this, and he doesn't know that this situation is very common in the circle.

In fact, Fu Yu didn't feel disgusted with her suggestion at first, and even politely called the other party "sister" out of dignity.

However, he is the chef. He took the order. He is responsible for cooking and cooking, right?

If you have something to say, you can say it nicely. What kind of attitude is this!

He felt there was nothing wrong with his handling.

This time, Fu Yu ignored Sun Lihua and said directly to the young waiter: "Just go and talk to the customer as I said. I'll hurry up and cook now."

When Sun Lihua saw this, he became angry and said: "No, you are just a student. Who gave you the right to make decisions without authorization? Who will be responsible if something goes wrong?"

As he said that, he turned to Wang Haiwei and shouted: "Chef Wang, have you seen it? He is talking to himself here and is so reckless. When Chef Li comes back soon, you have to help testify!"

Fu Yu was a little angry, but he didn't tolerate the other party. He shouted directly in a cold voice: "Please don't yell in the kitchen. You have already affected our normal work. Also, my name is Fu Yu, and I have You can call me Fu Chu by name, but please don’t call me your name. It’s very rude to call others this way!

As for rights?

I am the chef arranged by Chef Li, and I have the right to take orders and cook. If you have any questions, you can go directly to Chef Li! Zhichao, I need to hurry up and cook now. Please kick out the irrelevant people and don't interfere with everyone's work in the kitchen! "

These words made Sun Lihua stand on the spot, unable to recover for a long time!

How dare an outsider who is studying to contradict me?

Are you forcing yourself to leave in front of everyone? !

Sun Lihua was angry and annoyed for a moment, his face turned red, he gasped and stared at Fu Yu, his eyes seemed full of hatred!

Don't think that waiters in restaurants are easy to bully. In fact, many waiters in restaurants are not good at cooking.

Especially those old waiters who have been working for a long time and have rich experience.

After all, in a restaurant, if we really want to clearly define job responsibilities, chefs and waiters are actually two completely different departments. Their daily work relationship is not a superior-subordinate relationship, but a parallel relationship!

The waiter cooperates with the chef in ordering and serving food, and is not inferior to the chef.

Moreover, in many large hotels, waiters have great rights. When working, waiters often argue with chefs.

Especially those waiters with senior qualifications and rich experience in serving customers. Many newcomers to the kitchen even have to find ways to establish a good relationship with them to facilitate their future orders and even cultivate and stabilize old customers.

Therefore, some waiters are quite difficult to get along with, but some new waiters are relatively better.

"Okay, you said this, remember it!"

Sun Lihua said harsh words and left angrily.

"Fu Chu. Sister Sun is usually quite vindictive!" The young waiter glanced outside and said in a voice that could only be heard between the two of them.

This time I came to participate in the event, and all the waiters were under the control of Sun Lihua. She was the person in charge of the dining area for this event.

Hearing what the young waiter said, Fu Yu smiled: "It's okay, I take orders normally and deal with customers' requests. What does this have to do with her?

Even if something goes wrong, I am the one working in the kitchen, what does it have to do with her front office staff? "

The young waiter looked at Fu Yu who looked calm, and his mood that was still a little overwhelmed was inexplicably soothed.


Fu Yu took the order, and Fu Yu agreed to the customer's request.

She was just a waiter, responsible for serving dishes and delivering messages. Sun Lihua was in the kitchen just now, and Fu Yu was handling the whole process, which had nothing to do with her.

Thinking of this, the heart in my throat dropped.

The young waiter nodded: "Okay, Chef Fu, then I'll go talk to the customer."

Fu Yu nodded and continued busy with cooking.

Since the customer has been promised to finish serving the food within an hour, it is inevitable that multiple stoves will be occupied at the same time.

Fortunately, Yang Zhichao is following him, so there is no need to worry about being unable to keep an eye on him.

Fu Yu himself is also very good at controlling the heat and time when cooking dishes. This is not something difficult for him.

Wang Haiwei just watched Fu Yu and Sun Lihua bickering without saying a word. Now that they were gone, he came over and explained: "Xiao Fu, you just came here, so you may not know that Sun Lihua and the buyer Lao Chen are a couple!"

Buyer Chen Siyuan?

Fu Yu thought of the buyer who had a long and thin face, was short in stature, always spoke as if he had something in his mouth, and had a muffled voice.

So it turns out that he and Sun Lihua are a couple?

Wang Haiwei said: "They are both old people in our store. They followed the boss from his hometown and worked in the provincial capital head office for nearly seven or eight years.

Otherwise, how could the store let Sun Lihua, who was almost forty now, work in the front hall? "

Fu Yu nodded, and then thought of something. He turned around and asked Yang Zhichao: "You called Lao Chen just now, and he had a bad attitude?"

There was no one else in the kitchen, Yang Zhichao nodded: "Well, I told him that the old man here didn't have many fish left, and asked him to hurry up and buy another batch to send over. He muttered that we have a lot to do, and he didn't talk very nicely to me. After talking for a long time, I agreed to deliver it later."

When Liu Xiangyu, the cook who was following Wang Haiwei, heard this, he immediately said angrily: "He can be beaten in just one day, isn't it because he has been working for a long time? What's so great about it!"

He is nothing more than a purchaser now. His wife wants to be the current department manager, but she has failed to become one! "

Wang Haiwei has a good temper. When he heard the complaints from his subordinates, he quickly advised him: "Forget it, the kid is difficult to deal with. Just promise to send him away."

After saying that, he couldn't help but tell Fu Yu: "Don't contradict Sister Sun and the others in the future, there's no need."

This is purely a polite comment.

When Fu Yu and Sun Lihua contradicted each other just now, Wang Haiwei didn't say a word because he didn't want to get involved.

After all, Fu Yu only came here to study, and he couldn't stay for too long. In the future, he would just pat his butt and walk away without taking away a single cloud.

I want to work in the kitchen for a long time.

There is really no need to offend Sun Lihua.

Moreover, provoking Sun Lihua is equivalent to provoking Lao Chen. What are you trying to do?

Fu Yu smiled at Wang Haiwei and didn't care about the other person's slightly indifferent behavior before.

There is nothing wrong with protecting oneself Mingzhe.

Just be careful in the future.

Compared to Wang Haiwei, who has a smooth personality and seems to be a good guy, Fu Yu has a better impression of Yang Ming.

It is probably because of this that Li Dongxu favored Yang Ming more.

However, now is not the time to think about such things.

Sun Lihua's scope of responsibility was in the dining area, so he couldn't care less about competing with her for the time being.

As for her husband, the buyer Lao Chen, there are also Yang Ming and Li Dongxu to deal with.

What he should be worrying about now is how to speed up cooking and serve customers in time.

The waiters are sending prepared dishes one after another.

Fu Yu's two woks on his own stove each simmered enough dishes for four servings.

Fu Yu handed the two stoves to Yang Zhichao to look at, while he directly occupied Yang Ming's kitchen counter.

At the same time, two more stoves were added, but this time, three portions of braised fish with soy sauce were cooked in each pot at the same time.

This requires very high demands on his cooking skills and is also a relatively difficult challenge.

The main reason is that the head of the old fish itself has been removed, and the fish meat is in the shape of garlic cloves. If the heat and time are not controlled well, the fish meat will fall apart and cannot be plated completely.

Yang Zhichao looked at Fu Yu busy cooking back and forth, feeling somewhat nervous and uneasy. He was afraid that Fu Yu's cooking would have a problem and he would not be able to serve the food in time. If the customers started to make trouble, Sun Lihua might not know how to make trouble worse.

Compared with Yang Zhichao, Fu Yu behaved very calmly.

All his attention is on cooking.

It is said that having too many skills does not overwhelm the body, and every previous experience is a surprising foreshadowing for the future.

Fu Yu now has a deep understanding of it.

Cooking 20 identical dishes is very familiar to him, and he has accumulated a lot of experience in operation.

In addition to the repeated cooking training in the teaching practice class, the experience of cooking on the flowing table in the music restaurant also gave him a lot of practical training opportunities.

He quickly mentally finalized the cooking order of all the dishes on hand. His hands kept moving, and his mind had already planned every action he made every second.

What he should do now is try to speed up his hand as much as possible.

Fortunately, the cooking operation of braised old fish with soy sauce is not difficult for him. As long as he pays more attention, it is not completely impossible to complete the dish within an hour.

At this time, Yang Zhichao hurriedly greeted: "Fu Chu, it's time!"

There are two servings of dishes simmered in this pot. You only need to collect the soup at the end and then you can take it out of the pot and place it on the plate.

Fu Yu paused what he was doing and went over to complete the final cooking.

The two dishes were quickly plated and taken away by the waiters.

Fu Yu quickly returned to Yang Ming's kitchen. After stir-frying the sauce, he braised the old man fish, then set up an empty pot and quickly cooked the soy sauce fried rice.

One pot can produce two buckets of fried rice.

It’s enough for the anchor to eat for a while.

Fu Yu was not in a hurry to continue frying rice, but directly used the stove in front of him and set up a clean pot to cook the old man fish in sauce.

Almost as soon as two pots of Laotou Fish are served, two buckets of soy sauce fried rice will be cooked.

Dishes and rice were served one after another, and Fu Yu was able to find time to cook two dishes that had been accumulated in his hand.

The waiter came over to report that the customers had already started eating, and the speed was quite fast. The fish was paired with rice, and they could finish a plate of vegetables and half a bucket of rice in no time.

After hearing the news, Fu Yu was not in a hurry and still maintained the original cooking speed.

The customer requested that all the dishes be served within an hour, and there was still enough time, so there was nothing to panic about. (End of chapter)

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