Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1104 It’s really hard to make money at the expense of life

Fu Yu's performance was too calm.

Yang Zhichao followed beside him and after watching several dishes being served, he unconsciously relaxed.

At this time, Yang Ming hurried back.

"Xiao Fu, what's going on?"

Yang Ming was surprised to see Fu Yu occupying his kitchen counter and asked quickly.

Fu Yu was stunned: "What...what's going on?"

Yang Ming said: "Sun Lihua called Chef Li just now and said that you took orders without permission and had a conflict with a customer?"

Fu Yu said with a smile: "I took the order form handed over by the waiter. It was just that the customer had special requests, and I agreed to comply. This is not a conflict. I didn't even see the customer's face."

This is too speechless.

Unexpectedly, what the young waiter said was true. This Sun Lihua was too vindictive. In order to retaliate for causing trouble for himself, he started to make up nonsense.

Just now, she asked him to wait, but turned around and called Yang Ming over.

Fu Yu told the story exactly as he was holding the spoon.

Yang Ming has a straight temper and couldn't help but roll his eyes after hearing this. Is this a big deal?

Is it worth going through all this trouble and making a phone call to complain?


It was one thing to be disdainful, but Yang Ming quickly realized a very critical issue: "Wait a minute, you said that the customer asked the kitchen to serve 20 portions of braised fish with soy sauce and 5 barrels of soy sauce within an hour. Fried rice? Are you cooking with Chef Wang now?"

Fu Yu said: "No, I'm in charge of the dishes myself. Chef Wang still has an unfinished order."

When Yang Ming heard this, he quickly asked: "How many dishes have you served now?"

Fu Yu: "Seven dishes, six of them are simmering in the pot now, and the pot will be cooked soon. When this pot is simmered, I will make soy sauce fried rice. Four buckets have been served. I will fry another bucket."

Yang Ming was immediately surprised: "Huh? Are you turning on four stoves at the same time by yourself?"

Fu Yu smiled: "To be precise, it's five. Chef Yang, I saw you weren't here, so I borrowed two stoves."

The kitchen counter at the venue has three stoves in one position.

Yang Ming was completely stunned: "Wait a minute, that is to say, you cooked two dishes directly in this pot, no, there are also three dishes cooked in one pot?"

Fu Yu nodded: "Yes, now that the sauce has been fried in this pot, you can put the old fish in and stew it directly."

Yang Ming was particularly curious: "How good is Qianlima's business?"

Otherwise, how could one achieve such an amazing cooking speed? Without very precise time control, it would be impossible for a normal person to complete the cooking of 20 dishes and 5 buckets of fried rice in one hour.

Even if four dishes have been cooked before the customer makes a request, there are still 16 dishes left.

What an amazing operation this is!

Fu Yu: "When I was in Chollima, I went to a music restaurant to study. The music restaurant is a restaurant that specializes in taking orders for large banquets."

Fu Yu couldn't say that he was secretly working a part-time job to earn extra money, so he tried to flatter himself by saying that he was going to further his studies.

It turns out that this is the case. It’s no wonder that the amazing operating speed was developed on the running water mat.

Yang Ming came back and didn't plan to leave again. He directly took over the remaining dishes from Fu Yu's side so that he could concentrate on completing the cooking of the braised fish with soy sauce.

"I'll take care of the remaining two buckets of soy sauce fried rice. You hurry up and cook the remaining dishes."

With Yang Ming's help, Fu Yu suddenly felt much more relaxed.

He started cooking one after another, and finally finished serving the dishes successfully within the hour requested by the customer.

Fu Yu was relieved. In fact, his budget was very accurate. Even if Yang Ming didn't help, one person could complete the work within the limited time.

It’s just that the cooking operation is more intense.

After completing the order in hand, Fu Yu had no more work to do.

Yang Ming had already cooked the remaining two dishes and served them on the table, so he and Wang Haiwei worked together to make a staff meal.

After working for most of the day and doing all physical work, I am really hungry!

They were thinking about cooking with the leftover ingredients from the morning, and a waiter trotted over to the ordering area to report the news.

It’s still the same young waiter Xiaoxia from before.

Xiao Xia hurried over and said anxiously: "Chef Fu, it's bad, the dining customer ate the braised fish with soy sauce made by the chef and now he has fainted from food poisoning!"

Fu Yu was stunned: "What? Food poisoning?"

Xiaoxia said in a panic: "Now the entourage has dialed 120, and the staff at the venue are contacting the emergency personnel to come over for emergency treatment."

Fu Yu was stunned. How could he eat old man fish and make people faint?

Moreover, after ordering so many meals, on what basis was it determined that the customer was poisoned and comatose after eating the braised old man fish in soy sauce? Is he probably overeating?

Braised old man fish with soy sauce is a specialty fish dish from my hometown, and it is also a hot-selling dish here at Fucheng Chun.

This kind of fish is made of garlic clove meat. The meat is delicious and delicate, and there are no small thorns. The best way to cook it is to braise it with sauce. It is delicious and goes well with rice. It is guaranteed to be unforgettable after eating it once.

There are usually a lot of people ordering, but today at noon alone, there were at least four or five tables ordering this dish among the tables taking orders.

Fu Yu had specially checked it before cooking it. Because he had done it himself, he knew very well that there must be nothing wrong with the dish.

First of all, the fish are very fresh. Although they are not real river fish, they are all natural live fish raised in the river.

The workers here are also very careful in cleaning up.

The old man fish prefers stagnant water to living water. It has a yellow film on its surface and antifreeze protein substances on its body surface, so it is difficult for ice crystals to penetrate and freeze to death. Its intestines are relatively clean, but this fish often harbors bacteria and parasites.

Bacteria and parasites are all concentrated in the fish head, so the chef will carefully remove the fish head during processing and only cook the clean fish body.

You must also be very careful when cleaning up.

The sauces used in the store are all shipped directly from the manufacturers in my hometown, and the production dates are guaranteed.

Because the customer base is stable and the kitchen usage is large, there is never a backlog.

How is it possible to make a customer faint from eating when the ingredients are fresh and the cooking operation is flawless?

That must be the problem of the customers themselves. After all, it is rare to hear of someone being able to finish 20 dishes and five buckets of soy sauce fried rice in one go. Isn’t that challenging the limits of human beings?

If something happens in the kitchen, someone must go over to coordinate and deal with it.

Wang Haiwei was busy making stir-fries. Hearing this, he turned to Yang Ming and asked, "Are you going or should I go?"

Fu Yu took the order, and Fu Yu was Yang Ming's subordinate. Wang Haiwei asked this question because he didn't want to get involved in this matter.

Yang Ming simply said: "I'm going to see what's going on!"

Fu Yu hurriedly chased after him: "Chef Yang, I'm going too!"

When Fu Yu and Yang Ming arrived, many people were already gathered in the dining area, and the staff of the activity center called the emergency doctor as quickly as possible.

As soon as the doctor arrived, he quickly joined hands with the medical staff to place the patient, and then performed rescue operations.

The customer's companions gathered around anxiously, panicking.

Fortunately, the doctor was very professional and the rescue was timely. It didn't take long for the customer to wake up.

The doctor was obviously relieved and conducted a detailed examination and consultation for the customer.

The customer just woke up after fainting and was obviously in a trance.

When hearing the doctor's questions, the companions on the side help answer the questions. The customer himself only responds to his own physical condition or nods or shakes his head to cooperate with the doctor's questions.

The companion said: "I really got poisoned by eating the braised fish with soy sauce! If you don't believe it, you can watch the live broadcast record. It is available on the platform. The whole process from the beginning of the meal to the moment of fainting is recorded!"

Yang Ming glanced at the almost-eaten table of empty plates and empty bamboo buckets, and couldn't help but ask, "Did he eat all of this alone?"

The companion was stunned and subconsciously responded: "Yes, he ate it all."

Yang Ming immediately said: "How are you sure that he was poisoned by eating fish instead of sustaining it? This is 20 dishes and five barrels of soy sauce fried rice. It would take three or four people for a normal adult man to eat it all, right?"

When the companion heard this, he hurriedly said: "It must not be full. He usually eats better, and this is not the first time he has done a live broadcast of eating. Fans are watching in the live broadcast room to see how good he is!

And out of the five buckets of rice, I actually only ate four and a half buckets, leaving more than half of the bucket uneaten. I also ate nearly a bucket, and the fish meat didn’t take up much space in my stomach. It was really not full, and I was definitely poisoned! "

Yang Ming smacked his lips and didn't argue any more.

Anyway, there is a doctor here, and it will be clear after the diagnosis whether he is holding on or whether he is poisoned.

And he didn't say anything. Even if he could eat it, these three barrels of soy sauce fried rice and 20 plates of fish would probably be difficult for normal people to digest.

It's unbelievable.

Fu Yu listened to them talking and turned to look at the customer who had regained consciousness. This man was thin and small. Where did he eat so much food?

After hearing this, the doctor was stunned for a moment.

What about overeating?

Then you need to check it carefully.

The doctor carefully examined the customer, asked about the specific cause of the disease, and learned more about the customer's dining situation.

"My mouth is numb, my tongue is a little numb, my body is weak, my limbs are numb, I can't sit up. I just slipped from the chair and hit my head."

The doctor quickly made a judgment: "It's probably not because of overeating. The patient did not suffer from abdominal distension, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting due to indigestion. It looked a bit like food poisoning, but it could also be caused by other reasons. Now Without systematic inspection, no conclusion can be drawn.

Have you contacted the emergency center? After a while I went to the hospital and still had to do an electrocardiogram to confirm. "

The companion was very worried. Seeing that his friend's condition was still not improving, he hurriedly said truthfully: "My friend is a anchor who specializes in technology promotion. He has more than 200,000 fans. He is going to come to the exhibition today to record an episode. During the program, it happened to be meal time, so we decided to make a live broadcast of the meal.

He wanted to take this opportunity to transform, so he specially ordered Fucheng Chun's braised old man fish in soy sauce. He heard that this kind of fish has parasites and the infection rate is very high.

This kind of gimmick live broadcast can attract many fans. We have seen other anchors succeed, so we want to give it a try.

We ordered a total of twenty portions, and he ate them all by himself. We originally planned to go to the hospital for a parasite check a few days after eating, but he fainted!

But it's definitely not enough. He usually eats this much even when he's very hungry. "

After hearing this, Fu Yu's heart dropped completely.

Poisoned by eating old man fish?

This statement does exist, but it refers to parasites in fish heads.

It is also because of this that the general kitchen will do it very cleanly when handling it, and pay special attention to this aspect.

If you are really dizzy, if you are not overeating, then it is a matter of personal constitution.

Live broadcast of eating old man fish just to attract attention due to poisoning!

Isn't this too fancy?

Thinking of this, Fu Yu couldn't help but shook his head.

Fortunately, today is a trial run for eating old man fish. If you don’t think twice, try some pufferfish or something else, maybe something big will happen!

Is the anchor industry so busy now?

Do you have to sacrifice your own health to gain popularity and fans?

It’s really hard to make money without your life!

However, the emergency doctor does not care about these. He only thinks about how to provide effective treatment suggestions when handing over to the emergency center.

Through the examination just now, he personally judged that the customer's health should be fine.

There were no symptoms of vomiting, dizziness, or other poisoning reactions.

The numbness of the lips and tongue shown by the customer just now may be caused by syncope, or even a slight concussion caused by falling and hitting his head.

These are all very possible.

Without professional equipment for examination, he did not dare to make a conclusion based on consultation alone.

While waiting for the ambulance to arrive, the doctor observed the patient's condition and asked, "Which of you is the chef? Samples of the food eaten by this customer must be kept. Someone will come from the activity center to collect evidence soon."

For such a large-scale event, if a customer has a problem now, there must be an explanation.

Fu Yu hurriedly said: "I am in charge of all the dishes at this table. I can sample the food, no problem."

The doctor nodded and said casually: "I have never heard of this old man fish poisoning in all my years of medical practice."

Fu Yu couldn't help but chat: "It is indeed very rare. The old fish itself is a very clean fish, but there are indeed parasites, but only on the fish head. Our kitchen will carefully remove the fish head when cooking Just use the fish body for cooking. This is common sense, and there will definitely be no problem with the dishes."

After finishing speaking, he turned to the customer and the companion and said: "Now that the doctor is here, you might as well think about whether you have a seafood allergy or other ingredients that are causing your physical discomfort. Don't stop It delays diagnosis and treatment and aggravates the condition."

What Fu Yu said was very pertinent, and he also explained it in detail.

It is rumored that the old man fish is poisonous. This kind of talk is actually very irresponsible.

The old fish does carry some bacteria and even parasites, but they are all found in the fish head.

As long as it is handled carefully, it will not be transmitted to people.

But except for my hometown, it seems that outsiders have very deep misunderstandings about this kind of river fish, and related opinions are widely circulated. (End of chapter)

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