Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1105 I scared myself into fainting

The customer's companion quickly said: "No, my friend has no history of allergies and has no problem eating seafood before!"

If it's not a seafood allergy, it may be due to a previous medical history.

But when the doctor asked him just now, he made it clear that he was in good health and had no old illnesses.

Is it possible that you are really full?

There's no way to ask that.

Fortunately, the ambulance arrived quickly.

The activity center will send people to coordinate the consultation, and there will also be people at the stalls to follow you throughout the process.

Fu Yu originally wanted to follow him there in person, but Yang Ming was worried that Fu Yu was new here and was not familiar with any place and had never interacted with anyone at the activity center.

Finally, he called Li Dongxu and asked him to accompany the customer to the hospital.

Li Dongxu has been in the capital for so many years, and his network of contacts has been expanded. He has acquaintances in hospitals and activity centers.

With him following him, everyone at the stall felt more at ease.

Yang Ming followed the stretcher to the ambulance and explained the whole story to Li Dongxu along the way.

After listening to this, Li Dongxu didn't get angry or get angry. He explained very calmly: "Okay, I understand. I will handle this matter. When you go back, keep an eye on the kitchen. If I can't make it back in the evening, I will contact you." Boss, come and support me.

At the stall, please explain to the others that this matter should not be spread outside today, and that we will be open for business as usual in the evening. If something happened at this time, there wouldn't be anyone around, so the news wouldn't spread that fast.

Once the situation is clarified, we will see how to deal with it. "

After saying that, he specifically explained: "This matter should have nothing to do with us. Fu Yu has been busy at noon alone. Please comfort him later and don't let anyone feel cold."

Li Dongxu knows the quality of the ingredients in his store very well.

This customer is eating to death, risking his life and causing harm to his body, most likely because of the problem.

Fu Yu can't be blamed for this, not to mention that Fu Yu was exhausted from working so hard to take orders, which was not easy.

Li Dongxu always kept a clear distinction between public and private affairs, and although he was also curious about how Fu Yu managed to complete the cooking of the dishes within the time required by the customer, he did not bother to ask more questions at the moment.

Yang Ming agreed, waited for the ambulance to leave, and hurried back to the stall.

Hearing what Yang Ming relayed, Fu Yu felt warm in his heart. He actually knew that this matter had nothing to do with him.

However, Li Dongxu's treatment still touched him. After all, Sun Lihua could treat him with such contempt because he was a foreign student.

Fu Yu was a little worried at first, but now he was given a reassurance, and he immediately felt at ease.

The staff at the stall took advantage of the fact that the evening customers hadn't started to come over to dine, so they took the time to have lunch.

While eating, Yang Ming made a special call to the buyer Lao Chen, urging him to deliver the ingredients as soon as possible.

Chen Siyuan is also a person who watches people place dishes. After receiving the call, he immediately explained that he had contacted the supplier and could pick up the goods immediately. It could be delivered to the stall before three o'clock in the afternoon at the latest, which would definitely not delay the kitchen. While cooking.

Yang Ming hung up the phone, turned to Fu Yu and said, "Next time something like this happens, just tell me. Lao Chen is indeed like this. He has been working for a long time, and he is somewhat relying on his elders. Everyone knows it. .”

Fu Yu nodded: "Okay."

After saying that, he looked at Yang Ming sincerely: "Thank you, Chef Yang."

Yang Ming smiled, held the bowl and bumped Fu Yu with his elbow: "We brothers don't need to talk about this. We will still have a long time to get along in the future. We should help each other!"

Fu Yu also smiled, because the sense of isolation caused by his first arrival was obviously slowly disappearing.

His impression of Li Dongxu's small team is getting better and better now. Maybe it's because he has been working for a long time and has in-depth interactions with several people, and his sense of integration has become deeper.

Yang Ming comforted Fu Yu, and then turned to tell the other people in the kitchen that what happened just now was not allowed to be spread.

Everyone expressed their cooperation.

In fact, if he didn't mention it, everyone wouldn't publicize it. After all, this matter involves the reputation of the store.

We are all grasshoppers tied to the same rope. We all gain and lose.

Li Dongxu came back to the stall at around four o'clock in the evening.

As soon as he walked in, he announced that the customer was fine. It wasn't food poisoning or overeating, but he was overly frightened.

As soon as the news was announced, everyone in the kitchen was stunned.


How could I eat a meal and still be so frightened?

Although Fu Yu was also curious about what was going on, Li Dongxu was in a hurry to go to the activity center to submit clarification evidence and left in a hurry.

The kitchen hasn't officially started taking orders yet, so everyone is preparing the dishes while talking about what's going on.

This person was so frightened that he fainted while eating his meal. What happened during the meal?

Everyone was talking about anything for a while.

Li Dongxu submitted the inspection list printed from the hospital to the activity center, and then the center verified it and clarified it for Fuchengchun stall.

After finishing a series of matters, when Li Dongxu returned to the stall, it was already past five o'clock in the evening, and the kitchen had already entered the peak period of taking orders.

With Li Dongxu in charge, the task of taking orders has become less arduous.

But everyone was busy with work and didn't have time to inquire about gossip.

When the order list on hand gradually decreased, Yang Ming took the lead and couldn't help but ask: "Chef Li, you haven't elaborated on that customer's matter. What's going on?"

Li Dongxu casually wiped the sweat from his forehead with a towel and explained in detail how he went to the hospital for first aid.

The customer arrived at the emergency center. After consultation, he first had an examination and then had an electrocardiogram taken.

Then infusion, waiting for test results.

There are many patients in the hospital, and several people have to wait in line to get their numbers.

In the end, the doctor diagnosed that it was not food poisoning or overeating at all, but a lack of blood supply to the brain caused by excessive stress, which caused the syncope.

After hearing the doctor's diagnosis, the customer himself was dumbfounded.

Later I was asked what was going on.

The customer then told the truth.

He was originally an anchor specializing in promoting technology exhibitions, but his development was not going well. He accidentally saw that the popular eating broadcast on the Internet is now very popular, so he wanted to transform.

Because it is a field that I have never been exposed to before, the number of video views is too low, and no one watched the live broadcast.

So I want to imitate the very popular human body extreme mukbang to attract eyeballs and fans.

He imitates those video hosts who eat puffer fish. Such videos have a lot of views and attract a lot of attention.

However, the puffer fish was too dangerous, so he set his target on the old fish.

There are many rumors on the Internet that the old man fish is very delicious, but it has a lot of parasites and is easy to be infected.

It's just that the old man fish itself is not as popular as the puffer fish, so he specially added a gimmick of eating 20 dishes and 5 buckets of rice in one meal, hoping to use this topic to increase his attention.

Unexpectedly, because I was worried that I was really infected with parasites, I ate too hastily and was too nervous during meals, which eventually led to insufficient blood supply to the brain and fainted.

At that time, the doctor was speechless after hearing what happened. He commented on the spot that the patient was too ignorant!

Li Dongxu didn't expect that he would waste the whole afternoon in the hospital for such a ridiculous reason.

At that time, I was filled with righteous indignation and popularized the issue of parasites in old fish.

The customer was indeed in good health, had a good attitude, and was willing to help provide test results that clarified the facts.

This matter is settled.

However, Li Dongxu is a relatively experienced chef after all, and he did not forget to ask the customer to promise to make a clarification video on the spot, otherwise Fook Chengchun's reputation would be affected and legal prosecution would be initiated.

The customer himself is a blogger and has a keen sense of touch in this regard.

Such a clarification video may seem very stupid, but it is such stupid behavior that may really attract a wave of attention.

In today's world, black and red are also red!

Thinking of this, the customer agreed very happily and promised to make a video to explain the whole incident and solemnly apologize to Fuchengchun Hotel.

At this point, Li Dongxu let out a long sigh: "You don't know how I felt at that time. If it wasn't illegal to hit someone, I really wanted to slap him!

I just went to the activity center to hand in all the pathology, and the center will clarify the whole matter on its official website. "

After saying that, he couldn't help complaining: "Isn't this just a disease? These anchors on the Internet are also like this. They have fans to pay attention to, but they don't spread some positive energy and meaningful things. They all rely on sensationalism and cutting edge. Get eyeballs.

How can this person not get his shoes wet when walking by the river? "

Others think so.

Indeed, nowadays there are many people on the Internet who are constantly challenging and breaking through their own survival limits for the sake of broadcast volume, fan value, and sensationalism. They use their own safety and dignity to gain attention.

Even if this kind of behavior is not a generalization, as a public figure, shouldn't it play a positive role in publicity and guidance?

After all, among so many fans who are paying attention, who knows if someone will imitate the same and spread this bad behavior.

After complaining about the customer, Li Dongxu suddenly remembered the operation that he had not had time to ask about before.

Turning to look at Fu Yu, he asked curiously: "Xiao Fu, after you took the order before, you completed 20 dishes of braised fish with soy sauce and 5 barrels of soy sauce fried rice in such a short time. How did you do it? ?”

Li Dongxu was not present at the time, so he didn't know the quality of the dishes cooked by Fu Yu.

But no matter what, it is really difficult to complete all the cooking in such a short time.

He put himself in his shoes, and if it were him, he would have other dishes to order in his hand, and cooking so many dishes at the same time would be difficult to complete within the required time.

Li Dongxu had already inquired with the boss Liu Yongping and found out that Fu Yu's chef was the female celebrity chef Liu Yuqing.

It should be that you have actually done relevant special training on cooking speed, right?

After all, there is no shortcut when it comes to cooking. Only continuous learning and practical practice can effectively improve it.

After hearing this, Fu Yu used what he said to fool Yang Ming before to deal with Li Dongxu.

After hearing this, Li Dongxu was particularly emotional: "Then you are really talented. This kind of operation is very difficult both in terms of cooking ingredients and controlling time."

Moreover, there was a sentence that Li Dongxu was thinking in his heart but did not say it out loud.

For Fu Yu to be able to reach this level, talent alone is definitely not enough, it also requires hard work.

This guy is really attentive and hardworking in his cooking skills, and he should be very strict with himself.

Li Dongxu looked at Fu Yu with admiration, and recognized this man a little more in his heart.

Fu Yu listened to Li Dongxu's praise and was about to say a few words of humility when an electronic prompt suddenly sounded in his ears:

【Ding! The mission of NPC Chef Li Dongxu: During the training period, influence the cooking concepts and ideas of people around you through communication and guidance, and the influence will reach 100 points. Mission completion reward: Master the operation of a cooking tool]

Fu Yu was stunned for a moment.

What reward is this?

Mastering a cooking tool?

He knows how to use all cooking tools!

After all, different dishes require different cooking tools, such as a wok for stir-frying, a soup pot for making soup, etc.

The use of cooking tools is also the key to making delicious food, and everyone who is a chef will.

Fu Yu didn't think about it, so he stopped thinking about it. Anyway, the system's mission rewards always had a specific meaning.

Li Dongxu has always been very good at employing people, otherwise he would not be able to manage the people under him obediently. As long as the people he promotes, no matter what their personality is, their cooking skills must be good.

"Xiao Fu, how have you adapted to cooking independently these past two days?"

Fu Yu nodded: "It's good. Chef Yang takes good care of me."

When Li Dongxu heard this, he nodded: "That's good. When you become more familiar with cooking the dishes in the store, you can take orders independently.

For this event, I will apply to the boss to give you the normal salary of a chef.

Also, Xiao Fu, if you have any ideas about cooking, you can always communicate with me, or communicate with Xiao Yang and the others.

And if you have some creative ideas for the dishes in the store, or different opinions on cooking operations, you can also mention them.

You may not know that our store offers particularly generous rewards in this area! "

When Fu Yu heard this, he immediately became happy.

This is a good thing!

He used to earn a lot of rewards in this area when he was at Maxima and Music Restaurant.

Fu Yu nodded and agreed: "No problem!"

Li Dongxu nodded to Fu Yu with satisfaction: "Come on, do your best!"

After saying that, he turned around and continued busy with the cooking at hand.

Fu Yu smiled and was about to hand over the plated dishes to Yang Zhichao when he saw Sun Lihua walking in.

The two happened to look at each other, and Sun Lihua immediately glared at Fu Yu and ignored him.

Fu Yu shrugged, not wanting to be the same as her.

This kind of person is just relying on his long career to bully the weak and fear the strong.

For the new young people in the store, especially those who have no ability or background, they don't take it seriously at all.

Anyway, I probably won't stay long, so there's no need to talk to her. (End of chapter)

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