Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1106 Incident Report

Li Dongxu's impression of Yu is getting better and better, and his attitude has become obviously friendly.

After the peak cooking period in the evening, Fu Yu picked up the thermos cup on the shelf and drank most of the glass of water in one breath.

When cooking, he didn't dare to drink more water, for fear that he would need to go to the bathroom during the peak meal period for customers.

Now that he was finally done with his work, Fu Yu calmed down after drinking water.

Perhaps because he showed off his cooking skills at noon, when Yang Ming took the order, he no longer picked simple dishes and handed them to Fu Yu, but divided them in half.

The list was given to Fu Yu first, asking him to choose the one that could cook, and he would take over the rest.

In this way, Fu Yu has more opportunities to practice, and Yang Ming can also reduce his workload a lot.

The two of them worked together to cook, and the food was served quickly, and the number of orders started to increase obviously.

Wang Haiwei didn't say anything at first, but when he saw Yang Ming's order getting bigger and bigger, he couldn't help but said: "You guys are almost monopolizing the order list at this speed. Chef Fu's cooking ability is real It’s very exciting, and I’m worthy of being the first place in this year’s chef cooking competition, it’s really impressive!”

The words were so bitter that Fu Yu didn't take them seriously.

Yang Ming said carelessly: "That's necessary. From now on, Fu Yu and I will be two swordsmen!"

Then he joked: "Old Wang, you have to work harder, otherwise you may not be able to secure your position as a protector under Chef Li!"

The smile on Wang Haiwei's face almost failed to stop.

Fu Yu hurriedly said: "It's okay. I came here to study alone and I can't stay for more than a few days."

With these words, Wang Haiwei's expression softened.

Fu Yu turned to look at Yang Ming, his eyes signaling: Don't talk nonsense!

Yang Ming quickly looked back: What I said are all facts!

Fu Yu sighed helplessly.

When Wang Haiwei stopped paying attention, Yang Ming found an opportunity to get close to Fu Yu and said in a voice that could only be heard between the two of them: "Old Wang is actually not a bad person, but he is too evil-minded. We have to kill him from time to time." Once you kill his spirit, he will be able to slap his nose on his face immediately, and it will be difficult to deal with him then."

Fu Yu thought for a while and felt that although Yang Ming's method of defeating the enemy with one move was a bit too reckless, it was still a good idea.

After all, if you have fear, you will be easily manipulated.

The two of them chatted for a while and then got busy.

All the ordering orders in hand were completed, and there were only more than forty minutes left before the end of the event.

Under normal circumstances, there will be no more customers coming to dine at this time.

Everyone in the stall cleared the kitchen table and disposed of the leftover dishes.

The workers were all busy. After a long day's work, several waiters finally took a break and went to the dressing room together to wait for get off work.

Li Dongxu called Fu Yu to the empty dining area, and the two sat at the dining table chatting.

After sitting down, Li Dongxu looked at Fu Yu and asked, "How are you doing tonight? Are you tired?"

Fu Yu smiled: "It's not bad, the business at our stall is really good."

Li Dongxu said proudly: "That's for sure. This time we only invited three big hotels to do food exhibitions, and the others were all local snacks.

By the way, I just heard that you had a quarrel with Sun Lihua? She's like that, don't talk to her. However, you are quite tough! "

When Fu Yu heard this, he felt a little embarrassed and quickly explained: "I was also annoyed at that time. The customer was urging me to serve the food, but I couldn't even cook in time. She was still yelling in the kitchen, especially It affects my work.

Besides, I took over this order. If I can agree to the customer's request, I am sure that I can do it.

She, a person in charge of front office service, comes to accuse me of cooking operations. If I really listen to her, then the customer will complain that the service attitude of the store is not good, and there will be a conflict. I will definitely bear the responsibility in the end. , as if she was fully responsible for handling it. "

When this matter was brought up, Fu Yu was a little angry and couldn't help but complain a few times.

Kitchen cooking originally attaches great importance to the time of serving dishes. At this time, what is needed is that the front office and the back kitchen cooperate well to complete the serving as quickly as possible so that customers can eat in time. The key to cooking dishes is the chef.

There was another sentence that Fu Yu was too embarrassed to say in front of Li Dongxu.

He came here to further his studies, not to be insulted.

After hearing this, Li Dongxu nodded with great understanding: "It's okay, I'm telling you, there are a few serious people in the store who are particularly good at relying on their old age, so you have to let them know that you are not easy to bully.

You said she was a waiter who went to the kitchen every day to give advice, but you made her so awesome!

This is not a quarrel with me, otherwise, I would have to scold her right back. "

When Fu Yu heard these words, he couldn't help but look at Li Dongxu in surprise.

In his impression, Li Dongxu is a very serious person, and his personality is very similar to Zhao Meng.

He thought that he would be lectured by the other party for his reckless behavior today, but he did not expect that the other party, instead of persuading him to put the overall situation first, would instead look at things from his perspective.

This immediately changed Fu Yu's impression of Li Dongxu.

Li Dongxu is forty-seven years old this year. When he started in the industry, he directly followed his master to work at Fuchengchun. Because he was accompanied by a master, he started doing odd jobs as a cook.

His master works as a chef in the main store, and he is single-handedly guided. The boss also pays great attention to him. He is always assigned to lead the team when there are competitions and activities in the circle.

Li Dongxu himself is indeed up to date. He is conscientious in his work and has a good way of leading people. Compared with other chefs, his team is particularly excellent in terms of work discipline and efficiency in taking orders and cooking.

Now the owner Liu Yongping is in charge of the kitchen, and several chefs are equally divided.

In fact, everyone knows that once the boss is away, Li Dongxu will be the chef in charge.

Fu Yu smiled: "Cook Li, you are different from what I thought before."

Li Dongxu was stunned and asked curiously: "Oh? What's different?"

Fu Yu said frankly: "When I first met you, I thought you were very serious and not easy to get along with. Now that I'm familiar with you, I think you're a really nice person."

Li Dongxu looked at Fu Yu and said with a smile: "Who hasn't worked his way up from below? You can tell what's going on here at a glance. I understand it very well."

Li Dongxu is coming of age now. When he was protected by his master at the beginning, he worked like a fish in water at the main store. Later, he had the opportunity to follow him to the flagship store, and slowly worked his way up to his current position step by step, relying on his superb skills. Cooking skills and a serious attitude towards work.

He is now a chef with more than a dozen people under his command. He wants to lead the team well and become the leader. How can he do it if he is not strict with discipline?

The flagship store often has trainees from other branches coming to study. Although they all work for the same boss, they don't know each other because they don't work in the same store.

Generally speaking, the attitude of those who come here will be relatively low. After all, opportunities are hard to come by, and being a little offended is nothing in comparison.

Anyway, it usually only takes about half a year to study here, which is not too long.

Everyone has been working in this industry for a long time, who hasn’t been oppressed by the elderly?

However, Fu Yu's arrival was a bit of a surprise.

After all, I have been here for more than half a month and my performance is indeed very good.

Not to mention that other people watched Li Dongxu let go one after another, handing over the right to cook and take orders. Even now, like Yang Ming, Fu Yu has begun to share the cooking work of the dishes with the workers.

And the most critical point is that the salary has also been increased.

It's said to be a further education. What's the difference between this and hiring a new chef?

This is the treatment for regular employees!

Therefore, Fu Yu suddenly became the focus of everyone's attention.

However, even so, because Fu Yu has the reputation of further education, no one is too jealous of his excellence.

After all, no matter how powerful he is, he will have to leave after half a year without affecting his own interests.

Li Dongxu, on the other hand, became more and more satisfied with Fu Yu. Seeing that Fu Yu had completed the tasks assigned to him so well, his talent-praising mentality suddenly began to get excited again.

Especially after discovering some of Fu Yu's culinary highlights, Li Dongxu is now ready to find an opportunity to exchange cooking experience and skills.

Thinking of this, Li Dongxu said with relief: "Next time you encounter such a situation, if you can't handle it, you can come to me directly."

Fu Yu said gratefully: "This time I was impulsive. In fact, I just had to endure it at that time."

Li Dongxu nodded: "However, you are mainly worried that it will affect your normal work. Okay, let's consider this matter a new chapter. I will say hello to Manager Mo later and ask him to help communicate."

Fu Yu nodded and smiled.

We are all adults, and we tacitly agree with each other. No matter what happens, we all work in the same store. No matter how bad we are in private, we have to get along on the surface.

Li Dongxu felt more and more fond of Fu Yu when he saw that he understood Fu Yu easily. He reached out and patted him on the shoulder: "Okay, let's pack up and get ready to get off work. The event has just started, and everyone is still not used to the work process. After a few minutes, Now that we have time, let’s exchange our cooking experiences.

Chollima is a century-old restaurant. Not only can we teach you how to cook, but you can also impart some cooking experience to us. "

Fu Yu said cheerfully: "Okay, Chef Li, don't worry, I will definitely cherish this rare opportunity for further study."

Li Dongxu was finally convinced that Fu Yu was really a sensible person.

If you understand that people are nice, it will not be tiring to get along with them, and it will be easier to communicate with them.

Li Dongxu stood up: "Okay, let's go. First, go to the kitchen to take a look, and then go change clothes."

Fu Yu followed and walked back.

He turned his head and glanced at Li Dongxu's chiseled profile, thinking about what he just said.

Li Dongxu also mentioned during the day that he wanted to exchange cooking experience with him, which made Fu Yu's mind come alive.

These few months of study cannot be wasted.

You must learn cooking skills!

You also have to find ways to expand your personal connections!

With Liu Yongping under his wing, it was easy to learn how to cook the special dishes in the store.

I have received several mission rewards, and I can learn a few skills from other people, which can make my cooking skills improve rapidly.

His current cooking level is not bad, and he has solid basic skills to follow. It is not difficult to learn anything.


The most important thing is that Fuchengchun Hotel itself has already established itself in the capital. Using this place as a platform, it would be a waste if we don't make good use of it and strive to expand our connections in the circle as soon as possible.

However, before that, you still have to work hard and learn cooking skills from Li Dongxu.

Don't run away and fall if you haven't walked steadily by then.

The kitchen quickly cleaned up the messy kitchen counter.

The rest will be taken care of by the cleaning staff.

When it was officially time to get off work, Fu Yu hurriedly came to Yang Ming's side: "Chef Yang, didn't you say before that our store has cooking learning materials specially prepared for trainees? Give me a copy, and I will study it carefully when I go back."

Yang Ming said cheerfully: "Okay, I have an electronic version here, and it will be sent directly to your mobile phone. It is convenient for you to read at ordinary times."

Everyone in the kitchen went to the dressing room to change into work clothes in an orderly manner.

As soon as Fu Yu put on his coat, he heard someone shouting in surprise: "Hey! Look at the work group!"

After everyone heard this, they quickly picked up their mobile phones.

Fu Yu also opened the group and took a look. At this time, he realized that it was Li Dongxu's activity center reporting about today's incident.

In addition to explaining what happened truthfully, he also stated the results of the handling.

The fainted customer has uploaded an apology video to Fucheng Chun stall on the short video platform.

The announcement on the activity center platform also includes a link to the video.

Fu Yu clicked on the link.

The customer is still wearing the same clothes as when dining during the day, and judging from the background, he should be at home.

“Today’s video was specially recorded by me to solemnly apologize to the Fucheng Chun stall in the food area of ​​the Science and Technology Exhibition Center.

At noon, I did a live broadcast. I originally wanted to show everyone how to taste the delicacy of braised old fish with soy sauce, but I didn't expect it to overturn.

I fainted during the meal.

This incident is really embarrassing, but because it concerns the reputation of the Fucheng Chun Hotel, it is necessary for me to explain the whole incident here."

The customer told the whole story exactly as it was and apologized sincerely.

Finally, he specifically said: "I hope this incident can serve as a reminder to everyone and take them as a warning!"

After watching the entire video, Fu Yu breathed a sigh of relief.

With such an apology video, today's events have completely changed.

Moreover, the customer's remarks will probably cause a certain warning effect on the Internet, which can be regarded as having a positive meaning.

Yang Ming came over and said to Fu Yu: "It's settled this time, I guess no one will do such stupid things again in the future.

It’s a blessing in disguise for us. I just saw a lot of people leaving messages in the comments, saying they want to try how delicious our braised fish with soy sauce is! "

Fu Yu smiled, this was a blessing in disguise, he got a chance to promote food for free. (End of chapter)

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