Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1107 Isn’t this a genius boy?

When Fu Yu came home at night, he saw that the other party did not reply to the message he sent to Liu Yuqing. Knowing that the other party was busy studying, he went to take a shower first.

When he came out, he originally wanted to see if there was any news from Liu Yuqing, but he found that Yang Ming had sent him further study materials.

In addition, there are also live cooking videos of Fuchengchun Restaurant participating in various food competitions in the circle in recent years, as well as practical cooking videos of special dishes recorded by the store specifically for training new employees.

The chefs in charge include not only several chefs from the flagship store, but also videos of highly skilled chefs from the main store and other branches cooking their own special dishes.

Fu Yu didn't expect that the information Yang Ming passed to him was so complete. After thanking him, he called his home and chatted with his parents for a few words before he started to look through the study materials.

After just looking through it, Fu Yu was surprised to find that in these materials, especially the cooking operations demonstrated by several chefs at Fuchengchun Restaurant, there was really no hidden clumsiness, and all the details of the cooking operations were done very well.

Fu Yu once wondered if there was some secret here that he hadn't discovered yet!

Otherwise, why would Yang Ming casually send such precious cooking information to himself?

After all, in the circle where Fu Yu works, every restaurant and even every chef has his own secret dishes and unique cooking skills.

These things are always passed on from within to outsiders.

Moreover, some masters would even deliberately keep their unique skills, and would not really teach them all to their own apprentices.

These materials should be learning materials that will be packaged and distributed directly every time a trainee comes to the store.

Although they all work for the same boss, they are not the same store after all, so there must be some sense of competition.

However, these materials include the secret cooking methods of each branch, and even the cooking skills specially demonstrated by several master chefs.

This can be considered selfless, right?

It was really difficult to do this. When he was in Qianlima, only Zhao Meng would treat him like this.

Thinking of Zhao Meng, he was indeed guided step by step in cooking at the beginning, but without the cheating rewards obtained by completing tasks and the personal skills of Zhao Meng, it would have been impossible for him to reach his current cooking level.

There was also no way he could learn all the secret dishes and sauce preparations in the store.

Thinking of this, Fu Yu suddenly understood why Fuchengchun Hotel was so generous.

The information is indeed very comprehensive and detailed, especially the spoon-handling operations of several master chefs, and everything is displayed without any hidden secrets.

But the problem is that for some operations, even if you observe them at close range, you may not be able to understand the secrets, let alone this kind of video recording.

After all, these cooking skills are the experience accumulated by several master chefs through decades of cooking operations. How can they be so easy to learn and master?

Do you think you can see cooking skills at a glance?

That is simply fantastic!

Besides, the unique cooking skills developed by each master chef are often only applicable to the cuisine he is good at cooking, or even only to his own personal cooking habits.

In this way, even if others watch the cooking video, apart from enjoying it, it is difficult to actually learn useful cooking skills.

Unless you can practice repetitively according to the video.

However, those who come for further training hope to improve their cooking knowledge and skills in a short period of time, and these learning materials can only play a supporting role.

Fu Yu rummaged through it carefully, and then he figured it out: these senior chefs who showed off their cooking skills basically started working at the main store back then, and now almost everyone is somewhat famous in the local circle!

Their cooking skills are definitely not something that ordinary people can easily grasp just by looking at them.

Fu Yu smiled, no wonder he was so generous as a study material.

It turns out there are so many considerations ahead.

However, in this case, it may be more troublesome for others, who want to learn but do not have the ability.


For Yu, it was of great help.

He can completely learn and imitate through these materials and cooking videos, and can even integrate many operational details into his daily cooking operations.

It’s okay to learn personal skills, and it’s okay to master cooking skills. It’s not difficult to study the cooking methods of Fucheng Chun’s specialties through these materials, as long as you give him time and the opportunity to practice!

Fu Yu understands a little better now.

Many foreign trainees want to come to the flagship store to learn cooking. In fact, the chefs who are responsible for guiding them don't care at all. They are even eager to practice with each other and exchange and learn from each other, as long as they can make some progress in the end.

After all, several branches have different arrangements of dishes, mainly to cater to the eating habits of local customers.

There are still many things that can be learned and exchanged.

This also gave Fu Yu some inspiration.

You can completely apply the cooking skills and methods of river fish dishes to other dishes, and make reasonable changes in the combination of ingredients, adjustment of taste, and design of plate presentation.

In this way, he can completely create a whole new set of Fu's recipes!

In addition to enriching the diversity of his dishes, he can also expand his personal skills!

In the future, you might really be able to develop your own Fujia cuisine.

This is a very promising direction!

Thinking of this, Fu Yu became a little excited.

However, the idea is good, but it may take a long time.

It is definitely not possible to achieve this goal in a short period of time.

As for the personal skills of several chefs in Fuchengchun, Fu Yu held his mobile phone as if he were holding a martial arts secret book.

After studying all these demonstration videos, if you encounter something you don’t understand, you can ask Yang Ming for advice. If that doesn’t work, you can also ask Li Dongxu or even Liu Yongping.

The days of further study have just begun, and there will be plenty of learning opportunities in the future.

Fu Yu didn't stay up late on purpose. After watching two cooking videos, he took a rest.

That night, he slept very peacefully and deeply, without even dreaming.

When Fu Yu got up early the next morning, he looked at the time and sighed helplessly.

He really has no destiny to sleep in!

Even if you don’t have to get up early to rush to work now, you still wake up early under the control of your biological clock.

The activity center officially opens at 8:30, and staff cannot enter until 8:00 at the earliest.

It's only half past five now, so time is running out.

Fu Yu lay on the bed for a while, unable to sleep, so he simply got up and cleaned the house. He threw the dirty clothes into the washing machine. After finishing all the work, he changed into comfortable clothes and went to work early.

There was a problem at the stall yesterday. At around nine o'clock in the morning, Liu Yongping came over with the hotel front office manager Mo Xinyi and held a morning meeting for everyone at the stall.

Liu Yongping first shared with everyone some relevant arrangements for this event, such as the arrangements for collecting meal tickets for exhibitors and the dress code requirements of the center leaders for staff at each stall.

These things actually had nothing to do with Fu Yu. After listening to a few words, he became a little distracted, and all he could think about were the two cooking videos he watched last night.

However, when Liu Yongping finished speaking and it was Mo Xinyi's turn to emphasize service discipline, everyone else listened quietly. Only Sun Lihua suddenly interrupted and said: "I think it is not only the front office service staff who need to pay attention to the discipline matter, but also the back office service staff." Kitchen staff should also standardize their own behavioral standards and work according to the requirements of the store.

Otherwise, if something goes wrong, not only the front office staff will be implicated, but the store will also have to take responsibility for you! "

After saying this, Sun Lihua turned his head and glanced at Fu Yu.

In this posture, even if he didn't mention him by name, everyone present knew that it was Fu Yu who was talking about him.

Fu Yu accepted the attention of others very calmly, pretending not to hear Sun Lihua's accusation.

Those who knew the whole story glanced at Fu Yu quietly, while those who didn't know much didn't care.

Others didn't know, but Li Dongxu followed him to the hospital, and he couldn't understand the whole story of the incident.

After hearing what Sun Lihua said, he couldn't sit still.

Beating a dog depends on the owner!

This sentence is crude but not crude!

Besides, there was nothing wrong with Fu Yu's handling yesterday.

On the one hand, Li Dongxu was strict with his subordinates, but he was also famous for protecting his shortcomings, otherwise the people under him would not be so convinced of him.

Li Dongxu said directly to the front office manager Mo Xinyi: "Manager Mo, we will definitely pay attention to the discipline issues in the kitchen. I would also like you to emphasize to the front office staff that in the future, the ordering orders that have been taken over by the kitchen will be taken care of. , please respect the opinion of the chef who takes the order.

For example, what happened yesterday, Fu Yu and Fu Chu thought that the customer's request could be accepted and completed, so the front office service staff should communicate it to the customer in a timely and accurate manner!

Don’t question the chef’s cooking ability at will. As for when something goes wrong, who made the mistake and who should be held accountable, our kitchen staff will definitely be responsible to the end! "

Li Dongxu's words immediately stunned everyone present.

Someone who understood the whole story reacted quickly, and when he looked at Sun Lihua, his expression invariably showed a hint of clear disdain.

Li Dongxu could confront Li Dongxu so fiercely, and combined with what Sun Lihua said at that time, it goes without saying that Sun Lihua must be acting like an old man again to bully the new trainees.

Even Fu Yu was a little surprised.

He has already thought about this matter. Now that the matter is resolved, it can be considered a turning point.

As for what Sun Lihua wanted to say, he let her do whatever he wanted with his mouth and ignored her. As time went by, it would pass naturally.

Unexpectedly, Li Dongxu would directly stand up to support him.

Looking at Chef Li, who always seemed very serious and very strict with his subordinates, Fu Yu felt warm in his heart and felt very touched!

This kind of stepping forward at a critical moment is particularly easy to move people's hearts.

Fu Yu looked at Li Dongxu and thought silently in his heart that he would definitely communicate with him and learn cooking skills in the future, and never hide anything!

Li Dongxu is a man worth trusting!

After listening to Li Dongxu's words, Mo Xinyi glanced at the boss Liu Yongping who was sitting next to him. Seeing that his expression did not change, he turned to look at Li Dongxu and said with a smile: "Chef Li, don't worry, if the service here in the front hall If you have any work problems or encounter difficulties in communication, you can contact me directly!

In addition to receiving and serving customers, the front office staff also need to coordinate with all work arrangements in the kitchen. "

Mo Xinyi's meaning was very clear. The front office service staff need to cooperate with the work in the kitchen without fear of anyone causing trouble.

At this time, this person specifically refers to Sun Lihua.

Li Dongxu immediately nodded with satisfaction and thanked: "Thank you, Manager Mo. You are right. Our front office staff and kitchen staff should cooperate well in the first place. Everyone's purpose is not to ensure a stable customer base in the store, but also to ensure that customers How can you be satisfied with both the meal and the service?”

The leaders of the front office and the back kitchen reached an agreement, and the discussion was considered over.

Liu Yongping didn't say much, he just smiled and concluded: "Fu Yu handled what happened yesterday very well. Continue to work hard and work well in the future!"

Fu Yu nodded and smiled.

After the morning meeting, Liu Yongping took Mo Xinyi to the front hall, dining area and kitchen to inspect it carefully.

The inspections that need to be done have been done, and the things that need to be warned have been done. Liu Yongping and Mo Xinyi were about to go back to the store. Before leaving, there were two gourmet stalls next to them. Chef Wang Zhonghua from Cangya Xuan brought The disciple Zhang Jiachen came over to visit.

Zangyaxuan is an old store and is very famous in the capital. For this science and technology exhibition, they were specially invited to attend.

"Hello, Boss Liu, I am the chef of Cangya Xuan, my name is Wang Zhonghua, and this is my apprentice Zhang Jiachen!"

Wang Zhonghua was wearing a Cangya Xuan chef uniform with a smile on his face.

Zhang Jiachen followed behind him, looking a little reserved.

Liu Yongping had met Zhang Jiachen and knew that there was such a person, but he had not had much contact with him.

Liu Yongping greeted with a smile: "Chef Wang, why are you here?"

Wang Zhonghua said cheerfully: "I heard that you received a customer yesterday and ordered twenty braised fish with soy sauce. It only took more than an hour for the kitchen to cook. It must be Chef Li who took the order!"

The official website of the activity center announced the entire incident.

All the attendees knew that there was an Internet celebrity who came to Fucheng Chun’s stall to do mukbang, but as a result, he was mentally ill and fainted from shock.

Others focused on the anchor's fainting.

But Wang Zhonghua noticed that chef Fucheng Chun completed the cooking of 20 dishes and five barrels of soy sauce fried rice within the limited time requested by the customer.

This is awesome!

Wang Zhonghua weighed it himself and felt that if he wanted to cook at this speed, there was almost no possibility of completing it.

So he came over to take a look, and he felt that the chef who took the order must be Li Dongxu. This old boy did not participate in the national chef competition this year, so he might be living in the back kitchen and thriving!

Liu Yongping was happy when he heard this and said with a smile: "It's really not Lao Li. Come on, let me introduce to you. This person is a new trainee in our store."

Wang Zhonghua followed Liu Yongping to the kitchen, and when he saw Fu Yu, his eyes suddenly lit up! (End of chapter)

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