Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1108 What a treasure

Others are not familiar with Yu, but Wang Zhonghua is extremely familiar with it!

In this year's National Chef Competition, he and Fu Yu participated in the competition, but were eliminated in one round.

Because of this, he was teased by several other chefs in the store.

However, Wang Zhonghua has a cheerful personality and his skills are not as good as others during competitions. That is because he is not good enough and cannot blame others.

Moreover, he had a very good impression of Tao Yu. The young man was young, very good-looking, and his cooking skills were indeed very impressive.

But why did Fu Yu come to the capital from Bei'an?

Wang Zhonghua once carefully reviewed Fu Yu's cooking competition video, and he particularly admired Fu Yu. At that time, he thought that if the distance was not too far, he could find a chance to make friends.

Unexpectedly, Fu Yu actually came to the capital.

Liu Yongping introduced Wang Zhonghua. He heard that he was the chef of Cangya Xuan. Li Dongxu and others got to know him warmly.

The kitchen was busy preparing dishes. Wang Zhonghua looked at the busy scene and offered to go outside for a chat.

So Liu Yongping called Li Dongxu and Fu Yu directly, and the group came to the dining area.

Wang Zhonghua was very curious before and couldn't help but ask: "Boss Liu, why is Fu Yu here with you?"

Liu Yongping explained why Fu Yu came to study.

After Wang Zhonghua heard this, he immediately said with emotion: "Then you have really found a treasure!"

Li Dongxu was stunned when he heard this. He first glanced at Wang Zhonghua, then turned to Fu Yu and asked, "Oh, so you guys know each other? Fu Yu, do you know Chef Wang?"

Fu Yu looked at Wang Zhonghua, thought about it carefully, and shook his head truthfully: "This must be my first time meeting Chef Wang, right?"

When Liu Yongping heard this, he frowned slightly. Li Dongxu, a fool, didn't pay attention to skills at all when he spoke.

How could anyone ask such a question?

How many days has Fu Yu been in the capital?

How can I get a chance to meet people in my circle!

Wang Zhonghua was also flirtatious. He had met Fu Yu during the competition. Although the two were players in the same field, Fu Yu stayed in the contestant area directly after being promoted. He was eliminated in the first game, and he has been there ever since. If you stay in the auditorium, how can you get a chance to meet Fu Yu?

Although this is true, how can I say it in public? It’s so hurtful. No, it’s mainly embarrassing.

What Li Dongxu asked was really disrespectful to Wang Zhonghua!

As expected, Liu Yongping looked at Wang Zhonghua apologetically.

Wang Zhonghua felt even more ashamed and panicked!

He is the chef of Cangdang Yaxuan, and he is usually a well-known figure in the circle. But now the people I hang out with don’t know me, and I still want to get to know them. This is a bit embarrassing!

Liu Yongping smiled apologetically at Wang Zhonghua, turned to look at Li Dongxu who had no idea that he had offended someone inadvertently, and sighed helplessly.

This Li Dongxu is good at everything, but he is not tactful enough in dealing with others, and he is not good at observing words and emotions.

When I followed the master at the main store, he was very well protected by his master.

Now that I have mastered my cooking skills, and relying on my solid skills and strict self-discipline, I have managed to create a good team.

The chef's side is now firmly established, and he has become somewhat famous in the circle by relying on his cooking skills.

Only this emotional intelligence has not improved at all.

Thinking of Sun Lihua, whom Li Dongxu had confronted in the meeting just now, and almost cried, Liu Yongping couldn't help but sigh.

That’s all!

This idiot is just a cooking idiot. What do I have to argue with him? Anyway, Wang Zhonghua said a few nice words to smooth over the situation.

Even his master is too lazy to pay attention to him, why should I pay attention to him!

Don't be angry!

Wang Zhonghua has a smooth personality. Although he lost face, his face was very stable. He took a deep breath, calmed down, and said with a smile: "I also participated in the National Chef Competition this year. I was on the field at that time. I met Xiao Fu! Although we were in the same show, I didn’t advance, so I didn’t have the chance to get to know Xiao Fu, but later I stayed in the audience to watch Xiao Fu’s cooking scene for two rounds.”

Li Dongxu was stunned: "Chef Wang, you were directly eliminated by Fu Yu."

Liu Yongping couldn't stand listening anymore and interrupted Li Dongxu: "I also went to today's competition. Something happened at the time that delayed my time. I arrived at halftime. Fu Yu's performance was indeed good.

However, Chef Wang, I also watched the live video of your competition online. Your choice of dishes is very good and your cooking skills are superb. Especially your mastery of stir-frying skills, I can see that it is very impressive! "

With that said, Liu Yongping turned to look at Fu Yu: "Xiao Fu, if you have the opportunity, you can ask Chef Wang for some cooking skills. Chef Wang is very good and he is also very knowledgeable in cooking skills, especially his skills in some dishes. In terms of understanding of cooking operations, I think he did a great job.”

When Fu Yu heard this, he quickly responded: "Okay, in fact, when I came to the capital to participate in the competition, I heard people say that the chef Wang of Zangya Xuan was very skilled, but I didn't have the opportunity to get to know him at that time. Now I finally have this opportunity. I'm so happy!

Chef Wang, I have admired you for a long time! When I have time in the future, I will definitely ask you for advice. "

The two of them sang and drank together quite well, and after saying a few words, the atmosphere immediately relaxed.

A smile broke out on Wang Zhonghua's face, and he thought to himself, no matter when, it's still comfortable to chat with smart people!

Moreover, Wang Zhonghua didn't think that these two people were just being polite. Liu Yongping once praised Cangya Xuan's special dishes in front of people in the circle, and that dish was his specialty.

Wang Zhonghua said with a smile: "Okay, no problem. If you don't want to ask for advice, you can come to me and exchange cooking experience. This is something I really want to do!"

They were chatting enthusiastically when someone from the activity center suddenly came over.

"Boss Liu! You're here! That's great!"

Liu Yongping turned around when he heard the sound and saw Mo Xinyi coming with the deputy director of the activity center.

After seeing clearly who was coming, Liu Yongping quickly stood up and greeted him: "Hey, Director Guan! Why are you here?"

The two simply said hello and winked in a very tacit understanding.

Director Guan looked at Wang Zhonghua who was standing next to him and said with a smile: "Hey, who is this?"

Wang Zhonghua hurriedly said: "Hello, Director Guan, I am the chef at Zangyaxuan!"

Director Guan nodded: "Oh, hello!"

When Wang Zhonghua saw this posture, he clearly wanted to talk to Liu Yongping about something!

Thinking of what happened yesterday, I quickly took the initiative and said: "What, it's almost meal time, and I have to go back and prepare!"

After saying that, he specifically told Yu: "Xiao Fu, come over to my place if you have time!"

Fu Yu quickly agreed: "Okay, Chef Wang, I'll come over when I have time."

Wang Zhonghua then left with a smile.

When there were no outsiders around, Liu Yongping asked: "Old manager, why are you here?"

Director Guan also changed his tune and said warmly: "I've done a good job for you!"

Director Guan and Liu Yongping are old acquaintances. This time, it was Director Guan who helped pull the strings for participating in the event. He usually takes care of them.

The two were close, and Director Guan said directly in front of Liu Yongping: "Today, a participating unit from Inner Mongolia sent a sheep to the activity center, and it has been divided.

The sales event just ended in the morning, and Director Xing wanted to invite them to come and have a meal at the food stall. I recommended your river fish feast, which mainly has local characteristics. I guess you can’t eat such authentic river fish dishes in Inner Mongolia. .

Director Xing agreed, but he was worried that the guests would not be used to it, so he planned to add another portion of the lamb and scorpion pot.

Someone should be sent over soon to tell you about this.

I thought I'd let you know first, can you make lamb and scorpion pot here?

Just knowing how to cook is not enough, you have to cook it authentically. I came from Inner Mongolia, so I must know a lot about this aspect of food. "

When Liu Yongping heard this, he suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

It is a great honor to serve as a gourmet food stall for exhibitors. There will definitely be reporters taking photos and promoting it.

The hotel itself will also gain a certain amount of exposure, and not only will it get attention in the capital, but when the exhibitors return to their hometowns, the news in this regard will also be publicized in disguise.

This is a good thing that you can never ask for!

It's certainly no problem to just make a river fish feast, but to make a lamb and scorpion pot, you have to ensure that the taste is authentic, which is a bit overwhelming.

Not to mention the other chefs in the store, he can't do it himself.

It's definitely okay to say it's an ordinary stew, but Director Guan has always been strict with his words. Since he specifically mentioned that the taste must be authentic, it means that the customer is very knowledgeable and will know the skill of the chef once he tastes it.

Although our restaurant mainly specializes in cooking fish dishes, if the sheep and scorpion pot is not cooked authentically, customers will not care so much and will just think that the chef's skills are not good enough.

What's more, they have never eaten fish dishes, so they have no way of judging the quality of the dishes. If they are not used to it, they will have a very bad impression of Fucheng Chun Restaurant.

Thinking of this, the smile on Liu Yongping's face became solemn.

This job is not easy to take.

After hearing this, Li Dongxu frowned tightly: "Boss, we can make this sheep and scorpion, but we can't guarantee the authentic taste. After all, our store is not a restaurant that makes this dish!"

Indeed, who doesn’t know?

Director Guan also recommended Fucheng Chun stall to his boss based on many considerations.

On the one hand, among the food stalls participating in this year’s event, none specialize in making lamb and scorpion. The cooking is probably pretty much the same no matter where you go.

On the other hand, it was out of selfishness that he had a good relationship with Liu Yongping. Now that he had such an opportunity, he would definitely give priority to Fuchengchun.

Fu Yu's eyes lit up as he listened to their conversation.

Sheep and scorpion pot!

He can do it!

Before going to the Sihai Banquet, he helped cook in the kitchen, and he was familiar with the ingredients and cooking methods of the pot.


He is just an outsider who comes here to study. This matter is related to the honor of the store. If it is done well, everyone will be happy, but if something goes wrong, the impact will be too great.

He was willing to give it a try, but only if Liu Yongping and Li Dongxu could nod.

Surrounded by his own people, Liu Yongping didn't have any worries when he spoke, and said truthfully: "Old manager, I can take on this job, but the sheep and scorpion pot is not a specialty of the store, and I'm afraid it won't taste that authentic."

Director Guan was kind enough to help with the work, but Liu Yongping was afraid of holding him back.

Director Guan thought for a while and said: "There is nothing you can do about it, just try your best to do it perfectly! Director Xing didn't ask for anything specifically. I thought that since I did it, I would try not to find fault with it.

But everyone can understand the situation here, so let’s do whatever it takes!

Moreover, several of the food stalls solicited for this year's event do not have such dishes at all, no matter which one they sell.

In fact, the leader mainly wanted to treat them to taste special dishes, with the purpose of talking about future cooperation at the dinner table.

Eating is secondary, talking is the key.

I want to add a lamb and scorpion pot, just to make the other party eat more smoothly. The lamb is brought from their hometown, it is very fresh, and the meat quality is said to be very good!

You just have to figure it out. In addition to the sheep and scorpions, I will ask them to bring some mutton later. A pot of sheep and scorpions plus fresh mutton should not be unpalatable no matter how you cook it. "

Director Guan explained the matter to Liu Yongping in detail, and Liu Yongping felt confident.

Liu Yongping asked in detail: "Do you know how many people are being invited to the banquet?"

Director Guan did the math and said, "About twelve or three."

That's the big banquet noodles. There's no problem with the river fish banquet. All the special dishes are served. As for the sheep and scorpion pot, as Director Guan said, as long as the ingredients are fresh, it will be delicious no matter how you cook it.

Moreover, the eating habits in Inner Mongolia are different from those in the capital, and the taste is slightly different. No one can find a big fault.

Thinking of this, Liu Yongping made up his mind and said to Director Guan: "Okay, I will send someone over later and I will take over the job."

After saying that, he reached out and patted the other person's shoulder: "Thank you, old manager. I'll treat you to dinner someday!"

Director Guan still had something to do, so he didn't stay long and left after explaining the matter.

After a while, the activity center sent someone to communicate about reserving seats.

Liu Yongping agreed immediately, and fresh sheep scorpions and large pieces of mutton were quickly delivered.

The mutton is indeed very good and the portion is very generous.

With such a large amount of ingredients, not to mention making lamb and scorpion pot, it is enough to add two lamb dishes.

Liu Yongping weighed it up, and since there were many people dining, he simply put on the largest pot.

There is a special fish soup in Kaijiang Banquet. Sheep and scorpion cannot be cooked into clear soup, but how to mix the seasoning of red soup?

Director Guan’s suggestion just now is actually very reasonable. Now that we have accepted this order, we must do it well.

The lamb and scorpion pot should be cooked as authentically as possible, even if it is not authentic, the taste must be good!

While thinking, Liu Yongping looked up at Fu Yu and suddenly asked: "Xiao Fu, can you make this sheep and scorpion pot?"

Liu Yongping didn't ask if he had done it before, nor did he ask if it was done well.

The tone was as if Fu Yu could just nod and the matter would be settled.

Fu Yu did not disappoint him and nodded: "We can do it!"

Liu Yongping laughed when he heard this. (End of chapter)

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