Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1110 You will know it at a glance

Li Dongxu was in charge of cooking, while Fu Yu stood by and watched.

Fucheng Chun is really good at cooking river fish, especially stewed fish. The most important thing is to highlight the original flavor. The fish does not need to be boiled or oiled. It can be directly put into the soup and stewed over low heat for a long time to produce fish oil and bring out the fragrance.

This method is similar to the whole fish feast method that Fu Yu learned in the teaching practice class!

Li Dongxu is best at "frying" and "smoking" fish.

These two techniques require the chef to add sufficient seasonings to the fish in advance and fully marinate it for flavor.

Fu Yu watched Li Dongxu holding the spoon silently, secretly memorizing the other person's special skills.

He discovered that Li Dongxu particularly liked to use some spices when cooking.

As long as it is stewed or braised, some beer will be poured in. The delicious flavor of this large pressure cooker loach can be smelled without even tasting it. The stewed fish is extremely tender and the taste is particularly rich.

There is also a kind of mountain pepper stalk, which is really the first time Fu Yu has seen it.

When Li Dongxu was using it, Fu Yu only looked at it like a tree stem. When no one was paying attention, he reached out and picked up a fallen one. Only then did he realize that it was the stem of a kind of wild pepper that is special in the mountains in his hometown.

He opened it knowingly and took a look. The section was green and smelled of a strong peppercorn scent.

Li Dongxu didn't specifically mention the use of this seasoning when he was cooking, so Fu Yu didn't ask.

Personal cooking tips like this are usually not passed down.

Fu Yu learned as much as he had the plug-in in hand.

However, it is better to keep a low profile as far as possible when it comes to this kind of muffled academic art.

Li Dongxu put the dishes that needed to be stewed in advance and the cooking operation was more time-consuming, so he didn't worry about the others.

Just wait for the customer to arrive and then refill the oil.

It's not yet time for customers to have their lunch, the waiter hasn't brought the order, and everyone in the kitchen continues to be busy preparing dishes.

Fu Yu checked the soaking condition of the sheep and scorpions and saw that they were almost ready, so he started cooking.

It takes a while to stew this dish. Start simmering it now, and it will be cooked by the time it is served.

Fu Yu told the workers to chop the sheep and scorpions into uniform lengths. The specifications were the same as those at Sihai Banquet. This length is easy to taste and easy for customers to handle when dining.

The most critical point is to ensure that the marrow is exposed after the bones are broken.

The workman handled it well, and Fu Yu was very satisfied.

Fu Yu left the job of boiling water to Yang Zhichao, and he took advantage of this time to prepare a special seasoning package for braised pork.

He chose Sihaiyan's secret ingredient package, but the taste was slightly adjusted to be closer to the eating habits of Inner Mongolia.

There are not many changes, mainly referring to the seasoning ratio in the classic old flavor recipe.

After the preparation was completed, Fu Yu weighed it gently in his hand. With just these ingredients, how could the marinade not be fragrant?

Yang Zhichao finished making some water and turned to call Fu Yu: "Fu Chu, it's time to cook!"

Fu Yu agreed and went to the kitchen counter with the seasoning bag.

Hearing that Fu Yu was going to cook lamb and scorpion pot, Li Dongxu came over to watch Fu Yu cook after finishing his own work.

Seeing this, Yang Ming hurriedly came over.

When Fu Yu saw this, his original plan of a quick victory suddenly changed!

The cooking skills of these two are among the best in Fuchengchun.

Especially Li Dongxu, who is basically a reserve candidate for the hotel chef.

Such connoisseurs have a strong grasp and control over cooking.

Maybe a few years ago, Fu Yu didn't have the ability to master the recipes through other people's cooking operations, but now, he has more and more personal skills, and he has already mastered the cooking operations. This kind of learning control ability!

Therefore, while Fu Yu continues to improve himself, he also hopes to have his flaws and shortcomings pointed out by others.

In this way, we can ensure better cooking results!

Fu Yu stopped in front of the kitchen counter and started making stir-fry ingredients.

This step may seem like a simple operation, but in fact, if you want to show off your cooking skills, there are quite a few opportunities.

When Fu Yu was heating the oil pan, he showed off his skill in controlling the heat.

When the oil temperature reaches the standard, he quickly puts all the spices into the pot.

Before this, he deliberately did not prepare the spices in advance, but grabbed them as he went.

Fu Yu has a habit of putting spices in. After seeing it for a long time, he feels accustomed to it, but when he first saw it, it was particularly intimidating.

In the past, he had to carefully follow the green lines, dialog boxes and prompts to control the amount of seasonings, but now he only operates by feeling.

Pick up the spices casually and weigh them directly in the palm of your hand. You will know whether they are more or less, and then you can continue to grab some, or sprinkle some back.

While going back and forth, quickly adjust the dosage and put the spices into the pot one by one.

This step has become his signature move when cooking.

The spices were put into the pot and Fu Yu started to stir-fry. At the same time, he glanced at Li Dongxu and Yang Ming from the corner of his eyes, full of anticipation!

These two people will be my goals for communication and learning in the future. Today, I have to scare them!

Thinking of this, Fu Yu's eyes flashed slightly!

If Zhao Meng were here, his scalp would definitely be numb, and he secretly thought, this kid is probably going to start showing off again!

In fact, Fu Yu really didn't have so many vivid ideas and thoughts at the beginning!

However, through what happened yesterday, Fu Yu realized that no matter what position he is in, only strength can win respect and the right to speak for himself.

If he didn't have the honors he had won in previous competitions, if he didn't have various superb cooking skills blessed by the system, if his cooking skills couldn't reach the current standards.

Liu Yongping would definitely not protect him like this.

Without Liu Yongping's special regard, Li Dongxu would not have been so kind to him.

Fu Yu felt that he should show his strength appropriately and let Liu Yongping and Li Dongxu see the cooking skills he had mastered.

As long as you can make them appreciate and care for you, you won't have to worry about anything when working at Fucheng Chun in the future.

After all, people with a backer are treated differently from people without a background at any time!

Therefore, Fu Yu originally just wanted to complete the cooking this time, but when he was being observed, he suddenly changed his mind and decided to show off.

Install a big one!

It would be best to bluff both of these people and make them feel that they have unlimited potential, amazing talents, and a lot to do.

Thinking of this, Fu Yu silently adjusted the gesture of holding the handle of the pot. After the spices in the pot were stir-fried and fragrant, he added the blanched and cleaned sheep and scorpions and began to stir-fry.

His unique skill of stir-frying was inherited from Zhao Meng intact. Whether it is the posture or frequency of shaking the wok, with the blessing of personal skills and wrist strength, it has evolved to be more stable and powerful.

The bold rhythm and the way the ingredients are thrown up and down to form a shadow made Li Dongxu and Yang Ming's eyes brighten!

Absolutely amazing!

Fu Yu's hype was very serious and instantly attracted the attention of the two onlookers!

They discovered that cooking operations that seemed to them to be very time-consuming and labor-intensive, and almost the same, seemed to become easier!

Fu Yu's movements look particularly effortless, and his posture is particularly beautiful!

In the past two days, both Li Dongxu and Yang Ming had become more and more curious about Yu's cooking operations, so they went to the Internet to browse related competition videos.

Among them, Fu Yu's kicking was praised in public by the judges several times!

Many players even mentioned this step in post-game interviews and praised it as a textbook operation!

However, when watching the video, they also felt that Fu Yu's tilt was very good, but because the shot time was too short, there was no time to find the key points!


As Fu Yu performed cooking operations at close range, the two of them were surprised to find that key points that they had not noticed when watching the video suddenly became clear to them!

Yang Ming is a little bit worse, and Li Dongxu's cooking skills are relatively well-known even in the circle.

He saw the cooking process of the dish almost at a glance, which was a very rare opportunity for learning and exchange!

When watching Fu Yu cook step by step, Li Dongxu was just watching the fun!

But gradually I became more focused!

As he watched, he was pondering the individual operational details in his mind.

They are all tricks that are not easy to discover. You can see them clearly, but you can't figure them out.

But I didn't dare to think too much, for fear that I would miss a key operation again.

Li Dongxu is a well-known cooking fanatic. He really likes cooking and especially loves to study how to cook dishes.

Once he was in a trance, he really couldn't care about anything else. All he could think about was cooking the dishes in front of him.

This state made Yang Ming confused, but Fu Yu's cooking skills were pretty good.

What he mainly looked at was Fu Yu's movements, which were originally just ordinary working postures, but somehow Fu Yu made them look particularly chic and handsome.

If they weren't all wearing the same chef's uniform, standing in the oil smoke, holding a wok, swinging around, what kind of beauty could there be?

But what Fu Yu does is different. If there is a camera next to it, it will be like shooting an advertisement!

Yang Ming sighed in his heart, this man is handsome but different.

However, then, he discovered that Li Dongxu's entire state had changed.

Yang Ming looked at Li Dongxu's hungry look and was confused. How good is Fu Yu's cooking skills?

The key is that he thinks Fu Yu's cooking posture is more graceful, and every step of the operation seems to be normal?

Isn't it just a normal frying pan with oil and then stir-frying with a spoon?

What's so hard about this?

You'll understand it as soon as you see it, and you'll know it as soon as you understand it!

Could it be

Yang Ming looked at Li Dongxu, whose eyes were shining. What talents did he have that he had not yet discovered? !

Just when he was unconsciously distracted by his random thoughts, Li Dongxu was watching with fascination.

He discovered that this might be a key to improving his cooking skills!

Fu Yu's cooking operations directly explained his confusion about some operations on the competition video.

Li Dongxu's expression became more and more excited, and the surprise of stealing from his master made his face turn red a little bit.

At this time, Fu Yu, after frying the sheep and scorpions until they are fragrant, pours the sheep and scorpions into a large pot with the spices, pours boiling water that can cover the meat into the pot, and adds dried chili peppers.

After the fire comes to a boil, skim off the foam, reduce to low heat, then pour in the light soy sauce, dark soy sauce and cooking wine, cover and simmer.

At this time, the most critical cooking operation of the entire dish is completed.

And Li Dongxu couldn't hide the salivating look in his eyes when he looked at the ingredients package that Fu Yu had prepared in advance and put into the pot.

Fu Yu noticed it and said with a smile: "This ingredient bag is my secret recipe. The stewed sheep and scorpions are particularly delicious."

Sure enough, as soon as he finished speaking, Li Dongxu's eyes became more and more hungry!


Just know that he has a treasure in his hands.

You can’t release all the good stuff at once.

Just show your hands and shock.

Otherwise, if you throw away all your special skills, how will you be able to survive in the next six months?

Thinking of this, Fu Yu took a clean rag and wiped his hands, and said with a smile: "I'm making a red soup lamb and scorpion pot. When it's ready, we can taste it. It should be pretty good."

Fu Yu has been on the road to show off several times and is quite familiar with it.

At this time, you must lower your posture, otherwise it will make the people watching feel embarrassed!

Sure enough, as soon as Fu Yu finished speaking, Li Dongxu said with great interest: "Okay, let's taste the soup base later, it looks really good.

By the way, Xiaofu, I see that the skill you used to make the spoon just now is quite impressive. Did you learn it from the master, or did you develop it yourself? "

Seeing Li Dongxu and Fu Yu eagerly exchanging cooking experiences, Yang Ming was suddenly stunned!

What's there to discuss?

He also watched it for a while!

You are discussing so passionately just to study the posture of holding a spoon?

Why didn't I notice that Chef Li was quite boring before?

At such an old age, who do you show off to being cool?

Thinking of this, Yang Ming's heart moved: Should I also learn from it, since I'm still young anyway?

Seeing Li Dongxu enthusiastically pulling him to share cooking operations, Fu Yu didn't feel flattered at all!

If this can't arouse the interest of this kitchen idiot, then after he has been tossing it for so long, he will be blind.

However, Fu Yu glanced curiously at Yang Ming who was standing next to him. Why was Chef Yang so calm today?

Are you completely shocked?

He is indeed a talented reserve candidate for the chef, and he is indeed very capable.

Is this because you can see the special skills he showed off when cooking just now?

Yang Zhichao, who was helping the cook on the side, was dumbfounded.

At first, he thought that as Fu Yu's cook, he should have the opportunity to steal his skills, right?

But now it seems that I am stealing from my master?

It is estimated that Fu Yu would teach him step by step, and it would take him a long time to learn!

Damn, even Li Dongxu came here to learn skills. In comparison, his ability was nothing.

Besides, if this continues, more and more people from the kitchen will come to watch in the future, and who will he be able to overtake by then?

Thinking of this, he shook his head helplessly. It was such a bully. If this continues, a positive newcomer like him would have no chance of progress.

Alas. (End of this chapter)

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