Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1111 The most delicious dish

All the preparations in the kitchen have been completed.

Several more time-consuming dishes have been cooked on the stove in advance, and the next step is to wait for customers to come and dine.

At around 11 o'clock at noon, a staff member from the activity center came to inquire about the preparations for the banquet. Hearing that everything was ready and ready to serve, he was immediately satisfied and said, "Thank you for your hard work. I'll go back and report to the leader!"

After the staff left, everyone in the kitchen continued their daily preparation work.

Yang Ming asked curiously: "Xiao Fu, are you not nervous at all?"

Fu Yu was stunned: "Why are you nervous?"

Yang Ming suddenly gossiped: "The director of the activity center wants to entertain guests. So many leaders will come over to dine, and he specially ordered this lamb and scorpion pot. Aren't you afraid that if it is not cooked well, it will affect the customers' dining?"

When Fu Yu heard this, he said casually: "No, I know the food I cook, and they will only praise it after eating it."

After saying that, Fu Yu continued to add the used seasonings, leaving Yang Ming stunned in front of the kitchen counter.

This guy is too good at showing off, right?

Even before the food is even out of the pan, you know that customers will definitely praise it?

Where did you develop this self-confidence? A small restaurant in a small place in Bei'an can have a few well-informed gourmets among its customers!

Fu Yu's confidence is entirely due to the fact that his cooking skills have really improved. Not to mention other customers, whether he was in competitions or being watched by the big guys in the circle to cook and taste the dishes, everyone said that the dishes were very good. good.

Although Sihaiyan is just a small restaurant, it has a very good reputation online, and many tourists from other places praise it after trying it.

Even Luo Rang, the chef of Sihai Banquet, was full of praise for the dishes Fu Yu cooked at that time.

After finishing replenishing the seasonings on the kitchen table, Fu Yu turned to ask Yang Ming: "Chef Yang, have you replenished the seasonings over there? I'll do it!"

Coming to the capital from Bei'an, Fu Yu became the assistant cook who took orders under the chef.

Yang Ming rubbed his wrist and said, "Okay, the main thing is to add more salt and sugar. When you carry the bag, pay attention to your strength and don't twist your wrist. I feel a little uncomfortable."

Fu Yu was stunned, looked at Yang Ming's action of rubbing his wrist, and smiled: "Okay, I will pay attention to it. Chef Yang, did you accidentally twist your wrist? Rubbing like this won't work, it will easily increase the local seriousness and lead to Edema and bleeding”

After Yang Ming heard this, he suddenly became curious and asked quickly: "Really? Xiao Fu, you are quite knowledgeable in this area, tell me quickly?"

Fu Yu explained: "Your carrying sprain is an acute one. You can only apply cold compresses, not hot compresses, activities, or rubbing. As chefs, our wrists are particularly important, so whether we are carrying heavy objects or shaking spoons, we can't do anything." You have to be careful, and the work we do puts a lot of stress on our wrists."

Hearing Fu Yu's words, Yang Ming smiled gratefully.

Unlike Fu Yu, Yang Ming started working outside when he was a child and joined the kitchen as a chef when he was in his teens. He is very diligent and is not lazy at work.

He rushes to do all the dirty and tiring work, otherwise he won't be taken around by Li Dongxu to focus on training.

Yang Ming relied on his youth and good physique to never pay attention when putting things away.

There is still a lot of physical work in the kitchen, whether it is carrying a seasoning bag, meat, or seafood.

Sometimes when the workers are too busy, Yang Ming will help.

Due to work reasons, chefs often suffer from a lot of illnesses after working for a long time, so Fu Yu also kindly reminded him.

After Fu Yu said this, Yang Ming was stunned for a moment!

If you think about it carefully, it is indeed true!

He is still young now, and there is already a problem with this wrist. What will happen to him at work in the next few decades, but he must not really suffer from serious problems.

However, this is the content of daily work, and it is difficult to avoid it.

Yang Ming himself doesn't want to do heavy work.

He didn't dare to rub his wrist anymore and could only endure the pain. Yang Ming looked at his wrist, then looked up at Fu Yu and said, "Xiao Fu, you seem to know a lot about this? Is there any way to take care of it?" "

Fu Yu had also suffered from tenosynovitis because of Zhao Meng before, so he knew a little bit about this aspect.

He recommended the wristband he gave Zhao Meng to Yang Ming, and specifically explained: "In your current situation, drinking some Soothing and Huoxue Decoction, Huoxue and Painkilling Decoction and Taohong Siwu Decoction will have better effects. If you have When the time comes, make some safflower hawthorn soup and peach kernel and japonica rice soup, which will not only relieve the symptoms, but also play a protective role."

Fu Yu's words were so professional that Yang Ming's eyes lit up.

Then he remembered that Fu Yu knew how to make medicated meals, and he couldn't help but said in surprise, "Okay, write me the recipe later, and I'll try it."

Fu Yu readily agreed, and after adding the seasonings, he sent the medicinal recipes and cooking methods to Yang Ming on his mobile phone.

He rarely writes. On the one hand, there are too many typos in what he writes, and on the other hand, the handwriting is really ugly.

Thinking of his handwriting, Fu Yu couldn't help but think that the system had given him several language-related skills before, and he wondered if there would be two more skills related to writing in the future.

Isn't there an old saying, words are a person's face.

His face is indeed a bit ugly.

Today's exhibition and sales program at the activity center has been postponed.

At around eleven o'clock at noon, there were only three sparse tables of customers in the dining area.

Two tables bought food from the food stall in front and carried it to the dining area, and one table went to the hotpot stall diagonally opposite.

Everything is ready in the kitchen and waiting for customers to come.

As a result, before they could take a break from their busy schedule, Director Xing from the activity center came over with a group of people, along with the Deputy Director Guan who had come to report in advance.

The waiter served people to the dining area and hurried over to the kitchen to pass the message.

Li Dongxu began to take the spoon quickly, serving hot and cold meat and vegetables alternately.

Several semi-finished dishes were served very quickly, and other dishes were also drizzled with oil and thickened before being placed on the plate.

There are still sheep and scorpions stewed in Fu Yu's pot.

Don’t rush to serve this dish, just wait until half the other dishes are served and then stir-fry the red soup base.

Li Dongxu was busy filling half of the tables one after another, and his speed slowed down.

As long as the customers are eating, the rhythm of the kitchen will be easy to control.

There are two hot dishes on the stove, and they will simmer for a while before finishing the soup.

Fu Yu saw that the dishes were almost ready, so he went to the kitchen counter and prepared to stir-fry the red ingredients.

Li Dongxu saw that Fu Yu was about to cook, and hurriedly explained the matter of looking at the pot, while he quickly walked to Fu Yu's kitchen counter to observe.

Yang Ming followed closely behind, and the two of them still occupied their morning positions, waiting for Fu Yu to lift the lid of the pot, and immediately stretched their heads to take a look at the sheep and scorpions that were simmering in the pot.

A tangy aroma!

very special!

The same marinade is used, but the spices are different, so the taste is very different.

Seeing the opportunity to observe cooking, the workers also came over one after another.

Everyone crowded around and stared at Fu Yu holding the spoon, feeling excited and happy.

Wang Haiwei was also free. No order was received at the stall, and all the work that the kitchen should do was done.

He asked the chef to bring the small stool over and sit on the edge of the kitchen counter to rest.

Wang Haiwei did not go with the others to grab a seat to watch Fu Yu cook.

If he goes, the workers will naturally make room for him.

However, Wang Haiwei felt that instead of standing there and watching Fu Yu cook, he might as well relax by scrolling through his phone for a while.

Working in the kitchen lasts a whole day, and you can take a break if you can.

And isn’t it just stewed with sheep and scorpions? What’s there to learn?

He works at a fish shop, so it’s useless to learn that stuff!

Yang Ming was willing to show off in front of Li Dongxu and let him do whatever he wanted.

Li Dongxu himself prefers Yang Ming as a fool. If there is a chance to be promoted in the future, he will definitely try to pull Yang Ming up first.

What's more, all the chefs in the store are in strong health and in their prime, so this position won't be available for a while.

Wang Haiwei has a vivid mind and thinks very clearly in this regard.

He glanced at Li Dongxu and Yang Ming, who looked eager for knowledge.

It is better to give such opportunities to people who really have room for improvement.

Fu Yu opened the lid of the pot and poked the stewed mutton with his chopsticks.

The time is just right.

So I took up another pot, heated the oil, added the watercress, Sichuan peppercorns, dried chili peppers, and a pack of secret soup base seasonings prepared in advance and stir-fried until fragrant.

When Fu Yu was doing speculation, Li Dongxu was particularly engrossed in watching, for fear of missing key details.

Yang Ming was also very serious, but unfortunately after Fu Yu stopped, he still didn't see anything interesting.

Isn't it just stir-fry?

He will too!

What's so hard about this?

Pour a few condiments into the hot oil, stir, stir, stir.

Yang Ming's brows knitted into knots, but looking at Li Dongxu's suddenly enlightened and joyful expression, he clearly felt that there was nothing to learn, but when he saw this scene, he immediately felt that he had missed a good opportunity and had not learned the trick. The sense of gap!

Pour in the broth, add the stewed lamb scorpion into the soup, remove the spice residue from the lamb scorpion stew, and then pour the remaining stew into the pot.

Bring the red soup to a boil. This time, put all the soup and ingredients in the pot into the stew pot.

The dining table in the dining area has its own hidden induction cooker. Adjust the heat after serving, and the lamb and scorpion pot can be simmered all the time. There are also some enoki mushrooms and pea sprouts served with the pot.

Fu Yu put the ingredients into the stew pot and began to arrange them with chopsticks.

He followed the cooking method of the Four Seas Feast. He spread the radish and fungus on the bottom of the pot, placed the sheep and scorpions in a circle with their heads and tails on top of each other, and placed the mutton in the gap, just immersed in the soup.

There is also a saying about how the sheep and scorpions are placed. The sheep marrow should be facing upward so that people can see the full texture at a glance.

Fu Yu deliberately left a mouthful of red soup and three pieces of mutton at the bottom of the pot. After finishing the plating, he asked the waiter to take away the stew pot, then put the mutton and red soup in the pot into a small bowl and handed it to Li Dongxu.

"Chef Li, try it and see how it tastes!"

Li Dongxu took a piece of mutton and put it into his mouth. Without even chewing, the soup wrapped in the meat exploded in his mouth. It was hot, fragrant, rich, and very special!

Fragrant and delicious, but the taste is different from ordinary red soup mutton. There is no mutton smell at all. The fragrance is very special. Almost the moment you enter the mouth, it occupies the entire taste buds with a very domineering momentum. .

When chewing the mutton, the pure aroma of the meat made Li Dongxu subconsciously squint his eyes and taste it carefully.

Mutton without the smell of mutton has the pure flavor of meat, and the mutton sent by the activity center is the kind of lamb hind legs with meat and tendons, and the taste is plump. Even if the stewed meat is soft and rotten, it is not completely chewy when you eat it. The taste of Jiner and Jintou Ba Nao is more distinctive.

Li Dongxu smacked his lips. The meat was stewed just right. It was crispy but not rotten. If the heat was too high, the mutton would lose its shape.

This is just the right time to take a sip of the red soup and eat it with the mutton. The taste will melt into the stomach and intestines. The aroma of meat in the mouth can easily arouse the appetite, making people want to continue tasting it.

After Li Dongxu tasted it, he couldn't help but look up at Fu Yu, and the appreciation in his eyes almost solidified.

Yang Ming saw that there was still mutton left in the bowl, so he stretched out his hand: "Chef Li, let me try it too!"

Li Dongxu handed over the bowl, and Yang Ming also took a bite of the mutton, and his eyes lit up after eating it!

He also looked at Fu Yu, but there was a bit more respect in his eyes.


No, not at all.

After eating this mouthful of mutton, Yang Ming was convinced!

When Fu Yu was cooking before, he was watching from such a close distance, but he didn't notice any tricks.

But when he tasted the stewed mutton in red soup, Yang Ming was completely stunned!

It turned out that it wasn't that he failed to recognize Fu Yu's skill in cooking, but that the difference in strength made learning more difficult.

Although he is not at the same level as Li Dongxu, he has worked in the kitchen for more than ten years, and he can see some things very clearly and thoroughly.

People cannot be compared with others, some people are geniuses!

For two consecutive days, Yang Ming was shocked twice by Fu Yu!

The amazing cooking speed is amazing enough.

Now the cooking of sheep and scorpion pot is even more amazing.

After just one sip, Yang Ming could taste the difference.

Being able to stew mutton like this shows the level of Fu Yu's cooking ability!

Fu Yu waited for them to finish tasting and asked, "How is it, Chef Li? Is it okay to eat?"

When Li Dongxu tasted it, he had already begun to think seriously. He didn't know what kind of marinade Fu Yu used to make this red soup lamb and scorpion pot. The taste was so fragrant and special that one could remember it freshly after just one bite.

It's obviously just mutton stew, but it has a very unique taste.

Even the more he thought about it, the more amazing he felt!

This cooking method is really completely different from all the popular flavors on the market.

It is no exaggeration to say that this is how to make a private dish!

Li Dongxu was always generous with compliments. He praised very seriously: "Excellent! Regardless of whether your red soup lamb and scorpion dish is authentic or not, it is the most delicious and fragrant dish I have ever eaten. Together!

Xiao Fu, you are truly one of the most talented chefs I have ever seen. When you mentioned this dish before, you only saw it made by others and never tried it yourself.

Under such circumstances, it is really amazing that you can perform at such a level! "

What Li Dongxu said was very sincere!

He was able to be the chief chef at the Fucheng Chun flagship store because of nothing else but his ability and obsession with cooking! (End of chapter)

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