Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 878 See the real chapter for details

He Yuzhou was dubious. He had never seen or tasted this scallion-stir-fried mutton dish, so he didn't know what the authentic way should be.

But although he doesn't know the dish of fried mutton with scallions, he knows the boiled cabbage!

Boiling cabbage is a state banquet-level dish, and it is quite difficult to cook.

For him, it's no different than cooking Buddha Jumping Over the Wall.

However, now Zhang Chenyang said that the cooking difficulty of fried mutton with green onions is similar to that of boiled cabbage.

This really made him a little unbelievable.

After all, the scallion-stir-fried mutton cooked by Zhang Chenyang just now, as he saw it, was stir-fried mutton and scallions.

In terms of deliciousness, it is indeed good, but in terms of classics, it seems almost meaningless if you taste it carefully.

Could it be that this Chef Fu really knows how to cook authentic fried mutton with scallions, which is as famous as boiled cabbage?

Zhang Chenyang was quite emotional: "Just this scallion fried mutton, it is estimated that the whole county can cook it, and the number of people who can cook this dish can be counted on one hand."

"I'm not exaggerating when I say this. It's easy to make fried lamb with scallions delicious, but it's too difficult to make it a classic. addition to the master's teaching, it is the cooking experience I have accumulated!"

"In our industry, it is a very rare opportunity to observe other people's cooking specialties. If you can get some inspiration from it, it is simply a rare benefit!"

Zhang Chenyang finished speaking in one breath, sighed, and said slowly: "I'm going to observe and study in a while."

In a word, He Yuzhou was silent.

Even Zhang Chenyang wanted to observe it, so he definitely couldn't let go of such a rare opportunity.

He Yuzhou knew it well, and stopped talking to Zhang Chenyang, but focused on the work at hand, quickly adjusted the cooking order of the dishes, and tried to free up his hands in the shortest time, and went to observe the live cooking of this chef.

Xiao Hechou has made up his mind, if Fu Yu's cooking is really authentic and classic enough, then he will ask the two chefs in his restaurant to find a way to learn specific cooking methods, and try to make this dish a new one in the restaurant. Dishes are for sale.

Seeing that Fu Yu started to prepare ingredients, Xiao Hechou hurriedly took the opportunity to discuss with Fu Yu: "If it's convenient, I'd like Chef Zhang and Chef He to come over to observe later, okay?"


Fu Yu nodded: "Okay!"

Since I joined the study exchange group, situations like this, where I am in charge and surrounded by people, have happened from time to time.

Fu Yu has long been used to it.

So when Xiaogong prepared all the ingredients and Fu Yu started cooking, Zhang Chenyang and He Yuzhou put down their work one after another and came to watch closely.

Regarding this scene, Fu Yu was very calm and composed.

Because of his preconceived impression, Zhang Chenyang did not despise Fu Yu because of his young age.

On the contrary, he was very curious about Fu Yu's background.

At such a young age, he can work as a chef in a century-old restaurant like Maxima, which shows that the level of cooking skills should be very high.

As for how to achieve such a situation, it is nothing more than that the master is good, I have talent, and I can bear hardships and work hard.

Other than that, there are no other shortcuts.

He Yuzhou was even more serious.

On the one hand, he was really curious whether this young chef was as skilled as Zhang Chenyang said.

On the other hand, it was he who wanted to see the rare cooking skills of this so-called dish that was as famous as boiled cabbage.

Fu Yu didn't care what kind of thoughts other people had when they came to observe his cooking.

He focused all his attention on the cooking operation.

After this period of exchange and study, he had already discovered one thing.

No matter how much you say, it is all false. If you want to convince others, the only way is to cook perfect dishes and speak with facts.

The leg of lamb that Fu Yu processed first, this piece of meat has a very good taste, but it has a disadvantage, that is, it has a lot of fascia, and if you want to eat it soft and tender, you must remove all the fascia.

Fu Yu carefully cut off all the fascia on the leg of lamb, and then changed the knife into thin slices of uniform size, and then marinated it directly.

The oil temperature is usually very high when making stir-fried dishes, and the operation time is generally very short, and some are timed in seconds, so it is very important to change the ingredients to ensure that all the mutton slices can be matured at the same time during the same heating time.

Mutton does not need to be soaked in cold water, nor does it need to be rinsed too much after slicing.

Because the mutton slices are cut very thin, if they are rinsed again, the original taste will be very weak.

So Fu Yu only washed the mutton before starting to cut it.

When the mutton slices are marinated, neither sizing nor water is needed, and only cooking wine is enough.

If there is too much water, it will be easy to get water when stir-frying, which will affect the taste of the whole dish.

As for the seasonings for marinating, Fu Yu completely referred to the labels on the classic old taste recipes.

Add green onions, sesame oil, soy sauce, pepper, and cooking wine.

Although the ingredients of this dish are scallions when cooking, adding scallions when marinating can make the taste penetrate into the meat in advance and enhance the taste.

It's just one very simple operation.

Zhang Chenyang was taken aback.

It turns out that the fascia needs to be removed before the leg of lamb is sliced, and there are only a few seasonings when marinating, including green onions.

Soy sauce must have the effect of improving color and freshness, so adding green onions must be to marinate in advance.


Zhang Chenyang sighed, why didn't he think of this step at the time!

He preconceived that since the mutton was fried with scallions, and the garnishes were scallions, then naturally there was no need to add them when marinating.

Now that I think about it, my thoughts are a bit too shallow.

Zhang Chenyang looked at Fu Yu's cooking with full of approval, silently remembering all the seasonings used in his heart.

After seeing that Fu Yu poured the cooking wine, he stopped directly.

Zhang Chenyang couldn't help being taken aback, before he could speak, He Yuzhou on the side suddenly asked: "Fu Chu, don't you need some starch for this mutton slice?"

Fu Yu kept stirring in his hands, and he habitually replied casually: "When making this dish, the mutton does not need to be starched or battered, and in the end it does not need to be treated with gravy. The mutton after starching is easy to stir-fry at high temperature. Adhesion can only be treated with low-temperature lubricating oil, so it cannot be called "explosion."

"The broth of scallions is very little, and there is no need to thicken it when cooking quickly."

"Another point, in fact, when cooking, many people like to use starch to pulp the mutton before frying, thinking that it tastes more tender, but this is not correct. Although the pulped meat is smooth and tender, it has a strong smell. The smell is strong, which is because the starch seals the meat so that the smell of mutton cannot be released. This dish is eaten with the original taste of mutton, and it would be bad if it is superfluous.”

Zhang Chenyang and He Yuzhou showed suddenly realized expressions at the same time, so it was like this!

Makes sense!

No wonder the fried mutton with scallions just now tasted quite fresh, but it was still somewhat lacking in flavor.

It turns out that the key point is here!

After the mutton slices were marinated, Fu Yu started to process the scallions.

He directly cut off all the green part of the scallion, leaving only the white part of the scallion, and then cut the white part of the scallion into hob pieces with a knife.

Zhang Chenyang was taken aback.

This scallion is cut into hob pieces, which is a very authentic method. When frying hob pieces, it can not only produce a stable fragrance, but also not easy to collapse.

But Fu Yu actually cut off all the light green.

Is this going to use only the white of the scallion as a side dish?


It is the tenderest and most flavorful when eaten in the bright green part.

As soon as the idea came up, Zhang Chenyang suddenly remembered that when he was trying the dishes before, he chewed the scallions with a hint of bitterness.

Is it possible that this scallion will become bitter after being stir-fried?

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that this is indeed the case. The white part of the scallion tastes more fragrant.

Thinking of this, Zhang Chenyang observed more carefully.

Because he was completely sure that this young chef was really talented.

And when he saw Fu Yu's next operation clearly, Zhang Chenyang couldn't help showing a dazed expression.

After Fu Yu cut the white of the scallion into hob pieces, he directly peeled off each layer of the scallion skin with his hands to make it into loose flakes.

yes! This will make it easier for the shallots to be heated evenly and cook quickly.

With this method of processing green onions, the green onions can be broken immediately after being put into the pot, and it is not easy to collapse the seedlings.

It is indeed a good way!

The mutton was almost marinated, so Fu Yu set up a pot and started cooking.

He deliberately waited until the pan was hot before pouring oil.

This step is called hot pot, cold oil and moistening pot.

If you want to make this dish well, you must moisten the pot thoroughly to avoid sticking.

Leave the bottom oil to heat up, and change the heat to high heat.

Put in the marinated mutton, shake it quickly, and wrap it evenly. When the mutton turns white and fragrant, add the remaining hob shallots and continue to stir fry.

The operation of Fu Yu's stir-frying skills has long since become a school of his own.

He practiced the spoon-thumping action with his teacher at school, and later learned and improved it by referring to Zhao Meng's operation method when he came to Maxima.

The cooking skill that Zhao Meng is best at is stir-frying. In this operation, he has some understanding and know-how.

And Fu Yu is now studying systematically in the teaching practice class. Relying on his physical strength and hand speed, when he makes stir-fry, his movements can be called flowing, with strict posture standards and fast speed.

Both Zhang Chenyang and He Yuzhou were stunned unconsciously.

This method, this operation, without more than ten years of hard work, it is impossible to reach this level.

This time, even He Yuzhou couldn't help but correct his attitude and began to observe seriously.

When the scallions are fried until they soften a bit, add the balsamic vinegar to the side of the pot, and stir again to get the aroma of the vinegar, then the dish is ready to be served.

"Hey, why do you add vinegar! Will it affect the taste of the mutton?"

This time Zhang Chenyang was the first to ask a question, he really couldn't understand Fu Yu's operation.

If you add some sugar when marinating, it may be able to achieve the effect of freshening.

But why did you add vinegar before it came out of the pot?

I have never heard of adding vinegar to cooking mutton. Doesn’t the taste completely ruin it?

Fu Yu smiled slightly when he heard this, and explained seriously: "Cooking vinegar before it comes out of the pot is actually the finishing touch in the whole cooking operation. On the wall, it cannot be poured into mutton, so that it can quickly evaporate the aroma."

"You are right. The smell of vinegar is indeed likely to affect the taste of the whole dish, so the dosage is also very important. The requirement for the finished product is that you can only smell the aroma of vinegar, but not taste the sour taste of vinegar."

"This point depends entirely on one's own experience to grasp."

Also, can this be done?

Zhang Chenyang nodded with a receptive expression.


After Fu Yu finished speaking, he suddenly remembered something, and specially instructed: "By the way, when I put the onions just now, I don't know if you have noticed. When I put the onions, I actually added them in two parts. If you do it, the dish will look good.”

"Okay, Fu Chu, I will remember!" He Yuzhou replied subconsciously.

Although Zhang Chenyang didn't make a sound, he nodded in agreement, expressing that he had carefully memorized this step.

Fu Yu put the stir-fried vegetables on the plate, and made a simple arrangement.

In this dish, the amount of scallions and mutton is almost the same.

Compared with the previous dish made by Zhang Chenyang, the mutton is nearly half less, but it still looks very appetizing, and the visual effect of the combination of scallions and mutton is also very good.

Fu Yu's plate arrangement is actually very innovative.

It seemed a simple act of filling the plate just now, but in fact, he properly adjusted the placement of the mutton and scallions during the process of filling.

At first glance, people think that the combination of scallion and mutton is very beautiful, but if you look closely, you will find that the mutton covered on each layer of scallion is in proportion.

In this way, customers can directly wrap the mutton and green onion with one chopstick when they pick it up casually, and taste it at the same time.

Aware of this, Zhang Chenyang was amazed at Fu Yu's skills in arranging dishes, and his impression of Fu Yu couldn't help being improved again.

This person is really amazing!

It is said that the details can be seen in the real chapter, and these words are really appropriate at this time.

After Fu Yu finished cooking the whole dish, he immediately felt relieved.

He glanced at Xiao Hechou who was standing beside him with an eager expression on his face, thinking about the relationship between him and Wu Bowen.

He simply gave additional pointers: "When this dish is stir-fried, the whole process is to use high fire, high heat and hot oil. The oil should be wide and the oil temperature should be high. The ingredients should be cut in time and quickly, and they should be stirred until they are mature. Makes dishes crispy and tender.”

"Like a general big restaurant, when making fried mutton with scallions, it is generally a one-pot dish. After the mutton is fried, add green onions and stir-fry to make a dish. However, because the order quantity is small in small restaurants, when cooking, The amount of mutton should not be too large, if there is too much mutton, the firepower will be uneven when cooking, and the meat will be easy to produce soup.”

"Actually, as long as you master the previous operation details of this dish and control the speed of the spoon during the stir-frying process, you can easily make an authentic and classic taste."

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