Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1545: : Ginger couple

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

"I think I am particularly stupid." Hua Sheng pursed his lips and chuckled.

Jiang Liu paused his hand and put the noodles aside for a while. "My wife, Jiang, is a fairy. This is wrong, why is it stupid?"

Hua Sheng raised his head, facing the four heads of the river.

"It's because it's a fairy, so I always put myself in danger and worry my husband. So I said that I'm a fool, being a fairy is so worrying, what else to do as a fairy? It's better to be a mortal as soon as possible ."

"That's right, but it doesn't matter. I'm willing to worry about you."

Jiang Liu said Huasheng was not reluctant, whether she was really wrong or not, Jiang Liu was reluctant.

Your own wife will spoil yourself.

Even if she is not good, even if she is making people uneasy, it is also his heart.

"After I have lived for some time, it will be empty. I will ask Bairan and Mingyan if there is any way to let me be a mortal. I like to be a Muggle, just like our family Mr. Jiang, be a Mortal, how happy it is to have a happy life."

"Well, when you are free, I will accompany you to ask."

Now the rivers will not refute what Hua Sheng said, but they are used to it.

It's just the point of spoiling the sky. If the big guy is there, it will be acidified again.

It must be said that the sprinkling of dog food by the **** couple really wiped out the whole army, and no one could sprinkle them.

It stands to reason that Qin Wanyu is against the wind, Wang Junxian is against Hua Zhi, Gao He is against Ginkgo, and Jing Sa is against Ping.

That's sincere and indulgent.

However, compared to Jiang Liu, everyone is still inferior, Jiang Liu is the spoiled wife and the devil, the king of the kings.

Of course, Jiangliu's love of Huasheng is not because of his beautiful appearance, or because of his extraordinary family background.

Not because Huasheng has countless wealth, nor because of her identity as the first true **** in the Three Realms and Six Dao.

Just because, she is Huasheng.

She is the wife of Jiangliu, a legitimate wife who is justified, and is loved by Jiangliu all her life, which is enough.

"You have eaten so little, do you want to eat some more? Feng Qingcheng said, after you change Beihan Bingyu, your body will be the same as before, very sensitive to seven emotions and six desires, especially not to be hungry."

"Hah, this is fresh. I used to be less interested in food. It seems that I will be a foodie in the future. Mr. Jiang, will you betray my mother?"

"Yes, will you despise you?"

Huasheng frowned slightly.

Jiangliu said in the next sentence, "I will only despise what you eat less, eat it, the family is not unbearable, how much is needed."

"Ha, I know you love me the most."

When Huasheng woke up this time, he smiled a lot more than before.

Perhaps it was because Feng Xi did something she didn't dare to do, stealing her body into Beihan Bingyu.

The biggest advantage of Beihanbingyu is that Huasheng will not commit cold disease again, because the poison is used to attack the poison, and the coldest jade is used to resist the coldest breath in Huasheng.

It happens to be two-to-one, so she won't appear in the cold in the future, which also makes Jiangliu worry.

Another point, and the most important one is.

The body of Beihan Bingyu, like the body, is more durable than the body and more resistant to aging. Bingyuyu skin is even better than the former Huasheng body. What is important is that this body allows Huasheng to pass on to the descendants of Jiangliu and to give birth to one child, their two children.

This is the biggest wish of Hua Sheng, and it is something that has always been desired.

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