Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1546: : Reincarnation

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A bowl of noodles only eat half a bowl, but for Hua Sheng, this is already a lot, after all, she just woke up and is not easy to overeating.

The rest of the soup, soup, water and half a bowl of noodles were not wasted by the river, and they were all eaten up when picked up.

Huasheng has very little leftovers, and occasionally leftovers are all cleaned up by the river.

Jiang Liu never eats anything left by anyone. After all, he is noble.

But he always picked up the leftovers of Huasheng silently, and didn't bother to eat a polish.

Every time Hua Sheng sees it, he will be moved in silence.

Over time, the two really became more and more tacit, as if they were a symbiosis, and they lived in this world.

Hua Sheng lay until ten o'clock in the middle of the night, and finally could not lie down.

Get up, wear a purple Luo skirt and walk downstairs.

Jiang Liu was extremely careful, picked up the white cloak of the big wardrobe, and gave Huasheng a shoulder, and hugged her down the stairs.

Both Gao He and Ginkgo fell asleep early, and the two children sneaked into a room.

Just in the room where Ginkgo has been living.

In the past few days, everyone's mood is not very good, and the spirit is also highly nervous.

So seeing Hua Sheng woke up, he was finally relieved, and Ginkgo slept almost dimly.

Koga and dog skin plaster were right, hugged Ginkgo tightly, and the two slept into pigs.

Sitting in the living room, you can hear the snoring sound from the two people.

Hua Sheng smiled, "They are also tired?"

Jiang Liu nodded, "After you were in a coma, everyone was very nervous, Hua Zhi came several times, and then we were persuaded to go away. But Pharaoh will come to visit every day, every time he will stay for a long time. It is also considered to visit you for Hua Zhi. . And Yu Ping, the girl didn’t talk much. Every time she came, she stood at your door, watching you quietly for a while, her eyes were red and she cried. I didn’t let her come afterwards, she Everyone felt uncomfortable when they cried. I was quite angry at that time, blame them, you are not dead, why cry?

Huasheng leaned against the chest of the river, "I won't die, I'm a fairy."

"Well, my Asheng is immortal and stays with me forever."

Jiang Liuxin was also soft to the extreme, embracing his beloved wife, the two sat on a small sofa in front of the fireplace in the living room and enjoyed the moment of peace.

Jiang Liu couldn't remember which book he had seen a sentence in, and at this moment, he suddenly remembered it.

Just like reading poems, he whispered around Huasheng, "I've been here and there for thousands of times, and I've been tossing and turning. I have drunk the strongest wine in the night. I have also been red because of some annoyances. Over the eyes. I have been desperate, disappointed, wandering, lost, and heartless, and alone. Until that year, I met you, at that moment, I felt that the wind stopped, the rain stopped, The clouds are clear, everything is lovely, and the galaxy is long and bright."

Hua Sheng hugged the hands of the river, and tightened and spoke softly, "I was originally a woman who was walking in rivers and lakes, and my big wish was to rule the world and dominate the world. Later, when I met you, I was in my heart. Think about it, you can let go of the matter of unifying the rivers and lakes. I will first have a love relationship with my family Mr. Jiang.

After Jiang Liu heard this, all the brows and brows were open, with a gentle smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Are you telling me a love game?"

"Who wouldn't say earth-flavored love? Well, I'm not convinced. Come on, who is afraid of who?"

Hua Sheng rarely shows the little girl's side, will be coquettish, will pout, will unreasonably make trouble, but such a real her, Jiang Liu will only love the bones.

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