Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1555: : A little episode

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

"Datung Media, right?"

"Yeah, surely President Jiang must have heard of us too?" The man was still beautiful.

"Yeah, I heard it for the first time today, but it won't be in the future."

After that, Jiang Liu hung up the phone, and a few beeps came...

The man was shocked and said, "Does this river flow play any tricks? Don’t you hear that he cares most about his wife? Jiangjia Bank is so big, with hundreds of billions of dollars. I want 10 million yuan but it’s just a fraction of the price. Should it be? "

Of course, this money is indeed quite a bit of money for Jiangliu, but the problem is that Jiangliu is not a silly son of a landlord with a lot of money.

How could it be easy to give them 10 million?

Having said that, with Xie Dongyang, it was all talking about a few years.

How can you tell the old things?

In the daytime, if the two ride in a car, are they intimate?

"Call Assistant Wang."

"it is good."

Soon, Wang Mian, one of the three special assistants of Jiangliu, came.

This person has just joined the Jiangjia Group, but it is credible. why? Because Wang Mian is a classmate of Jiangliu University.

After graduating, he went abroad and was mixed. At that time, he was also mixed up, and later caught up with the global financial crisis last year.

The kid's net worth collapsed all at once. At that time, there was no way to go. No one was asking for help. The river gave him steps.

Said it is a special assistant, in fact, it is already the money of the vice president.

Moreover, Wang Mian's qualifications were originally qualified to be vice presidents, but unfortunately, the employees of Jiangjia Bank are very stable.

There were only two vice presidents, all uncles of Jiangliu's father's generation, and there was nothing wrong with their work. It was impossible to dismiss them all at once.

When they were not retired at that age, they could only grieve Wang Mian temporarily.

But even so, Wang Mian was very grateful to Jiang Liu and dedicated himself to the Jiang family.

"General Jiang."

"There is a matter for you to deal with. You look at this group of paparazzi in this new media. When I took a video of my wife and Xie Dongyang riding in a car, I will go out and blackmail me."

"There is such a thing, let me see?"

"Well, go ahead and deal with it, but be low-key."

"I know."

Jiang Mian is at ease when Wang Mian does things, and this matter belongs to a short episode.

Jiang Liu picked up the phone and sent WeChat directly.

Jiang Liu: What is Mrs. Jiang doing?

Hua Sheng: In the car of Xie Dongyang.

Jiang Liu: Are you sorry?

Hua Sheng: What's wrong?

Jiang Liu: As soon as the paparazzi took pictures, they all came to me with video and asked for 10 million.

Huasheng: Ha? So exaggerated?

Jiang Liu: Isn't that right? Now I know that my spouse is spoiled, waiting to get rich.

Hua Sheng: Then they may not get their wish, because my husband believes in me.

Jiang Liu: This hat is buttoned...

Hua Sheng: Isn't it?

Jiang Liu: Yes, you said everything right, did you eat at noon?

Hua Sheng: Not yet. I plan to go to Xie Dongyang's house to eat, just to meet his mother and sister. "

Jiang Liu: Well, eat more, but be careful. "

Jiangliu is always not at ease, just because who would suddenly abduct Huasheng?

In fact, the only moon that can abduct Huasheng is now in a century of slumber.

I'm afraid that these three realms and six ways, fighting alone, no one is Huasheng's opponent, but Jiang Liu does not think so.

In his heart, he was always afraid that his little girl would be injured.

Put down the phone, Hua Sheng smiled sweetly.

Xie Dongyang looked sideways at her, and it was not a taste in her heart, "Is it Jiangcha Chagang?"

"Yes, President Jiang of our family is very nervous recently." Huasheng's words are all about dog food, which makes Xie Dongyang sad.

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