Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1556: : Enchanted person

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The dark purple Rolls-Royce Phantom quickly entered the Xie family's house.

During this time, Xie Dongyang had been arrogant with his family and never returned. The lace news outside was flying all over, and the Xie family was also helpless.

Xie Dongyao had a miscarriage, and she is still very slim.

But Mrs. Xie was most pitiful. She was thinner than her maiden, her entire frontal bone collapsed, and she felt ten years old.

"That's A Sheng?"

Mrs. Xie didn't dare to admit it. After watching it for a long time, she pointed at the door tremblingly.

"Yes, mom, that's Ah...that's the fairy sister." Xie Dongyao smiled.

Xie Dongyao wore a burgundy velvet cheongsam, but his figure was concave and convex, protruding forward and backward.

Underneath the bare legs is a pair of black fashion high-heeled shoes with light makeup on the face, but the eyeliner is very carefully outlined and picked up.

Looking closely, it is not difficult to find that Xie Dongyao's temperament is completely different from before.

However, when it becomes concrete, no one can tell the preparation time.

After all, it didn't change all at once, it was so subtle, it changed with time.

"Auntie, I haven't seen you for a long time. How are you doing recently?"

Hua Sheng handed over the nutritional products that he got off the train halfway through, and took the initiative to shake hands with Mrs. Xie.

Mrs. Xie really hurts Huasheng and really likes this girl.

He was also very pleased to hold Huasheng's white hands. "I'm okay, my wife is one, and my body is not as good as before, but for my son, my daughter-in-law, my granddaughter, I have to stay alive."

"Auntie, let's not say this, you sit down."

Hua Sheng smiled, then glanced at Xie Dongyao.

"Yaoyao is getting more and more beautiful."

With that said, his hand stretched out, and Xie Dongyao did not evade, and shook hands with Hua Sheng subconsciously.

But it was shocked by Hua Sheng's cold hands.

That temperature... is much lower than normal people.

Hua Sheng is also strange. When shaking hands with Xie Dongyao, he didn't find anything strange. Isn't she really human?

Just brainwashed by those with ulterior motives?

Hua Sheng sat down with a smile, and recounted the past with Xie Dongyao and Mrs. Xie.

Xie Dongyang didn't say anything, just leaned against the wall, smoking a cigarette and smoking one by one.

As you can see, he is in a bad mood.

"Yaoyao, you can arrange for Sister Lan to cook more dishes today. I want to stay with A Sheng for lunch."

"Okay, mom."

Xie Dongyao got up and walked towards the front garden to find the aunt nanny.

Mrs. Xie got up and went to the bathroom, taking advantage of the gap.

Xie Dongyang strode over meteor, walked to Huasheng, just about to speak...

I saw Hua Sheng gave a look, that means don't talk.

Xie Dongyang reacted immediately and said aloud, "Since my mother keeps you eating, don't be polite. I may not have eaten at home for a long time. Let's eat together?"

"Good." Hua Sheng nodded.

The two didn't say much.

Outside the window, Xie Dongyao standing on the edge stuck to the glass and observed it for a while.

She looked at Xie Dongyang's lips motionlessly and seemed to understand lips.

But when he saw what he said was irrelevant, he didn't pay attention, and finally turned to the nanny in the distance.

Hua Sheng whispered when she saw her going away. "She was just down at the window just now. I guess she just wanted to hear what we said?"

"It turned out to be this way. No wonder you didn't let me speak. Did you see what was on Yaoyao?" Xie Dongyang was very worried.

"It's strange that all her breath is still human, but I always think something is not right." Hua Sheng also felt that this matter was becoming more bizarre.

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