Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1557: : Not old looking

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Even Huasheng couldn't see the clue, this matter is indeed very complicated.

Of course, Xie Dongyang still held the last glimmer of hope in his heart and opened his mouth. "A Sheng, then you said, will Yao Yao just be brainwashed or threatened? Isn't there anything more terrible happening to her?" "

Huasheng hesitated for a while and did not answer this question.

She didn't want to destroy Xie Dongyang's last kind of deep love and beauty for her family.

But she didn't want to tell lies to deceive Xie Dongyang, although she didn't feel the other breath in Xie Dongyao.

But she knew in her heart that Xie Dongyao could not be a complete person.

Even if she still has such a shameful breath?

This is not a sixth sense, nor is it for divination, nor is it inference, nor is it a guess.

Huasheng has the kind of ability, the kind that sees you through.

"It's not easy for your mother to come back and see her later."

"I know."

Even if Hua Sheng didn't say this, Xie Dongyang knew in his heart that anger was only temporary, but after all, he was his own mother.

Moreover, after the Xie family changed, Mrs. Xie was really much older overnight, and he was no longer the tall and graceful lady before.

Even though the Xie family is still in full swing today, some things have nothing to do with money and power.

It's the kind of aura, the mentality, completely changed.

Even if Xie Dongyang became the richest man in the world, his mother couldn't have the same kind of look that year.

After all, she was a poor woman who lost her husband and son.

Seeing Huasheng didn't mention Xie Dongyao again, Xie Dongyang didn't dare to ask more, after all, he was afraid of playing grass and scaring snakes.

Then, Hua Sheng really stayed for lunch, although she was not in a good mood to eat, but see Mrs. Xie so kindly invited.

She really couldn't bear to refuse, Xie's lunch was extremely rich.

Mrs. Xie sat next to Hua Sheng, and kept holding the food.

Then, holding Huasheng by hand, and chatting about it homely, she suddenly looked at Huasheng's face and said, "Asheng, I have known you for several years, why are you not old at all? It's amazing. ."

"Mom, how old is Sister Asheng, just like my second brother, in his early thirties, where can he grow old? The cosmetics and skin care products are so powerful nowadays? The aunts at the party were all the same as they were 30 or 40 years old." Xie Dongyao said with a smile.

Mrs. Xie shook her head seriously, "No, it's not the kind of maintenance young, it really hasn't changed. Speaking of that, I had seen it once before A Sheng was not married. At that time, the old Chinese lady was still there. I didn’t have a head-on intersection, but I also looked at my face from a distance. It looks just like now, the water is hibiscus, it looks beautiful and beautiful."

"Auntie, don't praise me." Hua Sheng was a little embarrassed and smiled with his head down.

Hua Sheng's specific situation, only a few insiders understand, others only know that the girl is a bit capable, but do not know the identity would be so mysterious.

In Xie Dongyang's view, Huasheng is not only not old now, but may not be old in the future, after all, it is a goddess.

But he didn't expect that since Huasheng and Beihanbingyu merged together, the whole person's breath is better than before.

On the contrary, with the adolescence and innocence of the girlhood, this is the most rare young.

"At that time, Dongyang, the bastard, if he had heard the rumors and said that the Miss Huajia's ugly stutter, where else would they escape marriage? If not, you should be my daughter-in-law now, Asheng." Mrs. Xie is very regretful and regretful. She really loves this girl. In fact, Mrs. Xie is more tolerant than Jiangliu's mother and is really good for Huasheng.

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