Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1611: :Careful thought

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

"How many years have you been friends, don't say such things."

Hua Sheng didn't intend to make money, but if he didn't want a penny, Xie Dongyang would definitely not agree.

So I took both of them out for charity, and returned to Xie Dongyang to do good deeds.

"In this case, what else do I need to do? I also borrowed flowers to offer the Buddha, and I donated 660,000 yuan, just to give my child a happy blessing." Yu Ping smiled.


Hua Sheng never deliberately persuaded anyone to pay for good deeds, but it would never stop it. Yu Ping had such a heart, that was her own merit.

Soon, Xie Dongyang picked this golden step shake, packed it and put it in the car to be taken away.

"Miss, should we go now?" Ginkgo stepped forward.

"Wait for me first, I'll explain to him a few words." Hua Sheng felt uneasy. He stepped on Xie Dongyang's car in two steps and sat on the co-pilot.

The scent of Huasheng's body was originally very special, and since she changed the body of Beihanbingyu, it is even more fragrant.

It made people smell refreshing, so she suddenly came up and was flattered by Xie Dongyang.

There was even a blush that was caught off guard, "What's wrong?"

"There are a few words to explain to you."

"Well, you say, Sheng, I listen."

Looking at Huasheng at such a close distance is not too embarrassing.

"The current Jiangcheng form looks very peaceful, but under this peace, many crises are hidden... A lot of undercurrents are surging, and Feng Xi and I have been closely watching, and you have to be careful."

"I will."

"I tell you to be careful because of Xie Dongyao's relationship."

"I know, A Sheng."

"This gift, when you send it out, your family is present, then you deliberately show it to Xie Dongyao."

"Is there any mystery? A Sheng?"

Xie Dongyang didn't think much at first, but after hearing A Sheng say this, he wondered whether it was A Sheng who had done something in this golden step.

Of course, all of A Sheng's actions are in good faith. She never harms others. At this point, Xie Dongyang believes that Hua Sheng will not believe her sister.

Because if you think about it too, the mother was encouraged by Xie Dongyao to leave the funeral at a time when she shouldn’t have fun. It almost caused a disaster.

Fortunately, Huasheng and the wind were there, only to calm down the storm. Since then, Xie Dongyang has also felt more guilty and afraid of Huasheng.

"Gold is originally an evil spirit, and the gems in this golden step also have the effect of calming the eyes and eyes. The things must be good things, I just cast an exorcism curse."

"Exorcism Curse?" Xie Dongyang stunned.

"Well, your sister-in-law is a mortal, she can't feel anything naturally, and it won't affect her even if she is taken, and even protects her from being attacked by the evil demons, but if Xie Dongyao is something weird, there will be an abnormal reaction. ."

"A Sheng, the last time you observed it personally, it was unrecognizable to the naked eye. Can this exorcism be useful?"

Xie Dongyang's worries are not unreasonable and logical.

Hua Sheng smiled, "Your thoughts are meticulous, you think of it, how can I not think of it, I actually doubt it... Xie Dongyao knows that I am going, he hides his breath, in other words, he is prepared for me, But not for this gold hairpin."

After listening to this sentence, Xie Dongyang understood a little and patted his head.

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