Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1612: : Very aggressive

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"Oh, I'm so stupid, why can't I think of this?"

"Because she has no precautions, she will not deliberately hide her breath. If she is suddenly exposed to this, the exorcism spell on it will touch. Even if she disguises well, it will be different."

"Will that irritate her, our family will be in danger of life?"

Xie Dongyang is worried that his sister is no longer a sister, controlled by a bad soul, or being brainwashed.

What if she exposes her and angers her?

"You can rest assured that she won't. She will fish for big fish in long lines. At that time, no matter what you see, she will pretend not to see it, and she will think you know nothing. And once she touched the drive Curse, I will feel what she is at home?"

"So magical?" Xie Dongyang was surprised.

Hua Sheng nodded.

"That's it, I listen to you, just let me do what, what do I do. Where do you mean, you let me go east, I definitely don't go west, you let me beat dogs, I definitely don't kill chickens."

In fact, it was just a joke, Hua Sheng also smiled.

"Then you are busy, I will go back."


The moment Hua Sheng was about to drive down the door, Xie Dongyang spoke again to call her name.

"Huh?" Hua Sheng looked back, the moment he looked back, let him fall deeply again.

Xie Dongyang only felt that a heart was still in an instant. How good should time be at this moment?

"A Sheng, thank you, every time I have something in your family, you have to worry about it. The last time I dealt with my father and brother, because of my improper handling, I almost endangered the whole process of brutality. I am really afraid of it. Fortunately, you Now, Yaoyao is like that... it is also a great threat to the family, or you are helping me in secret, sometimes think about it, if you are, I will not be afraid of anything, if you are, our Jiangcheng will be safe forever."

"Don't make trouble, I'm not Iron Man and the US team. We just do our best.... Although I lived in the mountains with my grandmother since I was a child, I was also a child of Jiangcheng. After I married Jiangliu, I was even more Living in this city of high happiness, I have a lot of feelings for this place, and I will not be indifferent to reason."

"Yeah, you have a fraternal heart for a girl. I am ashamed as a seven-foot boy."

"Come on, don't make trouble, I'm gone."

Before leaving, Hua Sheng didn't forget to call a little black in the back seat who didn't know when to climb.

"Are you going with me or with him?"

Little Black Meow jumped down directly and followed Hua Sheng away. The master and servant looked very funny.

After Hua Sheng got off the bus, it had been more than ten minutes since he left, and Xie Dongyang's heart was still not calm.

Every time I saw A Sheng, there was unspeakable joy, but after seeing it, it was a huge sadness. After all, this woman is not her, no matter how much he loves.

Xie Dongyao's private mansion

Xie Dongyang carried a Hermes handbag with a few clothes in it and went away.

"Yaoyao, do you really have to be like this?"

Xie Dongyao's husband stretched out his hand and took her arm with a painful expression.

"Remove your hand, don't touch me."

"Yaoyao...the couple, the relationship is so come...this?"

"You're so kind to ask me, do you want me to bear debt with you?"

"But the company's crisis is immediate and will always pass. My dad has gone out to find a friend for assistance. I also plan to speak with your second brother..."

"Don't talk to my second brother, our Xie family won't lend you a penny, after all we are almost divorced."

"Yaoyao, I don't understand. It wasn't like this before..." Xie Dongyao's husband only felt dizzy and could not accept everything in front of him.

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