Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1613: : Aunt in charge

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Although Xie Dongyao's husband is not from a top class, it is not an ordinary family, at least not the ordinary family of Hua Lin's husband Bai Hao.

At the time of marriage, both of them were optimistic. At that time, I remember that Xie Dongyao was as greasy and sticky as this little girl.

The two of them were inseparable wherever they went. At that time Xie Yun and Xie Dongze were still there.

Xie Dongyao's status as a young lady is destined to not be neglected everywhere, so her mother-in-law's family is also like a baby and does not lose Hua Zhi's position in the Wang family.

But it was such a happy home that gradually changed its flavor.

Xie Dongze and Xie Yun passed away first, then Xie Dongyao somehow miscarried.

Although the doctors said that Xie Dongyao was too stimulated and suffered physical and mental damage, it would cause slipping.

But she also went too fast. At that time, her husband was also busy with the company's business, and she didn't follow up carefully, so she had a good rest for a few days.

But unexpectedly, she not only did not take a good rest, but went directly to Xie's old house. Later, she became a different person.

He did not answer the phone, did not return to WeChat, and even found a lawyer to file a lawsuit, and Xie's family did not know about this matter.

Xie Dongyao threatened her husband to say that if there is a big problem and their family members know, they will share their family property with him.

Now that the mother-in-law is particularly difficult, where else can you afford to continue to divide?

So Xie Dongyang and Mrs. Xie didn't even know about it. On that day, Xie Ning, a little niece, raised a mouthful. No one believed it, but thought the child was talking nonsense.

"Yaoyao, I can't bear you, I love you especially, I always thought we were a lifetime."

"Come on, wake up. I was married because I was Xie Jiaqianjin...if my dad was a driver, would you still love me so much?"

"I swear, even if you are bankrupt now, without money, I will not leave you."

"Sorry, my person is very realistic. I never believe people swear, go, don't hold me, or I will call the police."

Xie Dongyao strongly left his married home and returned to Xie's old house, completely abandoning the husband who had not been married for a long time.

But all this was done without the family members knowing.

On the other side, Feng Xi has been a little busy recently, and I haven't gone to Shili Spring Breeze for a long time.

At first, Hua Sheng thought, was it that the last time he was in a coma, Jiang Liu said that he was too serious, and his face was thin and windy, so he didn't dare to come, and was embarrassed?

Later, after inquiries, I realized that it was not the case at all.

It's because Jiang Cheng didn't know what happened recently. Some strange monsters and some wandering ghosts are all doing things on the street.

Say big or not, say small or not.

But what is annoying is that no one in Jiangcheng can do this now, and even the swindlers are gone, and they have been cleaned up by the wind in recent years.

The Ling family, who could be as famous as the Feng family, also retired. Ling Jiuzhou's grandson Ling Xiao also did not do this business. The wind was lonely.

One o'clock midnight

A man was drunk, swaying around a girl in a red dress, and walked into a small alley.


The man turned back drunk and looked at the wind ridiculously, "Why? No matter what? What neighborhood committee do you have? Not yet?"

Windy eyebrows raised, neighborhood committee?

Why are you the neighborhood committee? Your family belongs to the neighborhood committee. Who are you with?

"Sinister, let go of this guy."

"Well, what?" The man thought he had heard it wrong, and he should have looked around. No one else, is he the boy?

"Did you make a mistake? Let me let go of this girl?" The man looked at the wind drunkenly, and wobbled as if he could fall at any time.

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