Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1655: : Too unforgiving

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Hua Zhi wiped the corners of her eyes, "I'm going to see the child."

Yes, she doesn't like Hua Qing, and she has no sympathy for her experience. After all, she has done so many bad things, even if you change it, how?

However, the child is innocent and he is also a mother. How can it not be uncomfortable?

Hua Zhi turned and left the ward, and Wang Junxian went downstairs to buy food and drink for everyone.

Hua Lin and Hua Feng left Hua Qing, who was taking care of a little more, in the next room when Hua Zhi entered.

The child lay quietly without sleeping, and looked at the ceiling with his eyes.

I listened to the nurse before and said that the child was very sensible and did not cry without making injections. I kept asking my mother what happened?

The more children you encounter, the sooner you mature, which is really sad.

"You didn't sleep for a while?"

Hua Zhi walked over with a smile, sitting by the bed.

When the child saw Hua Zhi, his eyes were full of excitement, "Little Auntie."

"you know me?"

"Well, you and the little aunt are the best at home."

"Who said that?"

"My mother said, my mother's mobile phone has a picture of you, in fact, I think the little four aunt is also very beautiful... but without you and the little aunt... I actually want to see you, but my mother said..."

Speaking of which, the child was a little disappointed.

"What did your mother say?"

"Mom said that she did a lot of wrong things before and broke your heart, so you won't like me very much, just don't let me go."

"Your mother is wrong. She is the one who did the wrong thing, not you. What does it have to do with you?"

Listening to Hua Zhi's words, the child's eyes brightened again, "The three aunts, do you like me?"

"Well, I like it." Hua Zhi reached out and touched the child's forehead. After all, he was a blood-related nephew.

Things between adults should not involve children. This is the most basic three views of being a person. Although Hua Zhi is strong, it is kind.

"Can I go to your house to play in the future?"


"Mom said that you are a big star and have played many movies. If I talk back to my classmates, they will be envious of death. Haha, if you envy you will not bully me."

"Are you often bullied?" Hua Zhi frowned slightly.

"No, they don't beat me, they just don't like playing with me."

"Why?" Hua Zhi thought that children nowadays are snobbish and love the rich.

Where did the children say, "Because I don't have a father, they all have a father."

This sentence is like a needle, suddenly stuck in Hua Zhi's heart, a child without a father... is indeed lacking in love.

"In this life, if anyone bullies you in the future, you tell Sanyi, Sanyi will help you clean them up."

"That's not okay. The third aunt is an adult. We are children. The child's affairs will be solved by the child..."

Hua Zhi was a little relieved in her eyes, and felt that the child had a good character, at least, much better than his mother. Hua Qing was very unlovable in his childhood. This is true.

"Three little aunts, you said, little aunt, don't you like me?"

"Is it A Sheng?"

"Well, my mother said that the little aunt is the most beautiful in the family. I also think that she looks like a fairy, but she seems not to laugh."

"Little Auntie is a good person, but it looks cold outside, but he is really kind."

"But she didn't save me and my mother. She saved the aunt I didn't know. I thought, maybe the little aunt didn't like us at all. We wouldn't be sad if we died. Her friend is more important than us. ."

Hua Zhi stunned slightly, not knowing that these words were said by the child himself, or someone had deliberately taught them. In short... this kind of feeling is very strange.

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