Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1656: : So it turns out

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Hua Zhi stayed in the child's ward for a while, appeased the child for a while, and when he came out, he just met Liu Yuzhou.

"How did you come?"

This was also the man who called the second brother-in-law, but it was only after Hua Qing's divorce that everyone rarely met.

But in fact, Hua Zhi has a good impression of this person. Except for a little bit of nothing, there are no other shortcomings.

He has a suit and a lot of clothes in his hand, and he has a lot of things in his hand, a fruit basket, and a toy car.

"I'll take a look at Huaqing and the children. Let's look at the children first. I'm afraid I will see Huaqing in a while. She drove me away and I shouldn't see the children."

Hua Zhi was a bit complicated in her heart. She didn't know what kind of person it was. She knew that the child was not her own. Is it necessary to care so much?

But when I turned my head, maybe it was because Liu Yuzhou had a love for Huaqing, loved the house and Wuwu, even if he knew that the child had nothing to do with himself, but...

"Well, then you go in, but the child just fell asleep, you better not stay too long."

"I know."

Liu Yuzhou has been very afraid of the Chinese family in recent years. No matter who he sees, he feels that he is inferior, so he always speaks with promise.

Hua Zhi really did not like this performance and felt very unhappy.

Hua Zhi came out of the ward and was tired.

Wang Junxian stepped forward and hugged Hua Zhi, "You are also tired, you can't be too laborious at this time, leave it to me here."

"Well, let's go back first."

"Just now Liu Yuzhou is here." Wang Junxian said voluntarily.

"See, I let him in."

"He seems to have some affection for your second sister."

"Where is this a bit, this is too much, maybe he is a nostalgic person, after all, couples for so many years, no matter who is right or wrong, it is a couple from an early age, the feelings are different after all, it is a pity, Obviously it should be a complete family."

Hua Zhi sighed slightly when she got on the black Rolls-Royce.

"Don't think too much, squint for a while, and I will call you when I get home."

Wang Junxian feels that the Hua family has too many things to worry about. If you go on like this, Hua Zhi may be unable to eat it. After all, she is a pregnant woman.

Ten miles of spring breeze

When Jiang Liu came back, he saw Hua Sheng lying on the bed, his back turned to him, and he looked in a bad mood.

"What's wrong? Who messed up my little girl?"

"You are back?" Hua Sheng turned over and looked at the river.

"Unhappy? Ginkgo said you didn't eat any food."

"Well, no appetite."

"What do you want to eat, I'll make it for you?" Jiang Liu pulled off his tie, came over, and kissed her forehead with her head down.

"How about the hospital?"

"You said, Huaqing thing?"


"I asked Wang Junxian, he said that there was no big deal, but... should you also go and see? Even if you are unhappy, you have to go around, or will other people think you are too ruthless?"

Jiang Liu knew that his wife didn't want to go, but at this time, everyone had gone, and if you didn't go, it seemed a bit wrong.

No matter standing on moral theory or any angle, it is easy to drop the handle.

Suddenly something flashed in Hua Sheng's mind, "Her husband, do you say it again?"

"Ah?" The river stream was very foolish.

"I said what you just said, say it again."

Jiang Liu was stunned and repeated what he had just said.

Hua Sheng pondered for a few seconds before slowly saying, "I know what she wants to do, it really is a scheming."

"What the **** is going on, and how is it inferior?" Jiang Liu has been busy recently and did not inquire about Huasheng's recent affairs.

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