Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1672: : How is he

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Hua Sheng sighed slightly, "I'll turn to the wind to discuss it, if necessary...maybe sacrifice her to protect the others in the Xie family."

"Don't worry too much, this may be life."

Jiang Liu comforted Hua Sheng. Why didn't she know this truth, just...I always felt that the turmoil in Jiangcheng had just begun.

In fact, Jiangcheng has not been quite peaceful recently

They can still know the news, but Jiangcheng is so large and has so many areas after all.

Bai Hao's jurisdiction is only one of the districts, and in other districts, some people will not report even if something happens to protect the black yarn hat.

Just hide it with your hands, or simply not file a case.

Just like the Western New District, because of the late development, many of them are demolished households, and there is also a distance from the city center, so few people pay attention.

There have been missing people for three consecutive days here. The first day was a woman in her forties and the second day was a 17-year-old high school student.

What is missing today is a six-year-old girl. The only similarities are women, and the home is nearby.

After the nearby residents reported the incident, the local troops concerned only dealt with the missing population.

Even if you report a disappearance, you have to wait 48 hours after the person disappears. This rule is indeed very inhuman.

Therefore, some residents nearby spontaneously organized some people and looked for them nearby. Unfortunately, they found nothing.

Qin Wan Yuyu happened to be that he just drove to the county town today to see a piece of land. When he came back, he drove away exactly in the Western New District.

When he passed a relatively old bridge, he did not know whether it was dazzled or what.

I always felt that some people were shaking on the branches near the bridge.

At this big night, wouldn't the tramp go to the tree?

Qin Wanyu turned up the sound in the car a little and drove past the throttle with the courage.

Then just listen, with a clatter, it seems to hit something.

That impact was particularly great, and Qin Wanyu suddenly had a blank mind.

Because when he turned on the low beam light to shine on, he found that there was a person lying on the ground.

I can't see the men and women clearly, only know that it is because he hit the man.

This is a remote new area and has not been monitored.

To put it bluntly, if you drove directly away, maybe... no one saw this scene, so he was not responsible.

But where is Qin Wanyu the kind of person? He usually likes to talk about trouble and owes his mouth.

It’s also his responsibility to follow the trend and be sloppy, noisy, but the heart is good, no matter how much money is lost.

Moreover, if the person didn't die, he should be rushed to the hospital and he might be able to rescue him.

Thinking of this, Qin Wanyu quickly got out of the car and helped the person lying in front of the car.

However, the moment he lifted up, he was suddenly scared again pale.

He has seen this man...

It was actually the foreigner I saw in the bar that day, the foreigner who was the sister.

Later, the sister died, and Qin Wanyu said at the time that this person did it.

How could it be him?

Qin Wanyu eased away and stretched out his hand carefully to touch the man's nose. There was still a faint breath.

He breathed a sigh of relief, anyway, to save people first.

Qin Wanyu dragged the man into the car strenuously, put it in the back seat, and then drove towards the central hospital.

five minutes later……

The man who was lying flat in the back seat suddenly opened his eyes.

His beautiful face was more three-dimensional and charming under the night, with a weird smile on the corner of his mouth.

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