Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1673: :what happened to you

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Feng Xi was watching TV at home at that time, and felt the bell hanging at home suddenly ringing.

Then pinch your fingers and suddenly change your face...

Qin Wanyu might not have imagined that he was hitting a person, and that thing had already got up from the back seat at this moment.

Looking directly at his snow-white neck...

He was anxious in his heart, only worried that if he accidentally bumped into this person, there was no way to save it. He drove intently and even approached the edge of speeding.

The man behind him, his normal eyes suddenly turned into a **** color, and he quickly bite towards Qin Wanyu's neck.

Between the sparkle and the flint, I don’t know where the little paper man flew.

One side grabbed the man's ear and yanked it back.

Almost a bit, his teeth touched Qin Wanyu's neck, so little, he was upset by the little paper man.

There were a dozen or so little papermen, and Feng Xi made a bond at home.

In other words, Qin Wanyu couldn't hear the fighting, and didn't know what happened later.

The man noticed something was wrong and opened the car window and disappeared into the night...

It would be good for him not to get entangled with the dozen or so little paper figures, because the first skill that Feng Xi learned from grandpa since childhood was how to arrange the shadow soldiers.

At that time, when she saw the grandfather cutting paper, she only found it fun, and she also cut the paper. Later, she learned that these little yellow paper villains are extremely powerful.

The great thing is because the breeze can be possessed, so that the little paper man who had no life has become like a magic soldier.

Today, Feng Xi has already experienced big scenes. There are two demon pills on her body, and some pure spiritual power that Hua Sheng gives from time to time.

In addition, the ancestor Feng Qingcheng's guidance is one or two, so he is already a master-level character.

These dozen little paper men successfully rescued Qin Wanyu and escorted them home.

Qin Wanyu was also terrified because when he arrived at the hospital, the people behind were gone and the car window was still open.

At that time I was almost scared to pee, thinking it was a supernatural event.

So I drove home quickly, which is Fengxi's home.

When he opened the door, Feng Xi was already standing at the door.

Feng Xi rarely wears a woman, because after taking up a big job, most of them like to wear convenient cloth and linen tube skirts.

Today, after careful preparation, it is a goose yellow dress.

The neckline is quite deep and sexy. What's important is that she actually has light makeup and pearl earrings.

"Ah... Excuse me, is Miss Feng Xi at home?" Qin Wanyu ridiculed humorously.

The wind did not speak, just looked at Qin Wanyu motionlessly.

"Oh, no more, are you going to drink when you dress like this? You must take me with you, otherwise you will be easily harassed if you wear it like this, and I will protect you."

Qin Wanyu's hippie smiled, but the wind was silent.

She had been watching Qin Wanyu for so long, and it would scare Qin Wanyu.

"Come on, let me tell you, did you hear any rumors, I didn’t go anywhere, I just came back on a business trip... If there’s really anything, it’s a strange encounter on the way. Things, yes, I told you, it’s terrifying...I hit a man halfway...and then..."

Qin Wanyu's words were not finished yet, and Feng Xi had blocked his mouth with actual actions.


Happiness came too suddenly, he was shocked himself.

This wind is not so active anymore, it is impossible today... Is it to lure him?

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