Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1674: : Full of loopholes

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Not only did Feng Xi give Qin Wanyu a hot kiss, he also hugged his neck for a long time and refused to let go.

She knew that if it wasn't for her little paper man to go in time, Qin Wanyu would be a dead body.

It's just that she didn't understand that the things that Qin Wanyu used to ward off evil spirits and exorcism were not easy to use?

Could it be said... Those vampires are not afraid of domestic things? Are there cultural differences?

"Come on, wait for me, I'll take a shower."

Qin Wanyu thought he had something to do, and hurried to take a bath.

But when he came out, Feng Xi was ready to go out.

Qin Wanyu wore a white bathrobe and looked at her while wiping her hair, "Are you going out?"


"Then we just..."

"Don't go out at home, have you heard?"

"Xi Xi, you're too much, I'm so happy..." Qin Wanyu looked at it and thought about it, and it didn't mean that the other people's style was overwhelming.

"Some things, I said back to you, all you have to do now is not to go out at home."

"Okay, when will you come back?"

"Soon, I will talk to A Sheng."

Feng Xi brought a treasure bag, and hurried out the door. Before leaving, he assuredly asked some of the family's fresh breezes to let them protect Qin Wanyu. The main thing is that ordinary people in Feng Xi's family did not come with demons. Provocative, after all, there is also the card of Feng Family Grandpa.

Late at night, Xie's old house

After Xie Dongyang was busy, he finally returned to his old house, at which time everyone fell asleep.

When he passed the study, he found that Xie Dongyao was not asleep, and seemed to be talking to someone.

"Yaoyao?" He pushed the door in.

Xie Dongyao's face was a bit unnatural. Originally, his face was facing the wall. He suddenly turned around and smiled, "Second brother, how come you came back so late?"

"Who are you talking to?"

", no one."

"I just seemed to hear you talking to someone just after going upstairs?" Xie Dongyang did hear the chattering voice.

It's just that the other voice is very weak, so I didn't hear clearly.

"Ah, you're wrong. I recently learned Spanish. I just practiced speaking against the wall, haha."

"Ah, why are you still awake?"

"I can not sleep."

"That's right, talk to me."

Xie Dongyang walked in with a scent of alcohol, sitting on the leather sofa in the study.

He tilted Erlang's legs and leaned on the sofa.

Xie Dongyao was not far away, Xie Dongyao bit his lip and asked tentatively, "Second brother, have you seen Sister Huasheng recently?"

"Yes, birthday gifts are all chosen by A Sheng."

"Oh, what did she tell you?"

"What do you mean?" Xie Dongyang leaned his head and looked at his sister.

"It's nothing. I mean... Sister A Sheng is a terrific person after all. Have you told me anything or something to pay attention to?"

"No, A Sheng is also very busy recently, we don't talk much."

"That's it..." Xie Dongyao's eyes rolled quickly after listening to it, and he didn't know what to think about.

Xie Dongyang was a little sad. He loved his sister very much, although she was a bit self-willed, and sometimes even princess sick.

But they grew up together since childhood, and really don't want to see the tragedy happen to Yaoyao.

"Yaoyao, when I was a kid, I took you to the riverside to take a bath. Do you remember?"

"Remember, why don't you remember?" Xie Dongyao smiled.

"Then do you remember, after we were discovered, what did we do in the first place?" Xie Dongyang deliberately drunk, as if he was casually recalling the past.

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