Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1776: : Can't bear to find her

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Hua Qing is greedy for life and death, but it is normal.

After all, there are children, and now it is already in line with Liu Yuzhou.

It is always a fluke to say that I am out of my mind. Isn't it a better thing if I want to live?

Seeing that Liu Yuzhou came to get off work every day to take care of the children, and gave back homework, that kind of warm scene, Hua Qing did not want to die.

After Huaqing left, Qiao Xue was much lazy and talked to Xie Dongyao, especially hearing that she had other thoughts about Qin Wanyu.

After all, I like the same man, that kind of feeling can't tell.

Only Xie Dongyao is left, and she does it too, after all, there is the master behind him.

So, let the people arranged before, took Xie Ning's picture to Xie Dongyang.

There is also a sentence-if your niece and your sister are in our hands, if you don’t want them to die, let Huasheng come, remember, let Huasheng come.

As for the location, nothing was said. After all, Huasheng's ability does not require a location at all, and it can be used for divination.

Xie Dongyao originally wanted to take this opportunity to draw a line with the Xie family, after all, she is not that Xie Dongyao now.

However, looking at Hua Qing's attitude just now, she changed her mind again.

Qiao Xueren's family was originally a soul, so I can't talk about life and death.

But although she was demonized, she was still a human being, even thinking about living with Qin Wanyu in the future.

As a result, Xie Dongyao's head turned and kidnapped himself. In this case, she and Xie Ning were both victims.

In case the plan fails, there is no excuse to excuse yourself.

So, then sent a small video to Xie Dongyang, Xie Dongyao was tied his hands and blindfolded.

"Second brother, go and call Sister Huasheng and Sister Fengxi to rescue me, hurry..."

In fact, this plan is nothing more than to attract the wind and Huasheng to come out.

The grove was surrounded by ambushes, and a designated route was set up specifically for Huasheng and Fengxi.

Vampires will specifically deal with the wind, after all, the wind charm is useless.

On Huasheng's side, there are Zhuoya's ghostly ghosts, as well as the poisonous measles waiting.

When Xie Dongyang received the news, the whole person was bad.

The business is talking about halfway, and he is very excited to explain to him, "Mr. Xie, I believe this cooperation is the most successful in history, and it will arouse the attention of the whole country. Our profit quota will also be More than the Jiangwang family, with the help of our Xinghui Group, you overlord can surely secure the position of the richest person in Jiangcheng."

Xie Dongyang just smiled when he heard that, he never cares about the richest man in Jiangcheng, okay?

All he cares about now is...

Before waiting, I received a small video and a text message from an empty number.

Suddenly Xie Dongyang's complexion changed, and he got up and left.

"Eh, Mr. Xie... We haven't finished speaking yet, and the agreement hasn't been signed yet?"

The other party was shocked and wanted to stop Xie Dongyang.

"Let's talk next time, I'm in a hurry to deal with."

Xie Dongyang dropped his cowardly partner and left.

The other party did not inform the address, and the phone number from the text message could not be reached.

In a hurry, in the end, Xie Dongyang only went to find Feng Xi, yes, he went to find Feng Xi, but did not disturb Hua Sheng.

Feng Xi practiced at home on this day, and Qin Wanyu made a sumptuous dinner. The two were about to start, and Xie Dongyang came.

Qin Wanyu looked at Xie Dongyang with a depressed face, "Wouldn't you come to my house to eat rice too?"

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