Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1777: : Insulate yourself

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"No, I'm in a hurry to find the wind."

Xie Dongyang's face is ugly. It should be said that it is as ugly as it is.

"Can I wait for her to finish her meal? She hasn't eaten well in a week."

Qin Wanyu is a distressed daughter-in-law, so today I specially made eight dishes with red wine in the middle. What a great atmosphere.

This was destroyed by the **** Xie Dongyang.

It stands to reason that Xie Dongyang's eyebrows are already burning, but the wind doesn't owe her. There is really no reason to ask others to do things for you.

Xie Dongyang struggled for a while and nodded. "Okay, I'll wait for the wind to finish my meal."

Having said that, Feng Xi didn't think so. Of course, she knew that Xie Dongyang came suddenly, and it must be urgent.

After all, this man is not familiar with himself, and his relationship with Qin, Wanyu, and Jiangliu and Wang Junxian are not as good as they are.

So Feng Xi did not go to the table after washing his hands, but just waved his hand, "You come in, you must come to me for something urgent, I will not eat first, you will talk about something first, if it is not really urgent, I will eat."

Feng Xi can say so, to be honest, Xie Dongyang is a little grateful. After all, people also consider it for him, everything has priority.

After Xie Dongyang came in with a black face, he did not sit, glanced at the wind, his voice was not loud, "My niece, my sister... have been kidnapped."

"What?" Qin Wanyu was startled.

Such an urgent matter, this guy should have said just now, not only did he not say, but he still intends to wait for the wind to finish his meal, how big is his heart?

There was no accident in the wind, but just calmly asked, "When did it happen?"

"Half an hour ago, I rushed to find you as soon as it happened, because the other party didn't say the address, I certainly can't find it myself, I think you will know how to do secrets, help me divination, location, people, myself Go save."

"Any other important information?"

When Feng Xi asked, Xie Dongyang hesitated.

"You'd better not hide from me, after all, life is at stake at this time."

After Feng Xi said this, Xie Dongyang could only tell the truth.

"Those people said that if I want to save my sister and niece, I can only let you go with A Sheng."

"Me and A Sheng?" Feng Xi asked once in confirmation.

Xie Dongyang nodded.

"Then why don't you go to find A Sheng, you know her better than others." Feng Xi actually asked these words in vain, after all, he already knew the answer.

But in order to identify Xie Dongyang's character, Feng Xi still tentatively asked.

Xie Dongyang was also frank. "If it used to be, I might go to A Sheng. Now, A Sheng is pregnant and a mother. I can't let her be in danger. Of course I have no reason to let the wind blow you. You are in danger by yourself, so you just need to help me divination. My sister and my niece’s hiding place, I will arrange it myself."

"Do you think you can do it yourself?" Feng Xi smiled.

"I can bring more people, and I haven't brought up strong men in these years."

There are bodyguards around Xie Dongyang, even the top veterans who are retired from foreign countries, but...

"It doesn't make sense how many you bring, because those opponents are not humans at all, and how many people you bring is a result, and you die."

"Do you know something?"

Xie Dongyang listened to the wind and said his face was more solemn.

"There are vampires in Jiangcheng, do you know?"

Xie Dongyang stunned and shook his head. He really didn't know, and he didn't hear any wind.

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