Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1778: : Great deadland

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

"It’s not surprising that you don’t know, after all, this is secret news. Hua Lin’s husband, Bai Hao, has handled several cases, but in the end nothing happened, and those people can only be killed. But gratifyingly, A Sheng Still shot, she guards Jiangcheng’s heart, you know."

Xie Dongyang nodded.

"A Sheng shot and drove those vampires out of the Jiangcheng District, but they still couldn't stop those guys from doing evil. The most important thing is the number of people.

"You mean, my sister and niece might have been captured by the vampires?"

"It's possible, it's not easy to say, I will start a gossip, you wait for me."

"it is good."

Feng Xi went into the room and took the copper coins out. Qin Wanyu didn't say a word beside him, and he really couldn't get in his mouth.

Xie Dongyang said this, Feng Xi still had a fart meal, and he was definitely going to save people.

Qin Wanyu was so depressed that he could only eat by himself. He sighed and sat on the dinner table. "White is busy, he is still stirred."

Xie Dongyang felt a little guilty, "Sorry, Anhui, I will give you a big meal back."

"I don't blame you, after all, something happened to your loved one, it's the same for everyone else."

Qin Wanyu did not mean to blame Xie Dongyang. He was also a victim. He blamed him for his use. If he wanted to blame, blame those who took Xie Ning and Xie Dongyao.

The wind quickly started to gossip, and after watching it for a long time, there was no sound.

"Wind, you just tell the truth, I can bear..."

Seeing the degree of ugliness in Feng Xi's face, Xie Dongyang was also very cold.

Indeed, I have made the worst psychological assumption for myself. The worst result is nothing more than that, my sister and niece have already been ripped off?

"Relax, they are still alive."

Seeing Xie Dongyang's collapsed mentality at once, Feng Xi immediately calmed down.

Sure enough, after hearing this sentence, Xie Dongyang was relieved.

In any case, as long as the two loved ones are still alive, it is the best news.

"Where are they?"

"A dense forest in an uninhabited area on the southern outskirts of the city. This is already an undeveloped area, and people are rare..."

"How far is it from here?"

"It will take forty minutes at the fastest, and the road is not very good."

"Is there any other information then?" Xie Dongyang knew that Feng Xi could see a lot of unusual things coming out of the hexagram.

The wind hesitated for a while before slowly saying, "First of all, the location of this jungle is extremely bad. It is a terrible place. The yin is very heavy. From the point of view of the hexagram, the other party has a large number of people and is set up. ambush."


It seems that the layout is meticulous. Fortunately, I came to find the wind. If I ventured to search, I was afraid that it would be futile.

Feng Xi sneered, "Interestingly, the other party is quite brave and openly challenged me and A Sheng."

"Who is the other party, can you tell?"

"This is not enough. I don't have such a great ability. I have to open my eyes. Ascension can. Should we go find her?"

"Stop it, I don't want to implicate A Sheng."

Xie Dongyang knew that if Huasheng came, the odds would be great, but...

In case Hua Sheng is in danger and the child has a failure, then he can't make up for 10,000 deaths.

After all, how important this child is for the Huasheng couple, he knows that everyone in Jiangcheng also knows.

"Feng Xi, or you can give me the detailed address, let me go."

After thinking about it, Xie Dongyang still wanted to save himself. After all, the wind is also innocent, and there is no obligation to save his family.

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