Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1817: : Once loved

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

"Then you die, I will tell the child that his father is dead."

After that, Yu Ping hung up the phone as expected.

"Xiaoping, Xiaoping?"

Jing Sa watched Yu Ping hang over there, and found that Yu Ping had been turned off. No matter what number was changed, he could not get in.

He was a little annoyed, thinking about his company's debt, what should I do with the money owed to other customers?

A good home is indeed ruined.

But to be fair, Jing Sa is still a little capable, and running a small company is no problem.

It was only later that I became more aware, because through Yu Ping's relationship, I knew Jiang Liu and Wang Junxian.

At that time, he was also excited to exchange business cards or something, and later took the initiative to contact several times.

Of course, looking at Huasheng's face, Wang Junxian and Jiang Liu did take care of them before he let his company skyrocket.

However, he didn't think it was because of his wife's luck, but he felt that his ability was great before he would succeed.

So, the back is more and more floating, especially those who are not serious women flatter all day long, flattering.

He didn't even know the southeast and northwest, and he was really brain-struck for a while and embarked on a road of no return...

Today, it's okay, people and money are empty, the money is gone, the children are gone, and the wife is no longer at home.

Jing Sa was alone in his empty house and silently smoked all night...

Yu Ping also didn't sleep well all night, thinking of all the past, but only felt that she was not stupid, Hua Sheng also euphemistically reminded before.

But she didn't think much about it at that time, or it might be that after the woman became pregnant, she would become dull, even comfortable.

Only then can I finally be so passive...

Yu Ping forced her to sleep for several hours, and when it was dawn, she went downstairs to buy breakfast.

Because the aunt will come at seven o'clock, but it will light up at six o'clock, and she also feels hungry.

Yu Ping wore a floral dress and took a black bag and went downstairs.

It was still a little cold in the morning, and she took a yellow sweater coat in her hand and put it on when she went out.

However, just after going downstairs, I saw a familiar figure standing outside the door of the unit...

There seems to be something in his hand...

Yu Ping gradually approached, a little surprised and some unbelievable, "How are you?"

The man was also surprised when he saw Yu Ping, "Why did you come downstairs?"

"You...this is..."

Yu Ping sees that he is carrying a osmanthus cake well-known from a certain brand. Recently, Yu Ping was fascinated by this thing, but because it was not easy to buy.

So every morning when the aunt nanny comes, I will bring some. The aunt nanny said that his relatives are working inside, so there are channels.

Yu Ping has been eating for more than a week in a row, but... How can this Yuan Shao carry the osmanthus cake?

Moreover, when did Yuan Shao return to China?

I remember the last time I met, it was at the dinner party of the National University, when Yuan Shao told her what happened in their family.

He also wanted to save Yu Ping. Later, I heard that he had not been married in these years and was single.

If it was not that time and Jing Sa was about to get married, Yu Ping would be tempted.

After all, Yuan Shao was Yu Ping’s first love and was a person who liked it very much. To what extent did he like that Yu Ping wanted to die for him.

Therefore, it is impossible for such profound feelings to really pass because of the loss of time.

"Xiaoping, I'm sorry, I just... I just heard that you are going to eat this, so I bought some aunts waiting for your family here every day and let her hand it over to you. I didn't expect you to go downstairs so early today. When you come down, you will be given directly." Yuan Shao handed the osmanthus cake with a smile.

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