Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1818: : Pretend to be strong

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Yu Ping did not pick up the pastry, but his eyes were sour.

"How long have you been here?"

"Not long."

"Tell me, how long it is." She rarely has such a strong and determined side.

"It's only half an hour."

"If you come here for half an hour, it will be at 5:30, and you will have to open for half an hour on the road, and you will have to wait in line for a while. That is to say, you may get up at four o'clock and go to the queue to buy pastries. My house is downstairs, but my aunt came only at seven."

Yuan Shao did not speak, and indeed did not know what to say.

"Why are you so stupid?" Yu Ping's voice choked a little.

"You are about to give birth, and of course I want to eat some sweet-scented osmanthus cake.

"How did you know?"

"When I drove by, I saw your auntie nanny waiting in line to buy it, but I didn't buy it, and I asked the person next to it whether to sell it or not?"

"How do you know my aunt nanny."

Yuan Shao is a long silence again...

"Is this the nanny you introduced to A Sheng?" Yu Ping suddenly realized.

"Xiaoping, this aunt... used to be my aunt who took care of my food and daily life, and the people are very good... Later I heard that you are separated from your husband and I want to find a nanny to take care of it, so I took the initiative to contact Huasheng , Recommended to her."

"A Sheng never mentioned it to me."

"I asked her not to mention it. I don't want to disturb your mind at this time. You should have a good pregnancy during pregnancy. It's going to hurt you a lot if you experience so many unpleasant things."

"Yuan Shao, why are you so stupid?"

"Who said, I am not stupid, can I be stupid to be admitted to a good university abroad?"

"When did you return home?"

"Actually, I haven’t left. I told you before that I left, so that you can live in peace. My mother is gone, my father is not in good health, and the old man doesn’t want to leave the country, so I went back to China and ordered some of them to stay. Business is also safe and stable."

"You... alright, let's stop standing here, go upstairs with me."

"This..." Yuan Shao hesitated.

"Why? Are you embarrassed?" Yu Ping chuckled and wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes.

"No, I'm afraid I won't affect you badly."

"What's wrong, I still care about those today?"

Yu Ping took the pastry in Yuan Shao's hand with a smile and took him upstairs.

The pattern here is the same as in the past, but the house is larger than that.

At that time, Yu Ping loan bought a small apartment, and now lives in a two-bedroom, bright and spacious, or high-end community.

For money, she is no shortage.

Of course, these are all given by Huasheng.

Yu Ping also has the ability, because he knows antiques well and knows good things well, so doing this business is really even more powerful.

Yuan Shao hasn't changed much after seeing him for so long.

Yu Ping is different from before.

After pregnancy, she will become fat, edema, and there will be some pregnancy spots on the face. Without applying cosmetics or something, Yu Ping looks not good.

Seriously, no matter what woman, she would not want to see her ex in this situation.

But Yu Ping is right in one sentence. Today, she has nothing to fear.

"I'll cook some porridge. Let's have a quick bite of breakfast."

"Don't move, I will come."

"You are a guest, how can you come?" Yu Ping smiled.

"You are a pregnant woman, how important the guests are, and not as important as the pregnant women. You can sit down. I still know how to cook porridge."

Yuan Shao didn't mean to speak, Yuan Shao took the initiative to enter the kitchen.

He was still so gentle, just like he was back then.

Yu Ping wanted to cry, but she didn't know who to talk to.

So he picked up the phone and sent a WeChat to Huasheng-Ashen, I saw Yuan Shao, and I wanted to cry.

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