Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1861: : In the end miscalculation

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

"Can't hold back, Mrs. Jiang, please don't abuse yourself."

Jiangliu, such a tough-blooded man, is rarely spoiled. Rarely spoiled once, Hua Sheng was amused.

Such a warm atmosphere is inversely proportional to a certain place in the demon world...

A dark place in the polar world

A woman in a purple-black robe with long purple hair fell to the ground, and all of her body glowed with strange purple light.

"Xie Dongyao actually died..." Her voice sounded a little like a baby, very strange.

"Yes, master, Xie Dongyao is dead, the soul has been included in the demon world, our people do not have any chance to start."

"Did Hua Sheng kill it?"

"No, it was killed by her brother himself."

"Xie Dongyang?"


"Thousands of calculations really reveal this mortal Muggle."

"Master Hugh wants to be angry, we still have a chance. Huasheng is pregnant now, extremely weak, and has been unable to release strong spiritual power. I will send the disciple Zhuoya and others to fight again, and let the master achieve what he wants."

"Forget it, those of you? One is more stupid than others... Zhuo Ya has faced Huasheng several times, which one is not fleeing from the desert? In fact... Xie Dongyao is a good chess piece. The power is infinite. ……such a pity……."

The purple-haired woman sighed slightly, her big plan almost succeeded, and it was so little.

As long as Hua Sheng couldn't bear it, he planned to save Xie Dongyao and **** her magic out with powerful spiritual power.

Because Xie Dongyao was moved by her in the demonized soul, all of which was dark energy.

And it is the refined dark energy. Once Huasheng absorbs the dark energy into the body, then... it becomes.

What she wants to do is... trigger the second person in Huasheng's body...just a pity...

Such a perfect plan was actually destroyed by a mortal of Xie Dongyang, which made the woman with purple hair very annoyed.

She was actually right. If Xie Dongyang did not kill her sister, then... Hua Sheng is likely to save Xie Dongyao.

From Huasheng's point of view, it is not difficult to strip the magic from the soul, although it is very difficult.

As long as she can release pure spiritual power, there is still a silver lining.

It is a pity that Xie Dongyang rushed to kill his sister before Huasheng shot, which made Huasheng no chance to shoot.

For this matter, he did the most correct thing. If it were not for him, maybe Hua Sheng had already caught the devil's tricks at this time...

Because from the beginning, Demon Realm’s control of Xie Dongyao didn’t let her do the bad things of running errands, but let her use the threat of life and death to force Hua Sheng to use the spiritual force reluctantly, and then take the opportunity to enter when she was the weakest in pregnancy. ...

"Master, you are doing all these hard work, just because you hate Huasheng? If you hate, why don’t you do it directly? With your strength, if you do it now, Huasheng who can’t perfectly release the nine-day torch after pregnancy may not be Your opponent."

"I'm not going to kill her, I can't kill her... if you kill her, your Highness will be sad to die... If your Highness wakes up and finds that her loved one is dead, she will massacre countless, then... don't say you and me, Even the Six Realms of the Three Realms may be charcoal..."

"Your Highness, but cut..."

"Shut up, you don't need to know so much. Since the task failed, go back and reflect on it. Get out."

The purple-haired woman waved her long sleeves and disappeared at the entrance of the demon world.

Jiangcheng, a luxury apartment downstairs

Xie Dongyang leaned against the sports car and waited quietly...

At this time, the woman wearing a light red dress opened the door, and it was the once star with unlimited scenery-Ai Chen.

"Ai Chen..."

"Why are you here?" Ai Chen was stunned and wanted to go downstairs for a breakfast. Where would he think of meeting Xie Dongyang downstairs early this morning?

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