Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1862: : Years of precipitation

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

"Early, big star."

"Early." Although Ai Chen felt very surprised, but this morning, Xie Dongyang could be seen downstairs, really sincerely happy.

"Take a meal for you, do you have a face?"

"Xie Shenhao invites you to eat, you must appreciate your face."

In this way, the duo sat in the breakfast room of a five-star hotel in Jiangcheng early in the morning.

"Mr. Xie, breakfast is already served. Please feel free to ask what else you need." The restaurant manager was extremely respectful.

"Well, you all go down."

"I didn't expect you to invest in Alice Man. I haven't heard Hua Zhi say it." Ai Chen sighed slightly when he looked at this extremely decorated hotel like a French palace.

In recent years, Jiangcheng has developed extremely fast, not only the Jiang family and the Wang family.

Even Xie Dongyang is also involved in real estate and tourism. Jiangcheng has soared from the 1.5th-tier city in the north to a well-known economic city in the country, attracting more and more attention from all over the world.

"That's because Hua Zhi didn't know."

"Aren't you a partner? You don't have a high-speed shareholder when you open a hotel yourself, isn't that good?" Ai Chen's words are just a joke.

Xie Dongyang also laughed, "Huazhi invested in my subsidiary Dongyang Pharmaceutical, which was invested by our headquarters."

"Sure enough, they are rich and wealthy. Anything I invest in is money. I have some spare money in these years. Otherwise, I will invest. Thank you boss for a bite to eat?"

"Even if you invest, you might as well consider considering being a boss lady. The half of Xie's family is yours, which is more cost-effective."

Xie Dongyang said so, Ai Chen directly blushed.

Where is there any big star's momentum and peace of mind in a joke?

"Mr. Xie, don't ridicule me as a veteran old star, okay, I'm also miserable..."

"Where do you dare to tease, come today... I just want to tell you that I have dealt with some things. Over there at home...Although I am still a little surprised by my awakening, I believe they will accept it in a short time. At my age , I haven’t talked about a relationship before, and it’s also sad... Ai Chen, if you don’t dislike me... Formerly... Those who did nothing... Don’t dislike my obsession with A Sheng for many years... I think... …Can the two of us be together? It’s not a try, it’s just that I think about it, and I’m together. In the future... no matter what, I’m together.

Xie Dongyang made it clear that Ai Chen felt insecure.

They are together, not to try the ambiguous words.

Moreover, after so many years, whether it was Xie Dongyang who did not have a good reputation in the past, who did not do well? Or was Xie Dongyang who was obsessed with Huasheng later? It's all gone. The Xie family is no longer the old Xie family.

Xie Dongyang is naturally not the former Xie Dongyang...

The father died, the eldest brother died, and the younger sister died...

He has a living heart... still beating, for the rest of his loved ones, and for himself.

Yes, he has to live a good life for himself once, and he also needs a person to be in the same boat with him, and be with him day and night.

Just like Jiang Liu and Hua Sheng, no matter what happens, they have to break through each other, and he also wants that kind of feeling...and warmth.

"Xie Dongyang, are you sure you are kidding?"

"I swear." He looked at the woman on the other side seriously. Although Ai Chen was no longer a glorious person a few years ago, but after years of precipitation, she had more stability and maturity, which Xie Dongyang needed.

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