Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1863: : Suddenly married

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

The marriage of Xie Dongyang made headlines directly, and all major news apps were paralyzed.

Because it was too sudden, there was no warning, and no one even photographed a little wind and grass, and suddenly announced marriage.

And the bride is not a famous celebrity, not a loli model, but turned out to be Ai Chen who has retired from the entertainment industry.

Ai Chen's career has declined in recent years. With the failure of her first marriage, she has no new work.

It was just because she had always had a good relationship with Hua Zhi, so she happened to be with Hua Zhi by accident, so there were few reports from major media.

But I did not expect to hold such a big move.

Even Xie's family was shocked. Feng Yu and her mother-in-law had a little psychological preparation, but they still couldn't understand Xie Dongyang's impulse.

Mrs. Xie cried several times, and she always felt that her son was looking for a second marriage.

Huasheng's WeChat group also exploded directly.

The news exploded at eight o'clock in the morning. At this time, Huasheng had not yet woken up. She had slept a little recently, and sometimes she would wake up at ten o'clock.

Feng Xi: Xie Dongyang made headlines, my mother.

Hua Zhi: I didn't even know about this matter. Both of them were hiding from me. I still feel very dreamy.

Hua Lin: I read the news. It’s incredible. Is there any connection between the 3rd sister, Ai Chen and Xie Dongyang recently?

Hua Zhi: As far as I know, they haven't contacted each other for a long time. The last time I met, it was supposed to come to the hospital to visit me and my baby. Could it be that time...they suddenly looked at each other's eyes. Mother... I can't stand it anymore, I still feel like a joke.

Hua Zhi is like this, others must be more surprised.

There is only one photo in all major media, that is, Xie Dongyang holding Ai Chen's hand into the Civil Affairs Bureau.

Soon afterwards, the staff revealed that the two had indeed obtained the card, and the news came out.

Hua Sheng was awakened by the information in the group, and looked at it, but he was very calm. "He must have been well thought out. Ai Chen is indeed a good girl. It is more suitable for him. When he was not together, he is now together. Leading edge, good thing."

Hua Lin: Wumei, you don't need to feel guilty anymore, otherwise you always feel that you owe Xie Dongyang what it is.

Hua Zhi: This is not true. Xie Dongyang has always volunteered. It has nothing to do with Wumei. Wumei is relatively kind. He always feels that the man has done a lot for himself, so when dealing with Xie’s affairs, he will A little temperament. "

Hua Sheng: I have always regarded him as a good friend. He has helped me a lot, but I also paid a lot, so there is no one who owes anyone between us. I just felt that Xie's family had a lot of things this year, and Xie Dongyang was also miserable. Now that he has a good heart, this is a good thing.

Hua Sheng never forced Xie Dongyang to find his wife, keeping him away from himself.

She always feels that being a human being must respect everyone's innermost wishes. Now this is very good. Xie Dongyang figured it out and is better than anything.

During the talk, the wind was excited again: lying on the floor, you look at Weibo, the two officials announced it, which is confirmed.

Everyone took a mobile phone to brush Weibo, and sure enough...

Xie Dongyang's first-big star, please advise me for the rest of my life.

Behind Aite is Aichen's Weibo account. There are more than 100,000 comments in a flash, which scares people and is stuck.

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