Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1876: : My girl

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Hua Feng's verbal stimulation is indeed very powerful, very clever. The word licking a dog makes Hua Qing uncomfortable again.

But, after all, she didn't want to toss.

"I can't agree on this matter. What you want to do is your thing, but you are right, I won't betray you, just when you haven't been."

"If Wumei can't wake up this time, maybe it's Heavenly Help me... why don't you be afraid of her." After that, Hua Feng got up with a smile and left with a Hermes bag.

Hua Qing was in deep contemplation again...

"Qingqing, what did she tell you?"

After Hua Feng left, Liu Yuzhou opened the door and sat down next to Hua Qing, uneasy.

"It's nothing."

"Qingqing, we finally have the present. I don't want to..."

"Liu Yuzhou, I have my heart in mind. Don’t worry about my business. Don’t think that my child and I accept you. You can really make the final decision in our house."

Liu Yuzhou busy explained, "No, I'm just worried that bad things will involve you. Actually... After I got married to you and contacted your family, I knew some of their personalities. Although I don't like talking, But good people and bad people can still be clearly distinguished. Your elder sister, who has a wrong mind, always thought you were a bad heart before, but then think about it, you are just a little more skillful, and it is reality in plain words. But your elder sister is always full of benevolence and morality. , Pretending to be the elder sister of the family, taking care of the younger sisters, the fact? It hasn’t been dominating the company, and pushing you on something, this kind of person is actually the most terrible? So, Qingqing, you Don’t believe her, she is not trustworthy."

Not to mention, Liu Yuzhou's remarks were quite impressive for Hua Qing.

She looked sideways at the man. "The evaluation is still in place. By saying, what about the third and fourth?"

Liu Yuzhou continued, "Hua Zhi is overbearing and arrogant, but he does have a halo of superstars. Although he sometimes looks down on people, he doesn't hurt people, and he does things very frankly. Linlin, it's the gentlest one, get along well. , I don’t want to participate in any fights, and have lived my life all the time, which is nothing to say, as for the five sisters..."

"Tell me, I am very interested."

Looking at Liu Yuzhou's evaluation so seriously, Hua Qing still has a little interest, and would like to hear his evaluation of Wumei.

Are men the same?

Liu Dekai was very old and greasy, he was like that, and he still remembered the fairy value of Wumei, would Liu Yuzhou be? Do you think Wumei is the most beautiful fairy in your heart?

Liu Yuzhou glanced at Hua Qing and whispered, "To be honest, I always feel that your Chinese family is not equipped with such a daughter. In other words, I always think that Wumei should not be a child of your Chinese family. So since I was young, I can’t live with you. It’s normal for me to grow up and have a meal."

"You talk nonsense, the five sisters are my dad's daughters. This is a paternity test, and all of them have been DNA-tested."

Hua Qing was so angry that when Wu Nan came, the mingled Hua family turned upside down.

At that time, I did a precise paternity test, and Hua Sheng did come from the Hua family.

However, what mortals see is only one-sided things. What kind of genes, what kind of DNA, can't restrain a powerful soul.

Unexpectedly, the clumsy Liu Yuzhou was able to say such great wisdom, and it was also impressive.

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