Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1877: : Mysterious Origin

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

The body of Huasheng is no longer flesh. The body with the DNA of the Hua family has been hidden by the moon, and it is now the body of Beihanbingyu. In fact, in a certain sense, Huasheng is no longer part of Huasheng. The family provokes, at this point, Hua Zhi knows, Hua Lin also knows.

Hua Feng and Hua Qing didn't know these things, and they didn't care too much. They only valued the interests in their eyes.

"The five sisters are too mysterious, too evil, I can't comment, so I won't say much."

In the end, Liu Yuzhou did not dare to say more, and Hua Qing did not force him to ask.


When the white dye came, it was just across from Ming Yan.

"Old ghost, where are you going, I just want to find you?"

"I know."

"Then you don't have to go out first, we study and study, how to help my relative's girl."

Bairan has always called Asheng the girl of my family's relatives, but it's just a touch of the blood of the Jiutian family.

But what's more, Bairan really cares about this relative, and has always maintained it. Even in front of the Emperor, he also showed a strong momentum and obviously stood in line to protect the end.

Pluto is silent...

"Old ghost, what are you doing with this face, saying something?"

"Say what?"

"Ashen girl..."

"She has no choice now, either... the child is killed, keep the adult, or maybe the adult..."


Although Bairan has prepared for the worst, he is not as pessimistic as Pluto.

Obviously, Pluto has understood everything and made the most accurate analysis.

"Fox, how many years have we been in a relationship, have I said anything unreliable?"

Pluto looked at Bairan's eyes, too much helplessness and vicissitudes.

"Shouldn't be, A Sheng is the only lady of Jiu Tianxuan..."

"Now the problem is not... Hua Sheng itself, it is the child's problem."

"What about the child? Isn't it just a mixed race, at most it's a combination of mortal and fairy."

"Who tells you that the river is mortal?"

" it true that the river is a monster?"

Pluto didn't speak, and he didn't think about the joke with white dye, he couldn't laugh.

Anxious to find His Royal Highness, he also wanted His Highness to help himself go to the Tibetan Heaven Pavilion to see the scrolls to see if there are any records about such fetuses.

This child of Huasheng is too mysterious.

There are no records in the Three Realms and Six Dao. It stands to reason that mortal children are the reincarnated ghosts of the Underworld.

But there is no sign of the underworld, and there is no movement there.

Pluto was afraid of making a mistake, and he deliberately checked the secret volume to see the list of the population of the heavenly realm. No one went down and no one was reincarnated, neither was the demon realm, nor was the Asura realm.

In other words, this child of Ashen...maybe...from...

Pluto didn’t dare to think about it. He had restrained himself from worrying about things on earth, but Hua Sheng still kept touching his heart. Hua Sheng was unconscious. This incident shocked the Three Realms and Six Dao, only because of the mystery in the belly The origin of the child seems to have...beyond everyone's imagination.

"Fox, this matter... is not as simple as you think. I'll go to see His Highness first, and reconfirm the list of the Six Realms of the Three Realms. Others, I will go back and talk."

"Then... that can only be done."

"You might as well go to Feng Qingcheng and ask again."

"I will go now."

Bairan put away the old hippie smile, and after leaving the underworld, went directly to Wuliangshan.

And Feng Qingcheng was sitting under a peach tree and drinking, very relaxed.

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