Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 991: : The third way

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Xiao Hei has clearly analyzed the pros and cons of the matter.

Suddenly, Jiang Liu was in a mess again...

There are only three situations and three results.

First: The proposal given by Bairan to take away the children and protect their husband and wife. This is the smallest loss, but. When Asheng wakes up, he may face the risk of not forgiving the river. After all, Asheng cares more about the child. Jiangli knows best, and he sees it in his eyes.

Second, even if nothing is done, A Sheng will not die, and he has been waiting for the child to be born. The child does not absorb the mother's energy after birth. There will be a turnaround, and Huasheng will be able to wake up when the family reunites. But there is a risk that...the child may not be born. The killing may be called in. The existence of this child has threatened the man in heaven holding the power of life and death... Millions of soldiers and soldiers, thousands of gods who can fight, it’s not built... it’s not a flower shelf... …I really want to get started. Jiangliu and Huasheng's family of three may be crushed directly...Of course, these are all analyzed by Jiangliu now.

Third, the opinion given by Xiaohei, let Jiangliu use the consciousness of the blood of the husband and wife to get through the consciousness in Huasheng’s mind, find the hiding place of the moon, enter the 72 illusion to save people, and then give it to the Man, just...

Xiaohe didn't say, Jiangliu also knew that he wouldn't be able to guard Asheng by the moon.

After pondering for a while, Jiang Liu asked, "What will I do after saving the moon?"

"You will replace him and be confined in the seventy-two illusion... And according to my understanding of the moon-cutting... He will not let others find you... By the time... anyway, you choose the third way to protect the children And A Sheng, but you may...can't go back."

The reason why Xiaohei dare to say this is because he knows that Jiangliu is never afraid of dying.

If he sacrificed himself for the safety of his wife and children, then he would not hesitate.

"I understand, you give me some time, I think about it."

"Okay, I have a way to open the entrance of the Seventy-two Illusion, but you can’t tell Bairan and Mingyan, anyone... Once the wind leaks, the third road will be blocked. There is no way to go."

"okay, I get it."

After finishing talking, Xiaohei disappeared in the villa with a meow, just like the Buddha hadn't been there.

Jiangliu did not mention anything about saving people to anyone, just as usual.

When Ai Chen and Xie Dongyang came, Jasmine went to the river. He came out of the bedroom and looked at them.

"I haven't had time to congratulate you."

He has watched the news. Xie Dongyang and Ai Chen are married. They are a veritable couple.

"It's not time to say this, what about A Sheng?" Xie Dongyang looked worried, but he kept holding Ai Chen's hand and didn't let go.

Everyone saw this little detail.

To be honest, he can care about the feelings of his newly-wed wife in this way.

"She's still unconscious in the bedroom, you go in and see."

Xie Dongyang took Ai Chen and was brought in by the river. He visited A Sheng for a while before coming out.

"What can I do now?"

Jiang Liu shook his head.

"Then you can only wait to die?"

Jiang Liu looked at Xie Dongyang and said deeply, "Asheng is a god, we are human... There is a difference between human and god... Our power is too limited, this is beyond our ability, you know?"

" shouldn't be this way. Since she is a god, how could she be so weak... She's not such a strong person, is it a child's reason? Is this child... really necessary to stay? How do I feel that this is a nemesis for a child whose mother is destined?" Xie Dongyang did not deliberately target their child, but rather a real rational analysis. After the child came, Huasheng's body was not as good as one day... This is true Okay, is it already malicious?

"Dongyang..." Ai Chen on the side quickly pulled him, shook his head, motioned not to let him say such heavy words directly, it seemed a bit pretentious.

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