Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1892: : Impulsive

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Faced with Xie Dongyang's irritability and questioning, Jiang Liu still faced it lightly.

He calmly swept Xie Dongyang's face, "Yes, you are right, but what about that? Do you have a better way?"

"I'm not thinking now, don't everyone save Asheng together?"

In Xie Dongyang's heart, he only felt that there was nothing more important than saving Huasheng, so he always liked to go all out.

As long as you think you are right, it is good for the other party.

But Jiangliu is not. He is a man with a delicate mind. If it is just for A Sheng's sake, it is simple.

After all, as long as the child is removed, but now...

Needless to say the black cat, he also understands that if Ashen wakes up and sees the child is gone, what will happen to him?

Just because you love too much and know each other too much, many things can't be done, but there are scruples.

Rather than Xie Dongyang as a rib, yes, A Sheng always likes the river, and she knows all the rivers that she wants to say and stop.

Ai Chen quickly stopped Xie Dongyang, and the two continued the conversation in this way, promising to turn their faces.

"Brother Jiangliu, I'm sorry, we are too anxious, don't go to your heart. We just hope Huasheng will get better."

"It doesn't matter, I understand. I all understand your kindness and expectations of her."

Jiang Liu has never been such an impulsive person. For so long, Xie Dongyang has not mocked him because he is a rival.

Instead, Xie's family had an accident, and he still remembered Huasheng's feelings, and let Huasheng make several shots to help Xie's family.

Feng Xi is right, the pattern of the river is really not comparable to that of ordinary men.

Even Qin Wanyu was inferior to him. Wang Junxian was a bit like it, but after all, he was not as careful and thoughtful as Jiang Liu.

Sometimes, Jiang Liu feels that his love for Huasheng has exceeded the love of ordinary men and women.

But what is the love that transcends the love of men and women, is it affection, isn't it, can't say what it is, just think that it is a deeper feeling after a lot of hardships and sublimation.

"Dongyang, don't say it. Huasheng has an accident. Brother Jiangliu must be the most sad."

"Sorry, I...really impulsive."

Ai Chen mentioned Xie Dongyang in one sentence. When he recovered, he felt that he had not only been impulsive, but also said that he was very presumptuous.

"It's okay, not the first day I met you, you go downstairs and sit down, just as Hua Zhi is there."

Xie Dongyang nodded and took Ai Chen to the sitting room of Shili Chunfeng.

Hua Zhi and Ai Chen are already old friends, and they are also shareholders of Xie Dongyang Company, so few people are not uncomfortable.

Jiang Liu looked at the people in the living room, only to feel that his nerves were a little numb. As more and more things happened recently, he might be overwhelmed.

A Sheng, his A Sheng...

Nangong Liuyue didn't know when to appear behind Jiang Liu.

"Brother Jiangliu."

Jiang Liu suddenly turned around to see the silver short-haired teenager sitting by the window on the second floor.

"Bairan Emperor asked me to tell you that I hope you can make a decision as soon as possible. If it is too late, I am afraid that some people can't bear it... everyone will be in danger by then."

"Okay, I get it."

Jiang Liu understands that this child is already a target that many people are eyeing. It is definitely not the Devil Realm that Bairan scruples about, it should be the one in the Heaven Realm.

Therefore, it is indeed necessary to make a final decision.

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