Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1893: : Enter while taking advantage

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Jiangcheng, Wuyunxi, a hundred miles away, here is covered with mountains, hidden in darkness.

Because of the terrain, Wu Yunxi is famous for covering mountains with clouds all the year round. In the early years, few people came because there were no roads.

In recent years, it has been developed because some developers have focused on the tourism industry. However, the terrain here is vast, and less than a quarter has been developed in three to five years.

But some mountaineering enthusiasts will come and play with donkey friends who like hiking, and feel very exciting.

Into the night

A young couple of men and women leaned tiredly to rest in front of the campfire.

They walked for two days and two nights to the depths of Wuyunxi to admire the beauty of this great mountain and river.

Next to them are two people's tent... It seems that they plan to camp here overnight.

"Manman, do you want to..."

The young man said ambiguously, and at the same time, he had already put his hands on the girl unreliably.

The little girl seemed a little shy and wanted to refuse to welcome him.


A black shadow flashed around the tent, just behind the young man.

"Someone." The little girl pushed away her boyfriend and pointed to the back of the tent.

The young man quickly got up and glanced at his head. "Who?"

"Who don't pretend to be a ghost, come out and tell you that I brought a guy."

The young man was also brave and shouted in two voices.

But... after waiting for a long time, there was no response.

"Eh? Strange...Where did it go, just now..." The little girl got up and stretched her neck curiously to look away.

I always felt something was wrong, but the young man smiled, "You, just like suspicious people and ghosts, here in the wilderness and wilderness, where will there be people? We have been here for two or three days, a big living person has not seen it, now No one will come this season, rest assured, come, baby, let's go in... and do something fun."

The young man was itchy and impatient, still thinking about that matter.

Pulling the little girl into the tent, and then can't wait to press the little girl under...

The next second, the young man suddenly had a big body, his eyes widened, and he slowly lay on the little girl's body, like a pool of standing water.

The blood slowly spread out, and the whole tent smelled incredibly bloody...


Finally, a heartbreaking female voice pierced the night sky...

However, here is too desolate, no one found, no one saw.

An hour later, two glasses of fresh red blood were sent to Dekas in a black robe.

"Adult, please use, this is fresh."

A man in a black robe, his facial features are shrouded in black gas, and his facial features have been severely distorted.

Speaking of skulls, there is still residual muscle tissue on it.

It is said that it is a dry old man. His eyes are horrified up and down. His eyes are black and black, which is more terrifying than a ghost.

Decas, the elder of the vampire family, Princess Leia's personal follower.

More than three thousand years ago, Princess Leia took the scepter from her father and inherited the position of heir to the vampire family.

Amazingly, in the West, this is not the only family of vampires.

Vampires are also divided into three, six, nine, etc., but Leia's family is considered the leader among the three major families.

Because of the nobleness and purity of the bloodline, she created her powerful power and mysterious illusion.

Leia is one of the three major vampire families-the family of the moon, the best is hypnosis, and the control is amazing.

However, because of the contract between the vampire family and the powerful immortals in the East, according to the regulations, they can't be provoked to cross the border.

But he didn't want to, in this generation, he invaded the East with grandeur and launched a brutal killing.

Dekas covered his two cups with his hands, and for a moment, he forcibly absorbed the bright red blood with his mind, and then he was satisfied in a flash.

"Sir, the thread reported that Jiang Cheng was already crumbling, and the guardian Hua Sheng fell into a coma. Isn't it better than us... to take advantage of it?"

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