Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 2890: : Personality changes

It is also because of this calmness that Jiang Xinrui can better inherit the position of Jiang Liu.

Of course, in the eyes of Bai Ran and others, Jiang Xinrui has completely changed her personality.

It's like Hua Sheng and Jiang Liu wake up in the hospital, but the little girl has been in the spring breeze for ten miles, sitting blankly, not crying or making trouble, just waiting, looking forward to...

No one knows why the little girl is at home, there seems to be something that I have overlooked, but I just don't remember.

When Hua Sheng returned with Jiang Liu, Jiang Xinrui smiled slightly, raised her eyes and looked up, and said softly "Mom and Dad, come back", without relying on Hua Sheng, let alone rushing towards Jiang Liu.

After saying hello, you can do whatever you should do. Everything is really like an episode.

But what happens, time will not change because of anyone, and the sun will rise as usual!

The joy that used to be can never come back. On the day that Chang'an left, they left together. Now the eldest daughter of Jiang Liu, Jiang Xinrui, exists in the world!

Chang'an, Xile is originally a pair of twins. Chang'an is gone, and the name Xile is meaningless, it will only increase the sadness.

So when Chang'an left, he took the name of Xi Le by the way, as the only memorial. Although he did not ask for the consent of Xi, Chang An thought that Xi Le would not care.

Jiang Xinrui's current character is more like a remodeling after forgetting.

It can also be said to be nature?

After all, she did a lot of things seriously, made her decision very calm, and handled it sensibly. She was never headstrong and arrogant at a young age.

There is already a trend of surpassing Jiang Liu. I thought Jiang Liu could go to the board of directors to take notes when he was ten years old. He had an independent morning meeting when he was sixteen. At eighteen he was the legal representative of hr Private Bank...

These people are known to the people of Jiangcheng. Today, Jiang Liu's only daughter, who is only seven years old this year, can already sit on the board of directors and take notes on her own. There are many things that Jiang Liu only needs to say and she understands.

Because of this, many reports have once again said that it is really the back wave of the Yangtze River that pushes the wave forward. Now, his daughter can break the myth of her father, even surpass it.

It's really no one before and no one...

It's a miracle, after all, how many men can a seven-year-old child know? And those English reports that are jerky and difficult to understand? But in Jiang Xinrui's eyes, it is completely handy, as if it is natural.

In the eyes of outsiders, they have always thought that Jiang Liu and Hua Sheng have no children, but in fact, their children are already seven years old. After all, Jiang Liu and Hua Sheng have been married for almost eight years.

As for the people around him, Feng Xi, Hua Zhi and others, they didn't feel much. In their memory, Hua Sheng and Jiang Liu already had Jiang Xinrui, and there was no problem at all.

As for Jiang Xinrui's personality, she is accustomed to it, because in memory, this child rarely laughs, and can hardly laugh when he grows up.

Like a little adult, well-behaved, sensible, smart and beautiful, everything is perfect.

For this reason, although Qin Wanyu has no children yet, he often talks about being in-laws in front of Jiang Liu. He does not dislike Jiang Xinrui's older age, after all, they have no children yet.

Of course, if it’s a girl, Qin Wanyu doesn’t mind continuing to be in-laws...

You don't have to think about it, you must be disgusted by Jiang Liu.

Even in Shili Chunfeng, a sign was put up, prohibiting Qin Wanyu from entering.

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