Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 2891: : Evening dinner

Ten miles of spring breeze.

"Jiang Liu, quickly open the door for me. I brought the hairy crabs. You don’t want them to eat for the children. You have to let me bring the hairy crabs in!"

"You said Jiang Liu is so naive now? Don't you just want to be a relative? As for? Isn't it as sensible as a child?"

"Really, I'm not looking at his face, I won't come to dinner today, thanks to the child not like him..."

Qin Wanyu watched the door of Shili Chunfeng closed tightly, and a sign saying "Qin Wanyu is forbidden to enter" hung beside it.

Then after he finished patting the door and talking, he began to mutter beside Feng Xi, the broken thoughts, Feng Xi has to pinch his ears, it is too boring, but there is no way, after all, it is his own old man, he still has to bear it. .

After Qin Wanyu finished speaking, the door opened. It was Hua Sheng's door. Feng Xi ran in as if seeing a savior. That really didn't matter to Qin Wanyu.

Qin Wanyu carried two boxes of hairy crabs alone and walked into the spring breeze of ten miles.

"Jasmine, Ginkgo, go and help!"

Hua Sheng opened the door, looked at Qin Wanyu's situation, smiled helplessly, and then called Jasmine and Ginkgo.

Qin Wanyu handed the hairy crabs to Ginkgo and hurried to find Jiang Liu. It was originally imposing, but when he walked in and saw Jiang Liu was teaching Jiang Xinrui in a low voice, he instantly wiped out his arrogance. It is okay to disturb Jiang Liu, but not Influence the little girl.

And the little girl is holding a newspaper larger than her face, and analyzing the current economic situation with her father. The newspaper is still in English...

Seeing Qin Wanyu following the trend, the little girl put down the newspaper in her hand and got up to say hello. It was really a polite smile.

Although it is a standard etiquette laugh, he still feels soft-hearted when he looks at Qin Wanyu, but he doesn't know why. He always finds something strange looking at such a little girl!

It seems that in memory, the little girl seems to laugh more than this? Even greedy?

But now, the cakes on the table will never be eaten by her anymore, Qin Wanyu even thinks that he remembered it wrong, but his memory has always been accurate...

Qin Wanyu couldn't explain clearly, but didn't know what was strange.

But then I didn't care anymore. After all, thinking about it carefully, it seemed that the river flow when I was a child was like that?

Relatively speaking, Jiang Xinrui is better, seems to be able to laugh more?

It makes people look comfortable.

As for the messy thoughts, Qin Wanyu put it aside for now.

"Jiang Liu, it's alright, it's almost done. How old is Rui'er? At this age, you should let her go out and play more. When you can't let her remember, what financial news is childhood?"

"Come on, Rui'er, see what Uncle Qin brought you, hairy crabs! Your favorite, your Auntie Ginkgo has already cooked for you, and we can eat it at night."

Qin Wanyu held the little girl, his tone called diligence.

With a soft-spoken appearance, Feng Xi couldn't help but wipe her arms when she saw it. For the first time, she hoped that she would never have a daughter in the future, otherwise Qin Wanyu would look like this, simply...

"It's what she wants to learn, besides, she's easy to get started, she's really talented and doesn't delay going out to play."

At this point, Jiang Liu's brows and eyes were a little proud, but at the moment he lowered his head, there were many complicated emotions in his eyes.

He also didn't expect Jiang Xinrui to be so smart, and her personality was completely unlike a seven-year-old child. Her understanding of many things was really calm and even mature.

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