Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 2892: : Current state

Jiang Liu must admit that he really couldn't reach it at this time!

So for Jiang Xinrui's insights and understanding of business, Jiang Liu really felt that his daughter was extraordinary, and of course he did not really want to cultivate a unique girl.

I also hope that she is like a princess, carefree, after all, he also has this strength.

It's just that this child is really more sensible than he thought, and even stronger. As long as she needs to do, or even what she should do, as she is, she will do it and never cry tired.

Seeing her daughter like this, Jiang Liu was also distressed. After all, it was still very tiring to walk this road. She could have used nothing.

But the child was like fulfilling his mission. Neither Jiang Liu nor Hua Sheng could persuade him, so she left it to her. Anyway, no matter what the future will be, he will help.

"Thank you Uncle Qin, I really like the state I am now. Only in this way can I feel that I have a very fulfilling life every day and I won't think about it."

Jiang Xinrui's mouth remained at the right angle, and then replied to Qin Wanyu.

Qin Wanyu naturally stopped talking when he saw this. He answered like this every time. Qin Wanyu also knew that the child was really willing, but he did not understand that there are seven-year-old children in this world who don’t like Barbie. Wawa, doesn't like four-wheel drive racing, only likes financial reports, what economic trends are there to discuss?

And when Jiang Xinrui talked about random thinking, not only Qin Wanyu, but Jiang Liu and Hua Sheng were all taken aback.

Jiang Liu and Hua Sheng are still relatively obscure, just glanced at Jiang Xinrui, and the expressions in those eyes were also puzzled...

As for Qin Wanyu, he was completely stunned. Does this kid think about it without reading the report?

What is this habit?

Is it hereditary?

Before Qin Wanyu's doubts were over, Feng Xi took Qin Wanyu away, ready to wash his hands and eat.

Feng Xi didn't want Qin Wanyu to continue to ask. He couldn't tell why, so he felt that some things should not be studied deeply.

"Ancestor Qingcheng haven't they arrived yet?"

"We are all going to start eating."

Feng Xi directly changed the subject and looked at Hua Sheng.

Today is regarded as a reunion bar, and it is still organized in vain. After so many experiences, there really is no good meal between them!

As a result, he hadn't come yet, and because it was organized by Bai Ran and others, Hua Sheng didn't call Sister Hua Zhi over, after all, it was from the other party.

So today, a few people gathered in the spring breeze of ten miles, Huasheng, a family of three in Jiangliu, Fengxi, Qin Wanyu and two, plus, Bairan, Feng Qingcheng, Mingyan and Nightmare Burning two old ghosts.

"I had already arrived, but when I arrived, I found that I forgot to take the wine, and asked us to taste his new peach blossom wine, and then directly dragged Hades and Emperor Fengdu together, and accompany him to get it back!"

"Let's sit down and wait, it should be soon too."

Hua Sheng took his daughter and sat next to Jiang Liu, beside Fengxi and Qin Wanyu, the position opposite the round table was reserved for Bai Ran and others.

When Hua Sheng finished speaking, Jiang Xinrui was suddenly a little dazed, and her eyes were on the hairy crab on the table.

The complex-looking Qin Wanyu thought she wanted to eat?

But after all, the distinguished guest hasn't come yet, and Qin Wanyu couldn't let the little girl eat first.

I can only comfort my eyes, let her wait, these are all hers.

Jiang Xinrui?

She didn't seem to understand her Uncle Qin's brain circuit.

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