Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 2894: : Drunk heart

After all, normal people’s lives shouldn’t be messy.

Especially if this is the case, it will be fatal at every turn, it is still the kind of soul flies, and Bai Ran has also heard about Jiang Xinrui's things, and he thinks this is also very good.

Although the little girl is no longer the little girl who used to be, half of her personality is very much like Chang'an, or almost exactly the same as Chang'an.

The elder brother is gone, but the younger sister has shown the different side of the elder brother, it can be regarded as the acquaintance of the two siblings.

Long and phoenix babies are always amazing.

As for the wine game that Bai Ran thought about, it would be serious whether he didn't want to see him or not. If it weren't for Hua Sheng and Jiang's words to thank them, Bai Ran would not follow the set.

He really thought it was the last time.

I just didn't expect that things are impermanent...

Bai Ran said early, his fate with Shili Spring Breeze has been cut continuously.

The wine board was fairly harmonious. Several people chatted one by one and said thank you. They didn't know whether it was Tao Hua Niang's great stamina or the mood.

After all, Bai Ran started to feel uncomfortable after drinking a little bit, especially heart-stuck.

He drank the last drink and left first with Feng Qingcheng. The two of them left. Mingyan and Nightmare didn’t stay for long, and they didn’t talk too much. They just lost their memory again and again, and they didn’t want to. What more.

As long as the person is still there and life continues, that is enough.

After Bai Ran and others left one after another, Jiang Xinrui at the table could no longer help turning around and ran to the bathroom to throw up.

She almost vomited all the food she had eaten in the past two days, which scared Jiang Liu and others, and Qin Wanyu was about to call an ambulance.

Fortunately, Jiang Xinrui stopped her and said that she was just in a hurry. After washing, she went back to the room and rested as usual...

When the little girl was lying on the bed alone, her expression was not as energetic as she was just now, and her eyes were softer and softer, and her expression was not as calm as during the day.

So she still can't eat this thing...

Anything can be changed, but it is really difficult to feel likes and dislikes from the heart. She feels very vomiting when she eats that thing in her mouth, which is a physiological reaction.

But she persisted. When Bai Ran and the others left, she couldn't help it anymore and threw up.

The little girl looked at the stars outside through the window, closed her eyes, and fell asleep slowly. Under the moonlight, the little **** the bed seemed to shed a tear.

I just don't know if it is due to physical reasons or something else?

But Bai Ran didn't return to the Fox Realm at this moment, but instead took Feng Qingcheng to the dilapidated Seventy-Two Fantasy Realm.

The previous seventy-two illusions were mysterious, even undetectable unknowns.

I don't have any ability, I'm afraid that there is life in, but not out.

But now, the place that was once so dangerous is already embarrassed.

Even the surrounding barriers no longer exist, anyone can go in and trample on them.

Bai Ran thought of Chang'an, and she was really uncomfortable. Although she didn't spend much time with the child, she had to admit that such things as eye margins were really amazing.

Bai Ran really likes Chang'an, especially when he knows Chang'an's abilities, he likes it even more. With such a junior, his fox tail can go to heaven.

It's just that there is nothing now.

The Seventy-Two Fantasy Realm changed its appearance because of Chang'an's departure. After all, Chang'an was disrupted and re-arranged at the time. His mana disappeared, and the spiritual power inside was scattered throughout the Three Realms and Six Paths...

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