Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 2895: : Lord of the Devil

Seventy-two illusions.

Strictly speaking, this place is already a dilapidated seventy-two illusion. Above the head, that is, the night sky outside, there are lifeless flowers and plants under the feet, and the once clear river has dried up.

Those fish in the river, the place where the Huasheng family happily caught the fish is no longer there. The birds in the sky and the horse on the ground have long disappeared. All that belonged to the illusion disappeared, and the barriers that did not belong were also broken open. When I ran out.

Bai Ran sat down where Chang'an turned into a ball of power against the sky thunder, and looked at the stars above, with a depressed expression.

For Changan, Bairan is really a pity, not a joke.

Moreover, looking at everyone including Hua Sheng, Jiang Liu didn't remember that they had a son. To live for them and choose self-sacrificing children, not only Bairan, even Ming Yan felt a little uncomfortable.

If Chang'an was really sent to them at the beginning, and they helped to watch, would it not be the result now?

It's just that there is no if, at that time, no one thought that things would turn out to be what it is today, let alone Chang'an, who would do things so extreme.

A slightly dangerous signal to the outside world will soon be fully armed...

But having said that, even if they want to help, there is no way, after all, their strength is limited.

In fact, they should have thought about Chang'an's identity a long time ago. It was not simple from the beginning, and it was not what they knew.

Even Hua Sheng and Jiang Liu are only half right. Chang'an is indeed the child of Hua Sheng and Jiang Liu. This is true, but in the same way, Chang'an is indeed the reincarnation of someone.

But this certain person is not Zhanyue that the Three Realms and Six Dao thoughts, Chang'an is indeed not Zhanyue's reincarnation, but the Lord of the Demon Realm!

Therefore, the reason for the Demon Realm's excitement at the time was not considered as excitement. Even though Chang'an was not Zhanyue, it was not much worse than Zhanyue, and was even stronger.

It's just that he hasn't grown up yet!

Even so, he has his current strength before he grows up, and he cannot be underestimated.

"That child was originally the next master of the Demon World. His existence is just like Zhanyue back then. The only difference is that Zhanyue is the second majesty of the Demon World. He was born in the Demon World. Chang'an is different. The human world was born."

"It's even the children of the two most unusual people in the human world! After all, this is because of the river. I didn't expect that his first existence in the world was a demon!"

"It's no wonder he can touch the magic circle without damage, but we can't believe it."

"And if Changan didn't choose to sacrifice and kill himself for Jiang Liu and Huasheng, I am afraid that now, when he grows up, all of us together will not be his opponent..."

Feng Qingcheng sat opposite Bai Ran, his tone of pity, and a complicated expression. When he said this, he didn't look at Bai Ran, but just looked at the sky. It turned out that when there was no enchantment in the Seventy-Two Fantasy Realm, it was this. What a look!

It turned out to be the same sky, one world, but I didn't expect this magical place to become a small world on its own.

It’s just that Feng Qingcheng doesn’t understand why the aura here is so abundant, it can seem like it’s inexhaustible, but after Chang’an triggered all the sacrifices of the sky thunder, the barrier of the 72 illusion was broken, and the spiritual power inside seemed to be The air in the balloon surged out frantically...

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