Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 2905: : Back to Chaos

At the same time, when Bai Ran succeeded the Emperor of Heaven, Fengdu Hell was also a rare "lively" point.

"Master, have you really decided?"

"But I can't bear you, can I not leave? I'll beat them again and let them release a little more grievance..."

Yu Qilin's tone was no longer choked, but hoarse. The child was crying and didn't know what the night was.

But who will not cry if this matter is placed on him. Emperor Fengdu is just like her father. He is leaving now. Regardless of her, how can she not cry?

And this walk does not mean to go far, but fall!

Return to chaos, and never get up again after falling asleep...

"Don't cry, there is no permanent banquet in the world, don't you always want to experience it? I used to worry about it. Now it is a world ruled in vain, I believe you will be fine."

"Leaving is a kind of relief for me, you grow up by my side, you should understand me!"

Nightmare's time had come to an end, or that he had come to an end a long time ago, it was he who didn't leave, and reluctantly lived by the grievances under hell, otherwise he would have left.

Where can I wait until today?

Now Nightmare Burn's body is actually full of holes. If it doesn't absorb to the extreme whiteness, it will be easy to rot and be found.

The world only knows that their regenerative ability is amazing and their fertility is fast, but they don’t know that they are actually very fragile and their life span is short compared to other people. The only nutrient that can survive is grievance, which makes his body look so different. There is something personal.

You know, their real bodies are just a mass of anger, where they look like, just look at who looks good and what they look like.

So when someone liked him, Nightmare Zhuo never dared to respond. He knew that his face was stolen, and that love did not belong to him.

Is something like him still jealous by the former emperor?

Nightmare Zhuo always ridicules every time he thinks about it. The world is actually really fair. When you envy others, he also envy you.

Therefore, Yan Zhuo really wanted to end his life when he grew up. If he didn't meet Emperor Chen Yuan and let him find some meaning, he could also do something meaningful with his own convenience, but too much happened later. , Nightmare Zhuo really felt boring.

But now that the dust has settled, the life that Emperor Chenyuan wants has already been, and he is happy in the human world. Although he has forgotten that child, he still has what he wants. After all, if he remembers, he can’t live anymore, the same is true for the child. They don't want Jiang Liu to remember.

Meeting Mingyan and Bairan was really an unexpected joy for Nightmare Zhuo, a person like him, never thought that he would make friends, a few friends who didn't dislike him.

When a black robe faded, Yan Zhuo watched that except for the exposed limbs were white, the rest were supported by black grievances, and he himself disliked it.

After the nightmare reaches adulthood, there is no body, which means that nightmare is death when it reaches adulthood!

With such a body, how could he want offspring?

In his opinion, this kind of race should have been extinct long ago, and he will be like a ghost when he grows up. If he wants to maintain only grievances, he is really tired.

The key to Bai Ran was also the only thing that could help Bai Ran after his fall.

After he died, the gate of Fengdu was automatically sealed. Once opened, the contents inside would be unfettered, enough to destroy the world. After all, the things here are not good things.

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