Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 2906: : Nightmare Burning Fall

As for why not find new people to guard this hell, I am afraid that no one except him would want to, and besides, as long as the gate of Fengdu does not open for a day, the enchantment after his fall will always exist.

The things inside can't run.

"But Master, today is the successor of the Heavenly Emperor, don't you go and take a look? Just leave, they should not feel good in their hearts, since they are friends, why should they say hello!"

"The little fox outside hasn't left yet. I'll call him. Let's go over and have a look, okay?"

Yu Qilin now wants to stay for a while longer, just consider her willful, after all, there will be no one who wants to be willful in the future.

When Yu Qilin finished speaking, her eyes were already crying and she couldn't see clearly. She knew that Nightmare should not be worried, but she still couldn't help it.

Only when she thought that Nightmare Zhuo would leave her forever, she felt uncomfortable as if she was about to die.

As for Yu Qilin's name is Nangong Liuyue Little Fox, it is correct, after all, she is more than five thousand years old, how old is that little fox.

"I saw one more sad person. I don’t want to affect the lives of others, let alone face the difference. Let me leave like this and make them think that I’m still alive. For me, my death is indeed another. Kind of alive."

"By the way, Bairan has offspring. When the child is born, you give me the gift I prepared in advance, a cold whip, which can change its appearance at will, cut the mountains, it is extremely powerful, the whole body is blue, whatever Whether it’s a boy or a girl is suitable, that thing recognizes the owner, I haven’t opened it, so I just give it to him, and let the child name it himself!"

"If they have any more children in the future, if you still remember, help me choose a gift. I don't absorb grievances anymore, my memory is getting worse and worse, and I can't remember many things. Please help me to watch it. !"

"Ming Yan doesn't seem to have a partner? Then don't prepare for his children. Wait for him to get married first. In short, you must not forget to give me a gift so that they think I'm still alive, so don't add to their sadness."

"There is also the Emperor Chenyuan, I am not worried anymore, there are Bairan them, they can definitely take care of..."

"Kirin, you will eat less sugar in the future. It is for the children of the human world. You are five thousand years old. Be careful that all your teeth are broken."

"And you are not young anymore. You don't have to keep the same as when I picked you up. I'm no longer in the situation of admitting mistakes. Let's change back to normal. I know you've found out a long time ago. Off, not only has your body changed, but your memory is also confused. You only remember how you looked when you were a kid... You don't have to give in to me."

"In the future, find someone to accompany you, travel the world, do what you like, your wedding dress, jewelry, and even your child's small bracelet... I'm already ready."

"It's where you often hide candy. There are all the dowry I prepared for you, as well as the gifts I prepared for the children. They are all treasures. They are not inferior to the cold whip that gave Bairan. Don't lose it. It will be your support from now on."

"Don't think that without me, there will be no family members. If you have any difficulties in the future, go to Mingyan and Bairan, they will definitely help you..."

"I remember five thousand years ago, when you were picked up, you were still a cub, and in a blink of an eye you have grown so big..."

Nightmare Zhuoxu talked a lot, this may be the most things he said in his life, and he couldn't remember what he wanted to say, because his body had disappeared a little bit!

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