Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3002: A madman

"Unless you have the patience and never show up again, or let go of the child, if something really happens to my girl and can't kill you, I can also make you uneasy!"

Standing in front of Fengxi, Qin Wanyu looked serious, even with a murderous intent. This is a society under the rule of law, and it is impossible to harm people, but there is no rule that vampires cannot be harmed.

Although I can't fight him on the face, in other places, that is Qin Wanyu's strengths, or the strengths of a rich man.

It is still possible to let him live in peace!

And of course Qin Wanyu’s blocking Fengxi didn’t mean anything else. You can’t let Fengxi stand in front while pregnant. For Fengxi, friendship is the most important thing, but for Qin Wanyu, it’s definitely Fengxi is more important.

Now I am even pregnant, how can I protect the wind.

If something irreparable happens today, Qin Wanyu will really be crazy, their long-awaited child, and their future will be gone...

Of course, we can't let Feng Xi make any surprises, but Qin Wanyu couldn't ignore this matter today, let alone say to Feng Xi, "You go back!"

They love Jiang Xinrui as much, and how worried Feng Xi is about Hua Sheng, Qin Wanyu is not clear about it, but no matter how clear it is, Feng Xi will not be in the forefront!

Something really happened, he could block the wind for a while.

Feng Xi now has no mana, and in Qin Wanyu's eyes, he is also a Muggle. He is a man, of course he has to stand in front of his wife.

But anyway, I was really worried about Jiang Xinrui. Feng Xi and his wife regarded that child as their own!

Thinking that the little girl's life is now threatened, my heart is sore!

As for Feng Xi, not only did he get a painful twitch, but also his stomach twitched. Feng Xi subconsciously touched his stomach to comfort her little son. Don't let him do things at this time!

It's always fine! When the chain is dropped at a critical moment, Feng Xi is really going crazy.

As for Qin Xiaobao, who is still in Fengxi's stomach, it may be that he felt that his mother's mood was different, so he was not honest for a while, but he felt his mother's comfort, and Qin Xiaobao was very obedient and did not mess with things...

My stomach no longer hurts. Anyway, in Fengxi's eyes, this is honest. Specifically, she really doesn't have time to care about him!

"Seeing that you are not young anymore, and there are important people in your heart. You should understand how we feel now, not to mention the innocent children. Since it's an adult matter, then we will solve it. It's better than being threatened!"

"Yes, now no matter what your status is, let the child go first."

"Let us take a look at the child, you said the child was with you, we didn't see it either!"

Hua Zhi, Hua Lin, Yu Ping, several people shouted one by one.

This time, it can be said that these little sisters were really tortured. Not to mention others, Hua Zhi's violent temper can suffocate her anger. It can be seen that the kidnapping of Jiang Xinrui simply pinched everyone's weakness!

Even if I can't wait to tear Tuttle! It’s just that everyone understands at this meeting that the child is still in the hands of others. Even if you hate it, you don’t dare to say anything too serious. He is trying to suppress his temper. If he irritates him, who knows if this lunatic will be true. What did you do to Jiang Xinrui!

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