Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3003: Enron breath

No one can take this responsibility, including Hua Sheng and Jiang Liu. Others don't know it, but they understand that if they let them lose a child again, it would be more painful than killing them!

It can be said that the development of the matter to the present is just a few words. Tuttle has already caused Hua Sheng to endure the pain. The torturous pain is like a sharp knife piercing her heart all the time!

But obviously, this is just the beginning...

Tuttle won't end this easily!

The hearts of all of them are hanging, especially when the madman said that he was going to shave and bleed, and hate the aunts so that their eyes were red. In addition to watching the behavior of this madman, it is impossible to kill them. The collection is really here for no reason!

The anxiety in my heart is getting worse...

Among Hua Sheng and others, Jiang Liu is the one who can hold his breath the most. He hasn't spoken, and seems to be feeling it quietly. What he doesn't know is that Jiang Liu has been so angry that his body can't bear it!

That's why I haven't said a word, but no matter what kind, it can explain that these people are now on the verge of explosion, and they may explode at any time!

But in fact, Jiang Liu was feeling Jiang Xinrui's breath. When the father and daughter finally made a decision, Jiang Xinrui put the breath of Jiang Liu in his hands.

The purpose is to find Jiang Xinrui with this breath when he can't find her!

Of course, there is one more thing. As long as this breath is still there, it can also show that Jiang Xinrui is unobstructed. If the body is damaged, the breath in Jiang Liu’s hand will be directly summoned by the body, which is a subconscious behavior and is not affected at all. control.

Jiang Liu felt the fullness of this breath, and he knew that the little girl must be safe and sound!

And Jiang Liu has been holding Hua Sheng's hand, which is the same, making Hua Sheng feel the warm and authentic breath of his own hands.

This belongs to their daughter, they can feel it clearly, and there is no need to say a lot.

At that time Jiang Xinrui was worried that Hua Sheng would not let her do this. In Jiang Xinrui's eyes, this was not a big deal, but in the eyes of Hua Sheng and Jiang Liu, he wouldn't worry about it.

And he won't let the child take the risk, but I didn't expect that the child would go there in the end. Not only did he go, but he had colluded with his father!

She knew that her mother would not agree.

Therefore, when Hua Sheng felt Jiang Xinrui's unharmed breath in Jiang Liu's hands, he was not only angry because of Tuttle's words, but also sad for the deception of the father and daughter.

I thought I was hiding it from her. There was only one thing, but now I know that this kid has colluded with Jiang Liu, and Jiang Liu will definitely guarantee the safety of this kid!

Although Hua Sheng was anxious in his heart, he did not show it. After all, the enemy's people were still standing outside watching, Hua Sheng would never show any trouble.

It's just that when Tuttle got more and more excited, he was excited. Hua Sheng's heart was like a roller coaster, rising and falling.

More and more unable to control himself, he was almost about to make a move. When Jiang Liu held him and the mother and daughter joined their hearts, Hua Sheng felt like he didn't need to say anything more about Jiang Liu.

The complexity in my heart can't be said.

Besides, Hua Sheng thought it was just one thing. Now, it is not just one, but many!

The father and daughter can collude!

Hua Sheng lowered his head slightly, looking at the river with his wet eyes, he couldn't help but glared!

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