Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3005: About to pierce

"After all, you are a selfish and hypocritical person, and thanks to this woman, you have died a long time ago, otherwise you must have another knife! One more person who curses and framed you!"

"What a sad thing, you can take a look at it. This is your good sister. You only want to maintain it when you die? What's the use? After all, she still doesn't think it is important. She doesn't value you at all. She must live and die, what does Huasheng do? Now that she is living well, where can I care about you?"

"For your own happy life, how good a person can be in this position even stepping on the happiness of all of you, only you think she is a good person!"

Tuttle valued the attack of a spiritual force, and subconsciously dodged, surely not caring about the person in his hand, and directly blocked Jasmine in front.

He didn't want to sacrifice his life just for one bite.

After all, he hasn't finished what he wants to do.

After that, his mouth did not stop, he continued to stimulate Hua Sheng, his eyes also filled with anger, he really did not expect that he had reached this point, Hua Sheng actually dare to do it?

Does she care about her children?

Still don't care?

Thinking of this, Tuttle immediately vetoed it. Hua Sheng wouldn't care about his children. After all, there were lessons from the past.

Although his expression was irritated, Tuttle did not immediately lose his position.

When Hua Sheng saw Tuttle holding Jasmine's body in the way, he quickly moved the aura in his hand to the side, and finally landed on the chair that Tuttle had just sat on like an uncle.

The chair exploded.

It was particularly ear-piercing in this dark night.

Tuttle's words have not yet been finished. Although these words seem to be provocative, they are actually more true than real gold in Tuttle's eyes. Hua Sheng in his eyes is selfish. The most hypocritical person!

So when he speaks, even if he is wearing a mask and his voice is extremely ugly, he can still hear sincerity in his tone?

"A Sheng, don't listen to him, he wants to mess with your hearts now, let him go!"

Jiang Liu looked at Hua Sheng and couldn't help but make a move, knowing what she felt in her heart. Since the vampire incident, Hua Sheng's heart has been guarding the suffering. Jasmine is missing, and now it looks like this, and the ginkgo is probably too bad. , Now my daughter is...

Although there was news from her daughter that she was safe and sound, no matter what, even Feng Xi and others were worried. As a mother, Hua Sheng could not be at ease.

He would see Tuttle sucking human blood under his eyelids again, Hua Sheng couldn't help it.

Not to mention Huasheng, Fengxi can't bear it anymore, including Jiangliu!

It's just that Jiang Liu can be more rational, he is waiting for Jiang Xinrui's news, waiting for her to resolve the news.

If you act rashly here, it is likely that Tuttle will notice something.

This is also why Jiang Liu has been listening silently, because he is buying time for Jiang Xinrui, even if she knows her daughter's ability, after all, it is her first independent fight, Jiang Liu can't rest assured.

Therefore, when Hua Sheng shot, Jiang Liu could only remind Hua Sheng tactfully, and at the same time remind others.

Now is not the time to tear your face with each other!

It can be said that Jiang Liu is really tolerable, if the moment in his hand is not reminding him, it may be Jiang Liu that will make a move.

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