Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3006: Scream for her

Regardless of the current combat power of Huasheng or Jiang Liu, even with a light wave, Tuttle is not an opponent, and now the entire Ten Mile Spring Breeze is not one or two people, a group of people!

Even if it is a wheel fight, Tuttle is not an opponent.

The only thing Tuttle can show is a hypnotic ability, these people will not be hypnotized by him.

"You're so shameless, don't provoke discord here, do you think we can believe you by saying something here?"

"If I were you, I would let the child go right away. A Sheng just waved his hand, you can't stop it, you can't catch a move, what are you doing?"

"Leave the child free, we can also reduce some of your crimes!"

"But why did you kill Jasmine? She is still so young. I don't believe Jasmine is the one who betrayed A Sheng..."

Feng Xi said that in the end, it may be coupled with the relationship during pregnancy. Emotions are particularly easily driven. Moreover, Jiang Xinrui’s affairs are ahead and more sensitive. The lacrimal glands are particularly shallow. Whenever something happens, he can’t help being grumpy and red eyes. Feng Xi has really endured it for a while since the accident.

This would be really unbearable, and her tone was a little choked. She didn't know when Jasmine was killed, but it was her own eyes that Jasmine was still tortured after death.

Thinking about Jiang Xinrui's life or death, maybe she was tortured somewhere, and Feng Xi was in pain.

It's hateful to hate this vampire who appeared inexplicably, and hate myself even more, why is it useless!

Otherwise, at this time, she must still be able to do something, and with A Sheng, we can do something inside and out...In short, all kinds of tactics can be tried, no matter what, Feng Xi did not expect to be like this, completely controlled by the vampire. , I can only watch this jumping clown in front of me so active!

When Feng Xi really thought he wanted to continue to be aggrieved, he saw Tuttle retreat after being beaten. In her opinion, since the opponent is not equal in strength, it is easy. too much.

Although the other party said that he is not afraid of death, Feng Xi believes that no matter whether it is a person or something, there is no fear of death!

He must be afraid!

As long as he is afraid of death, he has a weakness, and everything will be resolved.

But Feng Xi is now a pregnant woman. She may have been pregnant for three years. Tuttle has already appeared. How could he still be afraid of death when things have reached this point?

It's just that Fengxi hadn't thought of it at all, and then looked at the Jasmine who was thrown on the lawn by Tuttle and had almost turned into a corpse. Not only Fengxi, but several others were also uncomfortable.

Hua Zhi's faces were even scared by Jasmine's current appearance. Forgive them for being just ordinary people. They saw that two-thirds of their body's blood had been lost, and their muscles began to shrink because they lost control. In the range that the naked eye can see, besides, this person is the person next to them. The few people really can't help their legs and feel heartache...

They didn't know about Ginkgo and Jasmine. They only thought that Jasmine was framed by this vampire. That's why they are like this. They can't bear it, feel uncomfortable for Jasmine.

But they didn't know that Jasmine's heart had changed a long time ago, and even Jiang Xinrui's affairs could not be separated from Jasmine, and even had a great effort.

Feng Xi felt the most pity in her heart. Jasmine and the amateur apprentice she took, they didn't know when they saw each other, they were about to get married...

A good relationship, a pair of lovers...

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